Unit – I
Introduction to Pharmacognosy
1.Define the term pharmacognosy.
2.Define the term Drug.
3.Define the term Organized Drug.
4.Define the term Unorganized Drug .
5.Define the term Official Title.
6.Define the term Technical Use
7.Define the term Crude Drug.
8.Explain History of Pharmacognosy.
Describe How Galen Contributed in development of Pharmacognosy.
Who Wrote “AnalectaPharmacognostica”
What is GlaenicalPharmacy? Give contribution of Galen to Pharmacognosy.
Who is called father of Medicine.
HowPharmacognosy .word was coined? Who wrote the book “Analecta Pharmacognostica”?
Write about Hippocrates and susrut.
Write about Aristotle and Charak.
Give contribution Papyrus Ebers in Development of Pharmacognosy.
Give Role of Discorides is Development of Pharmacognosy.
What is Charkas samhita and susruta samhita?
Write contribution ofin history of Pharmacognosy.
(a)Discoride (b)Galen (c) Hippocrates (d)Charak
Define crude drug. Who has coined the word Pharmacognosy .
How it was coined?
9. Note on Indigenous system of Medicine.
Explain Naturopathy and Yoga.
What is traditional systemof medicine?
10.What are crude drug? Mention the sources of their occourence.
11.Differentiate between organised and unorganised crodedrug.
12.Differentiate between leaf and Leaflets.
Unit – II
Crude Drug Classification
1.Give methods of classification of crude drug.
How crude drugs are classified .Give various methods of classification of crude drug.
2.Describes various methods of Classification with eg.
Explain morphological method of Classification with its advantages and
Explain morphological method of Classification with advantages and disadvantages.
Describe any two method of Classification
Describe detail methods of classification of crude drug.
What is morphological classification of Crude drug.
3.Describes various methods of Classification with eg.
Describe any two method of Classification.
Describe detail methods of classification of crude drug.
4.Describes various methods of Classification with eg.
Describe detail methods of classification of crude drug
5.Describe Pharmacological classification of crude drug with merit and demerit.
Describes various methods of classification with e.g.
Describe detail methods of classification of crude drug.
What is Pharmacological and chemical classification of Crude drug?
6.Describes varies methods of classification with e.g.
Describe Chemicalmethod of classification with advantages and disadvantages .
Describe detail methods of classification of crude drug.
What is Pharmacological and chemical classification of Crude drug?
7.Describes various methods of Classification with eg.
Explain chemo-taxonomical classification which depends on relation between chemical nature and taxomical character.
What do you mean by chemotaxonomy? How it is related with photochemistry?
Unit – III
Adulteration of Crude Drug
- Define Adulteration.
Define drug Adulteration. Give various method of drug adulteration with one example from each.
Define Adulteration. Describe any one method of adulteration of crude drug.
Name different method of Adulteration.
What is adulteration? Give various methods of adulteration with suitable examples.
- Name different method Adulteration.
Define drug Adulteration. Give various method of drug aduleration with one example from each.
What is adulteration ? Give various method of aduleration with suitable examples
- Differentiate adulteration and substitution.
Unit IV
Evaluation of Crude Drug
- What do you mean by Evaluation of crude drug? Explain morphological evaluation
Define Evaluation. Describe microscopical method of evaluation.
Define Evaluation. Describe microscopic method of evauation of Crude drug
- Name different metho9ds of drug evaluation
Explain organoeptic evaluation of crude drug
- What do your mean by Evaluation of crude drug? Explain
Morphological evaluation
Explain organoeptic evaluation of crude drug.
- Explain how stomata how stomata and trichomes helps in evaluation of crude drug
Define evaluation. Describe microscopical method of evaluation.
Explain microscopic methods of drug evaluation.
- Explain how stomata and trichomes helps in evaluation
Of crude drug.
- Describe physical method of evaluation of crude drug considering exhausted drug.
Describe why moisture content is useful is evaluation of drug.
7. Describe Why extractive value are useful in evaluation of crude drug.
8. Note on Volatile Oil content.
9. Note on chemical assay method.
10. Describe Biological method of drug Evaluation.
11. What is significance of pharmacopocial standard.
Unit – V
Chemical Nature of Crude Drug
- What are alkaloid ? Give properties and test.
Define and classify alkaloid ? Give chemical test.
What are glycoside ?
2. What arealkaloid ? Give properties and test.
3. What arealkaloid ? Give properties and test.
Define and classify alkaloid ? Give chemical test.
4. Define and classify alkaloid ? Give chemical test.
What arealkaloid ? Give properties and test.
Define and classify alkaloid with Example.
5. Give therapeutic effect of alkaloid.
6. Describe General method of isolation of alkaloid.
7. What are Terpenoid ? Outline in brief their occurance and distribution in plant.
8. Define and classify Terpenoid with example.
9. What are Terpenoid ? Outline in brief their occurance and distribution in plant.
10. What are glycoside ?
Define Glycoside. How are they classified on the basis of chemical Nature of aglycone?
- Describe general properties of glycoside .
- Define and classify glycoside.
Define Glycoside. How are they classified on the basis of chemical nature of aglycone ?
- Give test for saponin and cardiac glycoside.
- Give test for saponin and cardiac glycoside.
- Give test for anthraquinone glycoside.
- Method of isolation of glycoside
- What are volatile oil? How they are classified.
- What are volatile oil ? How they are classified
- Describe method of isolation of volatile oil.
- Differentiate Fixed oil and volatile oil.
- Differentiate oils and fats.
- What are tannin ? Give general chemical test for tannin What are tannins? How they are classified? Give eg.of each class.
Define Tannin. Give any two general chemical test for identification of tannin.
- What are tannin? How they are classified? Give eg. Of each class.
Describe properties of Tannins.
Give two drugs for resin and Tannins
24.What are tannin? Give general chemical test for tannin Define Tannin. Give any tow general chemical test for identification of
25 Describe General method for isolation of tannin .
26 What are Resin? How are they combination with example.
27 What are Resin? How are they classified.
Explain resin combination with example.
Give two drugs for resin and Fannin.
- Give properties of Resin
- Give method of isolation of resin
- Differentiate Gum and Resin
Unit- VI
Collection & Preparation of Crude Drug
- Give method of collection of Ergot
- Give method of collection of opium.
- describe method of collection and preparation of Rauwolfia
- Describe cultivation and collection of digitalis
Give method of collection & preparation of Digitalis the market.
Describe the method of collection & preparation of digitalis for the market.
- Describe collection and preparation of senna for market.
- Explain drying in preparation of crude drug for market.
- Explain packaging in preparation of crude drug for market.
Unit – VII
- Define Laxative.
Name Two / Four drug use as laxative.
What are Laxatives ? Give any three examples.
- Give classification of laxative with examples.
- Give biological source of two drug use as purgative.
- Name of drug showing laxative property with active constituent.
Name Four drug containing anthraquinone derivative.
5. Give Biological source & use of drug containing Barbaloin.
Give Biological source , chemical constituent, uses and test of Aloe.
Describe External / Physical Characters of aloe.
6. Which part of plant is use in case of Rhubarh.
7. Give Biological source, Chemicalconstituent, uses and chemical test for castor oil.
8. Give Biological source, Chemical constituent, and chemical test forIsapgol.
Draw labelled diagram showing external part of isapgol seed.
9. Give chemical test for senna.
Give synonym for senna.
Give Biological source, chemical constituent, uses and test of Aloe.
Which part of plant use in case of senna.
9.Why cascara bork should be store one year before.
1.Name two Cardiotonic drug.Define with example Cardiotonic .
2.Give Biological source, chemical constituent & use of digitalis.
Give chemical test for Digitalis.
Give synonym, Biological source, chemical constituent drug use asCardiotonic.
Parts of plant use in case of digitalis.
Give Adulterants & substitutes of Digitalis.
3.Which part of plant use in case of Arjuna.
Give Biological source of Arjuna
Give synonym, Biological source, chemical constituent drug use as
4.Give chemical test for Digitalis.
Unit IX
Carminative & G.I. Regulators
- Define Carminative with example.
Name various volatile oil containing drug. Give Biological source &
use of any one.
What are carminative & G. I. Regulators. Name the drugs.
- What are umbelliferous fruit. Give two Example.
Name Two / Four drug showing carminative activity with chemical constituent.
- Give diagnostic character of coriander.
Name the Crude drug which contaion (i) D-Linalool.
- What are umbelliferous fruit. Give two example.
Give Biological source of Cardamom.
Diagnostic character with diagram of Cardamom.
- Name two /Four drug showing carminative activity with chemicalconstituent.
Part of plant of fennel.
Give Biological source of Fennel.
Chemical constituent and uses of Fennel.
Give Diagnostic feature, Chemical constituent & use of any one drug belonging to umbellifereae.
Describe Morphological character of any umbellifereae fruit along with diagram
Diagnostic character with diagram of fennel.
- Give synonym for Ajowan.
- Give chemical constituent and use of Ginger.
Give Biological source. and use of Ginger.
Give Biological source. and use of drug containing Ginger one.
Give part of plant of Ginger. Mention Synonym of Ginger.
- Name the family to which Black pepper belong.
- Chemical Constituent of Asafoetida.
- Chemical test of Asafoetida.
- Chemical constituent of Nutmeg. Biological source & use of Nutmeg.
Part of Plant of Nutmeg.Name the Crude drug which contain i) Myricin
12.Diagnostic character with diagram of Nutmeg.Write note on Mace.
13.Biological Source & use of Nutmeg.
Write note on Mace.
- Chemical test of Cinnamon.
Give Biological source & use of drug containing cinnamic aldehyde.
Name various volatile oil containing drug. Give Biological source & use of any one.
- Give synonym, Diagnostic character, chemical constituent and uses of Clove.
Name the drug which contain Eugenol.Give Chemical test of Clove.
Give official source, chemical constituent, chemical test & uses of cloveWhich partof plant use in case of clave.
Indian dill is not suitable for human use.?
Unit X
- Define Astringent with example.
Name Two drug use as astringent.
2. Give chemical constituent and use of any one drug use as Astringent.
3. Give chemical constituent and use of any one drug use as Astringent.
Give chemical constituent of pale catechu.
4. Explain chemical test for black catechu
Give Biological source Black catechu
5. Give chemical test of pale catechu
6. Differentiate between Black & pale catechu.
Drug Acting on nervous system
- Name Three drugs belonging two family solanaceae with chemical constituent .
- What do you mean by Narcotic drug give e.g.
- Name the drug acting on Nervous system. Give chemical test and use of any one.
- Give examples of drug showing Antispasmodic activity
Give part of plant use is case of Belladonna
- Give synonym, Biological source and use of A Conite.
- Give synonym, Biological source and use of A Conite.
- Give Diagnostic character of A Conite
- Give Chemical constituent of Conite
- Give synonym, Biological source and use of A conite. OR Name the drug acting
on Nervous system. Give chemical test and use of any one.
- Give Biological Source and use of Ashwagandha.
- Diagnostic feature and use of Ashwagandha.
- Give Chemical constituent of Ashwagandha.
- Diagnostic feature and use of Ashwagandha
- Give part of Plant of Ephedra.
- Biological source and use of Ephedra
- Chemical Constituent of of Ephedra
- Biological source and use of Ephedra
- Which part of plant is use in opium.
- Give Biological source of opium.
- Chemical Constituent and Chemical test of Opium
- chemical constituent and Chemical test of opium.
- Which part of plant is use in case of cannabis
- Mention synonym of Nux-Vomica.
- Name the drug which contain Brucine. Biological Source of Nuxvomica.
- Give Part of Plant use in case of Nux-Vimice
- Give Diagnostic Character of Nuxvomica.
- Give chemical constituent & use of Nuxvomica.
- Give chemical constituent & use of Nuxvomica.
- Give chemical test for Nuxvomica
Give identification test, Adulterant and substitute of Nuxvomica seed.
- Give Part of Plant, Adulterant and substitute of Nuxvomica
Give test for indentification test, Adulterant and substitute of Nux-vomica of Nux-vomica seed.
Anti-hypertensive, Antitussive & Antirheumatic
- Mention synonym of Rauwolfia.
Give part of plant ofRauwolfia.
- Note on antihypertensive.
Biological Source, Chemical Constituent and Use of Rauwolfia..
- Note on antihypertensive.
Chemical constituent and uses of Rauwolfia. Biological Source, Chemical Constituent and Use of Rauwolfia..
- Note on antihypertensive.
- Chemical constituent and uses of Rauwolfia . Biological Source, Chemical Constituent and Use of Rauwolfia.
- Note on antihypertensive. Addulterant & substitute of Rauwolfia.
- Note on antihypertensive.
- Name Two drug.having antitussive property Define antitussive with example. Define antitussive with example and use of Tulsi. Give Biological source, chemical constituent & uses of Vasaka.
- Give Biological source, of Vasaka Biological source, diagnostic character of drug containing vasicine
Write synonym of Vasaka. Name the drug which contain colchicines and vasicine Give Biological source, chemical constituent & uses of Vasaka.
- Chemical Constituent & Use of Vasaka
Give Biological source, chemical constituent & uses of Vasaka.
- Diagnostic character of Vasaka OR Biological Source, diagnostic character drug containing vasicine.
- Chemical Constituent & Use of Vasaka Give Biological source, chemical constituent & uses of Vasaka
- Give chemical test of Tolu Balsam
- Give synonym part of plant of Tulsi
- Give synonym part of plant of Tulsi.
- Biological source and use of Tulsi.
- Give chemical constituent of Tulsi.
- Biological source and use of Tulsi. Define antitussive with example and use of Tulsi.
- Name Two drug with antirheumatic property. Define antirheumatic with example
- Give part of plant of Guggul.
- Biogical source, and uses of Guggul
- Chemical constituent and uses of Guggul..
- Define antirheumatic with example Chemical test of Guggul
- Biological source, and uses of Guggul.
- Chemical constituent and uses of Guggul Write therapeutic use of Guggul
- Give synonym of colchicum corm..
- Biological source, of colchicum corm.
Name the drug contain colchicines .
Name the drug which contain colchicines and vasicine.
- Chemical test of colchicum corm..
- Give uses of Colchicum.
Anti-leprotic & Anti-tumour
- Define Antileprotic with eg. Name one drug use as antileprotic.
- Give synonym of chaulmoogric oil.
- Give Biological source, use, Chemical constituent, of drug containing chaulmoogric or Hydnocarpic acid.
Write biological source and use of chaulmoogra oil.
- Give Biological source, use, Chemical constituent, of drug containing chaulmoogric or Hydnocarpic acid.
- Give Biological source, use, Chemical constituent, of drug containing chaulmoogric or Hydnocarpic acid.
Write Biological source and use of chaulmoogra oil.
- Define Antitumour with example.
Name one drug use as Antitumour.
- Give chemical constituent of one drug use as anticancer.
- Give synonym of drug containing vincristine. Name the crude drug which contain vincristine.
- Part of Plant of Drug containing vincristine Give part of plant use in Vinca
- Biological Source, Diagnostic Character, Chemical constituent and uses of Drug containing Vincristine Give Biological source of Vinca
- Biological Source, Diagnostic Character, Chemical Constituent and uses of drug containing vincristine.
- Biological Source, Diagnostic Character, Chemical Constituent and uses of drug containing vincristine
- Biological Source, Diagnostic Character, Chemical Constituent and uses of drug containing vincristine.
Diuretic & Antidiabetic
- Name Two drug with Ant diabetic property Define Antidiobetic with example.
Define with e.g Diuretic and Antidiabetic
- Define Diabetes. Name drug use in treatment of It
- Give synonym for ptreocarpus
- Give Biological source of Pterocarpus.
Write biological source and use of pterocorpus
- Chemical Test of Pterocarpus
- Uses of Pterocarpus Write Biological source and use of Pterocorpus
- Give part of plant of Gymnema
- Chemical constituent of Gymnema
- Biological Source and uses of drug containing Gymnemic acid
- Define Diuretics. Define with e.g. Diuretic and Antidiabetic
- Give part of plant of Gokhru
Mention synonym of Gokhru
- Biological Source and uses of Gokhru
- Diagnostic Character of Gokhru
- Chemical constituent of Gokhru
- Biological Source and uses of Gokhru.
- Give part of plant and uses of Punarnava
- Give synonym of Punarnava.
- Give Biological source of Punarnava
- Give Part of plant and uses of Punarnava.
- Nametwo drug having antidysentric property
Define antidysentric.
Name the drug which contain emetine.
- Give biological source of Ipecac.
- Give Diagnostic character and chemical test of Ipecac.
- Chemical constituent and uses of Ipecac.
- Give Diagnostic character and Chemical test of Ipecac.
Chemical test of Ipecac.
Explain chemical test of Ipecacunha…
- Chemical constituent and uses of Ipeacac.
UNIT – XV Antiseptic, Disinfectant & Antimaterials
- Define antiseptic with one Example.
What are Antiseptic? Give any two examples.
Define Antiseptic & disinfectant Give Biological source &uses of Neem &
- Define Disenfectant with One example.
Define disinfectant with suitable example.
Define Antiseptic & disinfectant Give Biological sources & uses of Neem
- Give chemical test for turmeric and Benzoin.
Name important chemical test for Benzoin