Chairman: Mr Thomas Armstrong Clerk: Rev’d J Morgan

Minutes of the Meeting held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 20thFebruary 2018

Present: Parish Councillors: Thomas Armstrong (Chairman),Marjorie Harrison, David Sharp, John Berryand Paul Tweddle,

County Councillor: Keith Little

Allerdale District Councillor: Carni McCarron-Holmes

Parish Clerk:Judith Morgan

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Raymond Thynne, Elaine Martin and Rob Ives.

Chairman’s Opening Remarks: The Chairman wished to record his thanks to Cllrs M Harrison, E Martin, J Berry and D Sharp for their assistance at the Parish Council’s Christmas event for the village, which had been excellent. Cllr M Harrison wished to record thanks to her group of helpers, too.

97/17 Requests for Dispensations – none.

98/17 Declarations of Interest – none.

99/17 Public Section – No members of the public were present.

100/17 Minutes

On the proposal of Cllr T Armstrong, seconded by Cllr P Tweddle, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12thDecember 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record.

101/17 Matters forArising from the Minutes

i)The gaps at the opening to the Tennis Court site had been concreted over, allowing wheelchair and pram access.

ii)The Chairman had reported parked cars on the footpath at Seaton Road to the police.

iii)The Chairman updated the council on plans to place shillies and planters along Seaton Road and at the village gateway entry signs. Consent to be sought from householders.

iv)It was noted that the footpath at Soddy Gap was now a legal entity and there had been no objections lodged.

v)The new picnic tables and benches had been installed at the Tennis Courts and were already being used by local people. Photographs to be placed in the noticeboard.

102/17 Planning Matters – There were none.

103/17 Community Centre

An email from Milburns’ solicitors was read to the meeting. Mrs Cath Ferguson was seeking access to remove unspecified items from the Community Centre. It is not known which items Mrs Ferguson is looking to remove and it was noted that no direct request had been made to the parish council by her or the Village Activities Committee. It was further noted that the table tennis table, pool table and disco equipment were given to the Community Centre by various individuals and are not the property of the VAC or Mrs Ferguson. Clerk to reply to the email, stating that the Parish Council does not wish to enter into protracted legal proceedings with Mrs Ferguson or the VAC but will be prepared to hand over any items for which audited accounts andproof of purchase can be provided. It was hoped that the matter could be resolved amicably without the need to expend further public money on solicitors’ bills.

The Clerk reported that the Charity Commission’s Annual Return in respect of the Community Centre had been completed online.

104/17 Communications

Councillors considered the ways in which information may be shared with the public, currently via minutes on the noticeboard and information on the website. The idea of a parish council Facebook page was rejected as it would be too time consuming and would require the dedicated input of a volunteer with a specific skills set. It was agreed that twice yearly newsletters delivered to every household in the parish would be a more appropriate way to update local residents, especially as many of the older residents do not have access to the internet. Newsletters to be professionally printed, and hand delivered by members of the parish council.

County Cllr K Little arrived at this point – 7.42pm

Minute 101/17 iii) continued…….

County Cllr K Little agreed to look into the matter of placing shillies along the verge at Seaton Road and planters tucked against the walls.

Cllr Little advised that the matter of the disputed public footpath on Seaton Road was scheduled for a public enquiry in August 2018. In the meantime, the landowners had closed the footpath again. The matter was in the hands of CCC;s legal department.

Allerdale District Councillor C McCarron-Holmes arrived at this point – 7.55pm

Minutes 101/17 vi) continued……

Allerdale Councillor C McCarron-Holmes agreed to request two additional litter bins for the Tennis Court area, now that the picnic tables and benches were in use. The Clerk was instructed to ask ISS to repaint the lines on the tennis court.

Cllr McCarron-Holmes agreed to report to ABC Building Control that water was being pumped from the building site on Seaton Road onto the public highway, during the recent very cold weather.

105/17 Jobs for the Handyman

Clerk to ask the Handyman to paint the skirting boards in the Community Centre, and touch up paintwork where posters had been hung on the walls etc. and to erect two A4 notice boards inside the community centre; to repair and paint the bus shelter next to the Miners’ Arms; to effect repairs to the fence beside the seating area on the welfare field and to plan to inspect the valley guttering between the community centre and the adjoining house twice per annum. Action - JM

106/17 ISS Playing Field Inspection Report

Copies of the most recent report from ISS were circulated and received.

107/17 Correspondence

No new items of correspondence had been received.

108/17 Cheques for Signature

The following accounts were approved for payment:

101517HMRC (PAYE)£ 66.20

101518Rev J Morgan (Salary and quarterly exps)£359.22

101519Absolute Storage (picnic tables and benches)£2961.60

The annual contract renewal invitation was received from ISS, and unanimously accepted.

Cllr J Berry resigned from the Parish Council due to increased work commitments and other responsibilities. He wished the council well in its future endeavours.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 20thMarch 2018 at 7.00pm

The meeting closed at 8.15pm