Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council on Monday

Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council on Monday

Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council on Monday
19th June 2017 at 7.00 pm in The Memorial Hall, Green Lane, Seagrave. / Action By
Page No. 301
Present: Chairman: Cllr R Brown
Councillors: P Hardy, M Hill and C Walker
In Attendance:
Borough Councillor J Polandand S Norledge - Clerk
Members of the Public:
Public Participation:
No comments were made.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence had been receivedfrom Cllr.Gisborne and County Cllr. Shepherd.
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest on Items on the Agenda
There were no declarations of interest.
To confirm the Minutes of the AGM and May Parish Council meeting held on 15th May:
It was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Hardy that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th May 2017 and the AGM held on 15th May 2017be accepted as a true and accurate records of the meetings. The Chairman signed the minutes.
Police report:
PC Loydell had provided a written report. There had been a theft of cones on Green Lane at an unknown time. Investigation is ongoing. There had been a burglary on Park Hill in which unknown persons smashed a patio door lock during the early hours on 25th May. Money had been stolen.
The Clerk was to chase progress on the outcome of the theft of the cones.
County Councillors Report:
No report was made.
Borough Councillor’s Report:
Borough Councillor Poland reported that:-
  • In January 2017 the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment – HEDNA figures indicated that the housing figures in the Core Strategy may be too low. However, appeals over recent months have up held the figures contained the Core Strategy.
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  • At the May Annual Meeting, CBC appointed a new mayor – Pauline Ransom.
P/17/0970/1 10 Pond Street, erection of a single storey extension.
No comments were made.
P/17/0725/2 replacement gates and erection of fencing to Seagrave School.
The amendments to the plans did not alter the comments made at the previous meeting. It would be requested that the Conservation Officer was consulted on these plans to see their views on the effects on the conservation area of the village.
The Clerk was to chase up what was happening regarding the temporary drive that was part of P/14/1680/2 5 Pond Street.
Financial Reports:
Payments issued May
BPS Norledge £375.24
BPTalk Talk £ 36.55
101143LCC £1,154.46
101144 Came & Co £508.93
101145 BNR Property services £297.60
101146 EON £ 34.55
101147 James Toon £ 60.00
101148 CBC £70.49
101149 L&RALC £206.86
101150 Burnt Oak £678.00
101151 Rawlins Repro £268.80
101152 Guy Preston £175.00
Thereconciled bank balance as at 31.5.17 was £23,872.18.This was unanimously approved as a true record and countersigned by the Chairman.
Trees and hedges:
The Clerk reported that a new tree warden had been appointed and the request regarding clarification of the trees to be cut down on the jitty between King Street and Swan Street had been forwarded to them.
It was agreed to request Guy Preston to cut back the brambles on the jitty between King Street and Swan Street and also the overgrowth on the footpath off King Street.
It was also agreed to check the condition of the railings at the bottom of the paddock on Big Lane as there may have been some damage to them.
It was also agreed that the Clerk would check with Roma when they would be cutting the grass by the War Memorial.
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Dog Fouling:
Concern was expressed at the dog fouling on the South Long Field and the Memorial Hall field. It was agreed that the signs on the South Long Field were faded and needed to be redone. These would make it clear that dogs should be kept on a lead and on the public footpath. There would be a sign put on the Memorial Hall Field requesting that dogs were kept on leads and that all waste was picked up.
Update on Christmas lights:
Members of the Wolds Challenge Committee came along to the meeting to update the Council on progress. It was suggested that the best way to get the electricity to the war memorial was to take the power from the Memorial Hall and dig a channel along the hedgerow of the South Long Field. There would be two spot lights onto the War Memorial that would be lit throughout the year. Lights would be put in the trees and left there on a permanent basis to be put on around the Christmas period. This was agreed in principle subject to the Clerk checking if any planning permission would be needed.
Neighbourhood Plan:
There had been no further progress on this issue. An open meeting would be arranged for the village in the Autumn, with a representative of the CBC. This would enable villagers to see if they felt that this was something suitable for Seagrave.
Parking on Village Green:
Unfortunately, this was still a problem with cars being parked on the village green. Legal advice had been sought from the National Association of Local Councils who had confirmed that it is illegal to park on village greens. It was agreed to approach Moss and Company, the Council’s solicitors to take advice on the next stage.
Options were also discussed such as putting a sign on the village green requesting that vehicles do not park there or putting up further bollards.
Installation of Wooden Posts outside property on Green Lane:
The Clerk had written to LCC Highways and a reply had not yet been received.
Condition of Road Surface on Green Lane:
It was agreed that the condition of the road surface on Green Lane was not satisfactory, particularly from Mucklegate Lane down to the end. It was agreed that the Clerk would report this to LCC Highways.
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Housing Needs Survey:
The Clerk had sought further clarification on the survey from Midlands Rural Housing. It had been confirmed that they are working with CBC, who have a statutory requirement to undertake a housing needs survey every five years. They will be undertaking the survey during the current financial year. The Clerk would update the village on this in the report in the village magazine.
Clerks Review:
It was agreed that the Clerk would progress to spinal point 24 and hours to be increased by 2 a year to reflect the ten meetings a year.
Traffic Calming:
This was scheduled to take place week commencing 17th July.
Internal Auditors report:
The Internal Auditors report from 16/17 was considered. The following issues needed to be actioned:-
  • A copy of the bank mandate needed to be obtained.
  • A secondary key holder needed to be identified for the safe key.
  • A secondary back up of electronic files needed to be made.
Request for a bus shelter on Green Lane:
A request had been made for a bus shelter near to 28 Green Lane. There had previously been a shelter in this location and it had been subject to vandalism. It had tended to attract groups of youths into the area. Therefore, it was agreed that it would not be desirable to pursue this request.
Letter concerning possible poisoning of wildlife around 44 Green Lane.
A letter had been received from a resident, expressing concern at a number of dead wild life that had been found around a pond to the rear to 44 Green Lane. They were concerned that they may have been poisoned. The Clerk had referred them to Environmental Health at CBC.
Clerks report – information only
There was nothing further to report.
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Meetings and training attended:
Councillor Brown had attended the Village Hall Committee on 6th June. There would be a first aid course held shortly. This would be advertised in the village magazine. It was agreed that the Council would meet this cost.
Cllr Hill had attended the information evening for the planning application for the new village proposed for Six Hills. This would be something that the Council would want to make comments on, particularly in relation to the implications for the traffic on the A46.
Documentation/emails/ - any issues raised will go to the Agenda for the next meeting:
It was agreed to get a quote for putting hard core on the verge opposite the school and report back to the next meeting.
Items for Next Month’s Agenda:
Planning application at Six Hills.
Grass verge opposite school.
Date of Next Meeting:
Monday17th July,Parish Council meeting in the Memorial Hall, Green Lane, SeagraveThe meeting closed at 21.00 pm
Seagrave Parish Council
Date: ______