Minutes of the South Luffenham Parish Council Meeting

held on

17thJanuary 2018 at the Village Hall South Luffenham

1/18 Open Forum– Cllrs. Gale Waller and Ken Bool spoke about the Local

GovernmentBoundary Commission for England: RCC Electoral Review.

After the Commission gathered background information, and RCC had put

forward its case for the total number of councillors to be increased. The

Boundary Commission made a recommendation of a Council size of 26 wards.

The Commission then held public consultations on the proposed new ward

boundaries 25 July 2017 – 2 October 2017. RCC, Councillors and local

groups/people were invited to submit proposalson new ward boundaries

supported by evidence of need.

RCC’s response which was approved by Full Council was to increase the

Council size to 28 members in order to achieve greater consistency and

minimise radical changes to current warding patterns. Create a new ward for

Barleythorpe (with 2 county councillors) and minor boundary changes to

Oakham Wards to achieve electoral equality and to add Hambleton to

Martinsthorpe Ward. The public consultation finishes on 19 February 2018.

Barrowden Parish Council had proposed a new ward be created with South

Luffenham, Morcott and Tixover, but this has been rejected by the Boundary

Commission. South Luffenham Parish Council were not asked their opinion

on this proposal and it was agreed that South Luffenham should stay in the


Cllr Waller had been asked by residents if anything could be done to prevent

cars parking on the grass verges next to the pedestrian entrance on the

Recreation Ground. Cllr. Waller recommended the Parish Council contact

Mr Dave Brown at RCC to ask for either bollards to be placed there or to have

a survey carried out for other methods of prevention.

Another problem noted by Cllr. Waller was flooding under Moor Lane Bridge,

she contacted Highways who informed her they would send a jetter down to

clear the drains and there has been no more flooding since.

The Clerk was asked to report concerns of flooding on the A6121 and the

Junction of Barrowden Lane.

2/18 Attendance

Parish Councillors: Chairman Victor Bacon; Colin Wright;Susan Sewell;

John Hall;Claudia Cockburn; John Chapman.

County Councillors Gale Waller and Ken Bool attended the meeting.

3/18 Apologies – There were no apologies.

4/18 Minutes of Last Meeting

The Minutes of the last meeting held on15thNovember 2017 had been circulated

and with the agreement of all present were signed as a true record.

5/18 Matters Arising:-

a) Community Response Plan – Cllr Chapman reported he was awaiting

a response from Andrew Murr about observations identified at the table top

exercise held in August.

PC members noted the above.

b) Village e-mail distribution list – Cllr. Chapman was still in talks with the

Barrowden co-ordinators who agreed to South Luffenham joining their

scheme, and it was hoped it could be set up with-in the next four months

after Barrowden had completed changes within their scheme.

PC members noted the above.

c) Vacancy on Parish Council

The Clerk reported no one had shown an interest in the vacancy. Cllr.

Chapman proposed the Council could hold an “Open Meeting” (maybe a

Saturday afternoon) for the village residents to attend to discuss what

they would want for the future of the village, also to see what the

Parish Council and County Council duties are in the community. From this

it is hoped more residents would be interested in becoming a Councillor and

a village plan could be drawn up.

Cllr. Waller said she would give a presentation on the progress of the

St. Georges Barracks Project and the Rutland South Police team could be

invited. Cllrs were asked to send their ideas for the content of the meeting

to Cllr. Chapman who agreed to co-ordinate them.

PC members approved the proposal.

d) Village Sign

Cllr Bacon reported illness and the weather had halted progress being made

on the refurbishment of the Village Sign.

Cllr Bacon will report back at the next meeting.

e) Street sign Poppies

Cllr. Bacon reported the campaign by the British Legion had raised £5,000,

which is an incredible amount for the first one in Leicestershire & Rutland.

The campaign will run again next year and it hoped more residents will wish

to sponsor more poppies for their streets. The campaign will be advertised

in the newsletter and on the website as more information is received.

PC members noted the report.

f) Unofficial Bus Stop Stamford Road

Due to confusion over which side of the road the bus taking children to Kings

School Peterborough was stopping on. Cllr. Waller said she would make more

enquiries into resolving the problems of noise and traffic flow issues.

6/18 Standing Items:-

a) Finance

Retrospective Approval of Payments

Date / Cheque
Nos. 100 / Payee / Item / Amount
(£) / Budget Head
02/11/17 / 1033 / RCC / Tree
Inspection / 317.63 / D
08/11/17 / 1034 / M. Waik / P.A Maint.
Strimming / 12.00 / A Play Area
E Mowing
11/11/17 / 1035 / Biffa
Muncipal / Mowing
14/8/-24/10 / 770.40 / E
20/11/17 / 1036 / ACR
Computers / Charger / 35.00 / V
07/12/17 / 1037 / Colemans / Stationery / 34.19 / Q
04/12/17 / 1038 / Digital Isle / Plastic
Ties / 15.00 / V
07/12/17 / 1039 / Knights / 2 x lights
For Phone Box / 23.96 / V
18/12/17 / 1040 / Augean
Ltd / CTP
Land fill tax / 930.00 / V

Monies In

Date / Payment Method / Received From / Amount (£) / Item
13/11/17 / Cheque / J. Barney / 7.50 / Allotment Rent
18/12/17 / Cheque / J.Bellamy / 80.00 / Agr. Rent
06/01/18 / Cheque / Western Power / 27.88 / Wayleave

Bank Reconciliation at 17January 18

Balance at Bank: Community Account 2,182.05

Business Saver 8,611.49

Cash in Hand 28.88

Balance 10,822.42

The Budget Review was circulated as meeting Paper B as an additional

Information Sheet for members along withthe:-

Proposed Budget/Precept and Calculations for 2018/19

The Clerk had circulated to all members the financial calculations for a proposed precept budget and precept by the Finance Committee.After a discussion about the NEC proposed budget and the reasons why there was a small reduction in the amount asked forthe PC members approved the proposed budgets and precept for 20018/19 and await final confirmation from RCC.

The Clerk reported the external auditors appointed for the 2017/18 financial

Year are PKF Littlejohn LLP.

A CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) disbursement of £2,610.00 has been

Received from RCC as a qualifying development had been commenced in the

Parish since March 2016. This money has to be spent on the provision,

Improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure.

Consultation with residents about what they would like to see the money

spent on can be conducted at the proposed Open Meeting.

b) Planning Applications (To view the plans go to or

ask Pat Bellamy at

New Plans

Received From / Address / Item
MrR.Taylor / Cuckoo Lodge Farm / Change of use of land
MrB. Harford / 4 Bellfield / Felling of Sycamore Tree
Mrs E. Walsh / 5a Back Lane / Change of use of annexe
Mr D. Needham / 14 Pinfold Lane / 2+1 Storey Extension
Mr D. Utting-Curtis / 13 Pinfold Close / 2+1 Storey Extension
Mr C. Robson / 9 Stamford Road / 1 Storey Extension

Permissions Granted

Name / Address / Item
Mr S. Howe / 8a Gatehouse Lane / Greenhouse/Potting shed

Permission Refused

Name / Address / Item
Mr B. Harford / 4 Bellfield / Felling of Sycamore Tree
Mrs E. Walsh / 5a Back lane / Change of use of annexe

Permission Pending

Name / Address / Item
Mr R. Taylor / Cuckoo Lodge Farm / Revised entrance plans

(c) Highways:

(i) Cllr. Bacon reported work on the roundabout would begin in February.

Cllr. Chapman asked if a survey on the new design had taken into

consideration Motorcyclists circumnavigation of the roundabout when the

engineers report was submitted. As the report was received back in 2016

Cllr Waller said she would make enquiries for him.

Cllr Chapman also felt the speed in which some motorists were taking the

corner from the A6121 unacceptable, and asked if it could be brought to the

attention of the Highways Department. Cllr. Hall wondered if the corner could

be re-aligned so there was not such a sweeping curve to it, making it more of

a ninety degree angle to turn up, thus slowing traffic down before it turned.

Other problems that have been reported overgrown hedge on footpath A6121,

mud on the road edges – requested the road sweeper to come to the village,

and street name signs needing cleaning and repairing.

(ii) Grass- cutting tenders for 2018/19

Three tenders have been sent out to Biffa Municipal Ltd, Ground Control and

Glendale Ground Maintenance. As yet we have only received one quote back,

as soon as the other two have been received information will be sent to all Cllrs.

for a decision to be made on which quote to accept.

PC members noted the information.

d) Footpaths

Cllr. Cockburn reported the gate on the bridge over the old railway into Pridmore’s

Yard had been repaired, but was unsure whether the stile had been replaced with a

new kissing gate yet.

Cllr. Cockburn said she would make further enquiries

Cllr. Waller said all Land-owners had been sent a letter from RCC asking if all

stiles could be replaced in time with kissing gates. RCC would supply the gates

if Land-owners would erect them.

e) Play-Areas

Cllr. Bacon reported there were just two repairs to complete 1/ Mending or

Replacing two fence posts 2/ Replacing the grass in front of the gate of the

fenced area with astro-turf.

All other safety checks have been completed.

PC members noted the information.

f) Natural Environment Committee :

The minutes of the committee meeting held on November 14th along

with the proposed action plan and budget for the year 2018/19 were

circulated to all Cllrs. as meeting papers D&E.

PC members agreed the plan and budget except for a small

reduction of monies for Pond Close in view of the grant obtained

from Augean South Ltd for reed and silt removal.


Trees – Cllr Hall reported he was still waiting for a quote from George Walker.

Tommy Plummer’s quote was for £1,656.00 and all works would be completed

in this financial year.

Two trees are being given to the village, one to go in Jubilee wood, the other

in Pond Close. The small sapling given to the village by the Tree Charter Trust

is being nurtured by Cllr. Hall. An item will be put in the newsletter reminding

residents they can donate trees for Jubilee wood in commemoration of a life

or a celebration etc.

PC members noted the information.

7/18 Correspondence/Meetings

Passed round in folder

RCC Draft Recommendations on the new electoral arrangements.

Leicestershire & Rutland E Bulletin for January 2018.

Wicksteed 100 Years of Play Lorus News

Clerks & Councils Direct LRALC Newlsetter

Local Government Finance Settlement was presented to the House of

Commons and the government intends to defer the setting of referendum

principles (capping) for town and parish councils for three years.

Meetings – St Georges Baracks Project 29th January afternoon & evening

Parish Forum 29th January 2018 7.00pm Catmose.

8/18 Any Other Business

The Clerk was asked if the grit bin on Barrowden Lane could be moved

further down the lane. A suitable site could not be found at present due

to the steepness of the banks. Cllr. Chapman was unaware the grit bins

were for use by residents of the village, an item will be put in the village

newsletter about using the grit in icy conditions.

9/18 Date of next meeting - Wednesday 14thMarch 2018

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.03pm.