Minutes of Warborough Parish Council

Held on Wednesday 6th November2013in The Greet Hall at 7.30 pm


PresentCllr Will Partridge (WP) Vice Chair

Cllr Anne Brewer (AB)

Cllr Dominic Carter (DC)

Cllr Nigel Stanley (NS)

Cllr Karin Van Vrede (KVV)

Clerk Jo Burns (Clerk)

10 members of the public

122To accept apologies and reasons for absence.

Michael Herbert (MH) Play rehearsal.Cllr John Bradshaw (JB) work commitment. Apologies accepted.

123Declarations of interest (existence and nature) with regards to items on the agenda.None.

124Public participation with respect to items on the agenda. Item 130 Hammer Lane: E. McGheehin, N. Clark, N. Tiedman, L & P Hancock, T. Barbiari. Item 130 Planning: Becky.

125Representations from the public (limited to 15 mins.)C Sinkinson: Proposed supporting an initiative by the Royal British Legion to sow poppy seeds along some areas of The Green verges to celebrate the Legion centenary. All Cllrs agreed to support this initiative. Action: Cathy Sinkinson to lead and update the PC.

126CountyCouncillor’s Report

The Leader of the County Council, Ian Hudspeth has been holding a series of events across the county talking to local people about the increased budget cuts being imposed upon the council by central government.

In addition to the previous round of cuts, a further £61million has to be found over the next four years.

Whatever is saved from one service, will have to be compensated for by a cut in another, and it is important that the people of Oxfordshire should understand this and be consulted. A number of people wanted to know why OCC doesn’t just raise the Council Tax in order to stop the cuts. The problem being that the Government has imposed a cap of 2% on tax rises, which would not be nearly enough. The penalty for going over 2% is an automatic referendum that would cost £500,000 to organize, and would most likely result in a ‘No’ vote. Income generation, agile working, using reserves, amalgamating into one unitary authority, selling property, reducing road works, more use of volunteers, more private sector involvement, reducing street lighting and giving up the new government proposal for all young children to receive free school meals were all offered by residents as suggestions to offset savings. The County Council has, and is considering some of these ideas and others. LLG would be happy to hear from anyone in her Division if they think OCC may have overlooked something. OCC have to set a budget by February. Whatever the decisions they eventually take, will protect the essential services, look after the most vulnerable elderly and young people in our county and meet statutory obligations.

127District Councillor’s Report–The Strategic Housing Market Assessment will have an impact and will lead to revisions of the Core Strategy under a government directive. The revised figures for housing will be published in January 2014.

128To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council AGM held on 2nd October2013.

Minutes distributed to councillors prior to the meeting. Agreed to be correct.

129Actions arising from October’s Parish Council minutes

a) Clerk placed orders with Dan Myles; and John Flower.

b) NS has not found any signs of knotweed growth; spoke to Brakspears re: the Dray lorry deliveries.

c) AB spoke to Brian Newey and the overgrown church ditch has been cleared.

d) WP requested a written quote from Tony Craddock and work was completed today.

e) DC circulated a village survey concerning playground use and received 62 responses.


Recreation –DC published an on-line survey to field the community opinions concerning the future of Warborough’s playgrounds. There were 62 responses and several emails received on the subject. The survey highlighted that the community would like further investment in the playground on The Green. Hammer Lane is still used by some children, but needs immediate attention whether or not it is discontinued in the future. DC proposes establishing a working playground committee to research, a) Where do people want to see funds allocated, b) Will a playarea be fit for purpose, c) What do we purchase? All Cllrs agreed. DC and AB volunteered to be members, JB was nominated in his absence and Ed McGeehin, Tammy Barbieri and Nicola Tiedeman also volunteered. It was agreed that DC will chair the sub-committee. A set of recommendations will be received from the committee on the 5th February at the PC meeting. The PC gratefully accepted an offer of a piece of play equipment from Nicola Clark. WP thanked DC for his work regarding the Hammer Lane consultation.

Cricket Club pavilion policy – Postpone until next meeting.

Maintenance –The electrical work is due to start in The Greet Hall on December 17th. The hall will be closed for 4 days. WarrenCave is due to start work on the roof this month. The external painting of the pavilion is complete.

Communications – WS Magazine entry – Action: AB to draft. The deadline for the return of the Broadband survey has been extended until 20th November. 52% of households have responded to date along with 50 businesses. The PC may have to consider budgeting a small contribution towards broadband update.

Planning – P13/S3290/LB The Old Vicarage – Cllrs do not support the application due to the inaccuracy of the plans, which further do not address a number of environmental concerns. Action: Clerk to respond.

Environment. The Green - NALC responded with their legal opinion concerning The Green. It reflects the opinion of OALC. The Parish Council are the Trustees and Land Registry shows that the PC has a legal charge on The Green. Further clarification is being sought from Paul Clayden, a legal specialist on Village Greens and the Enclosure Act.NS has spoken to the brewery concerning the delivery drays causing damage to The Green as they turn by the Six Bells. NS proposes protecting the corners of the area of The Green South between the Six Bells, the Chapeland the Diagonal with further wooden bollards. All Cllrs agreed. The Warborough Character Study (1998) prepared by SODC does not object to preventative measures but would like to see uniformity.'The Green is the focal point of the village...To the south of the Green, various methods have been used to prevent cars parking on the grass including cut stone blocks, wooden posts and whitewashed rough stone. This lack of uniformity creates a muddled appearance which might be improved if a single method were used...’.Action: NS to draft a map detailing the exact location of the bollards and display a notice on the village notice board, in the parish magazine and parish website. Action: WP to make a planning application to SODC.

Ditch clearance – BCB quoted £1,195 + VAT for clearing the ditches along Thame Road, Warborough Road and the area by the phone box. All Cllrs agreed to go ahead. Action: Clerk to instruct BCB. The copse trees have arrived. WP proposes planting them at the back of the allotments on Sunday at 2pm, he will advertise for planting help on the community group.

Rod Eyot – The new tenants are no longer parking on the Rod Eyot. The ashlar has been placed back into position.

Trees – Tony Craddock pruned the Willowat the Wharf and made the Oak on The Green safe after branches came down during the storm.

131Responsible Financial Officer’s Report

a) To approve the internal auditory checks, monthly summaries, signed and complete

Reviewed and agreed to be correct at the Finance & General Purposes Committee.All Cllrs approved.

b) Authorise invoices and cheques for signature

132Correspondence Received

Vivian Bright – Damage caused by Willow tree. Write to SODC concerning damage caused. Bill Oscroft – Overgrown footpaths and hedges Shillingford roundabout. Report to LLG.Josh Taylor – Requesting information concerning bollards The Green South. Response due, unable to accept invitation to PC meeting.James Lakin – Reporting damaged Oak tree. Tony Craddock addressing 6th November. Nigel Long – Reporting compost, Green Lane Fields. Mark Watson, Environment & Economy, investigating & responding. OALC – Nominations to Smaller Councils Committee. OALC – Update. Rebekah Kent – Police update. South & Vale – Parish Boundaries.

133Any other business

Pavilion policy to be included on the next agenda.

Brodband to be included on next agenda.

The next Parish meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th 2013 held at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at10.15pm.