MITI 4.0Training: Atlanta, GA

MITI 4.0Training: Atlanta, GA

MITI 4.0Training: Atlanta, GA

Num / Volley / Code
1. / We recommend that our patients try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
2. / We recommend that you exercise for 30 minutes every day.
3. / You need to check with the front desk. They can tell you how to go about signing up the smoking cessation classes.
4. / You’ve done a great job reducing your drinking, now if only we can get you to cut back on the marijuana.
5. / There are a lot of different options for patients who want to attend treatment with us. I think an intensive treatment is best for you but it’s up to you.
6. / Is it ok if I share my thoughts about treatment? (patient says yes) I think reducing your drinking is going to be pretty tough with any type of medication. Naltrexone might be able to really help you.
7. / I think reducing your drinking is going to be pretty tough with any type of medication. Naltrexone might be able to really help you. Your life is on the line here. You need to make a change.
8. / It is really hard to find time to exercise. I think you could do it if you really tried.
9. / It is really hard to find time to exercise. I think you could do it if you really tried. You haven’t really put any effort in yet. You’ve said you have been pretty ambivalent about it all.
10. / Right now you’re drinking about 6-8 drinks per day. People who drink at those levels often face a number of consequences such as health problems, social problems or even legal difficulties.
11. / You’re drinking about 6-8 drinks per day. People who drink at those levels often face a number of consequences such as health problems, social problems or even legal difficulties. Cutting back to about 2 drinks per day would keep you in-line with the recommended drinking levels.
12. / I’m not sure if NA is the best fit. You might do better with AA.
13. / I hear you saying that you’re really not worried about your pot use. It's legal. You have a medical marijuana card. It’s not a big deal to you. I think you’ve convinced yourself that because you’re using it legally, that it can’t be a problem.
14. / Have you considered going to AA? That might be an option.
15. / You’ve done a great job but you really need to think about how you can find time to exercise more. Without at least 30 minutes a day, you’re not going to see the results in your weight.

Ernst, Manuel, Moyers

October 2014