Minutes of the Ilchester Parish Council meeting held on Thursday July 13th2017

the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman,Mr. J. Edmondson, Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. S. Marsh, Mr. G. Pope,

Mr. C. Williams, Mr. H. Williams,Mr. N. Bloomfield, County Councillor,Mr. A. Capozzoli, District CouncillorMrs. F. Goodliffe, IDCA (later)and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Nine members of the public attended.

42. Apologies

Apologies were received fromMr. S. McAllister,Miss J. Stapleton, Rev. B. FaulknerPCSO John Winfield.

43. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

44. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

45. Open Session

Mrs. J. Riva highlighted overhanging brambles & hedge growth adjacent to the Great Orchard estate on the footpath up to the Schools. It was noted that the Council had approached SCC Highways, who had referred this issue to SSDC StreetScene, as this area is their responsibility. Mrs. Riva also highlighted low branches past St. Andrew's Church, Northover and also with trees bordering the path by the Great Orchard play park.

Mrs. C. Stockwell highlighted that there are lorries going down Pillbridge Lane and then exiting directly on to the A.303 from the far side of the bridge over the A.303. This was noted.

Mr. G. Hill asked if there was any news reference the proposed development of the 150 dwellings application, which has been granted outline permission. Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor stated that there was no new information to report at this date.

Mr. G. Hill informed the meeting that there is to be a second meeting in Taunton on August 14th with Officials to consider the flood details. The Clerk is to also attend as an observer.

Mr. Westlake asked for an update on the Zebra crossing proposals at Northover. Mr. N. Bloomfield, County Councillor, reported that he has been informed that the works will commence on August 14th.

Mr. W. Masters asked what was the situation reference the invasion of the Travellers onto the Sports field.

as he had concerns ref. safety. Mrs. Panter stated that the Sports field is the responsibility of the Town Trust, and not the Parish Council. Mr. Bloomfield stated that the Police have powers to move Travellers off sites, but are sometimes reluctant to do so, depending on where the Travellers might go next.

Mr. B. Masters informed the meeting that the footpath from the entrance to Old Spittles Farm towards the Mead, had been cleared. This was noted.

46. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Bloomfield, County Councillor, stated that there was nothing to report, apart from the Zebra crossing works start date.

Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor reported thatapplication 17/01471/DPO for Mr. & Mrs. RD Knight at New Spittles Farm for application to vary S106 agreement dated 19th March 2013 between SSDC, Richard Don and Heather Knight to allow use of part of land for an anaerobic digester had been taken to SSDC Area East Committee, and the Committee had deferred any decision, so that the two applications at New Spittles are considered as one application. It was noted that members of the Parish Council had attended the meeting.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that there were no restrictions on the permitted hours of business for the Garage at Northover.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that planning approval has been given to the Yeovil Crematorium for a full refurbishment.

The Council noted the offer of SSDC training of Councillors in planning matters taking place on

October 5th at Brympton Way, Yeovil. Three members expressed an interest in attending.

Mr. A. MacGregor thanked Mr. Capozzoli for arranging the visit to the newly refurbished Westlands Leisure Centre.

47. Youth Parish Councils

In the absence of Miss Stapleton, there were no Youth Parish Councilsreports received.

The Council noted details reference nominations for the Gold Star awards event, to be held on Monday October 23rd at the Octagon Theatre, Yeovil.

48. Police & Community issues - including ITT, IDCA, IRINEC & Church

The Council noted the apology received from PCSO J. Winfield.

The Council noted that Mr. H. Williams is to attend the next meeting of the Town Trust Charity.

The Council noted that IRINEC had held its annual farm walk of the properties at Stocklinch.

Mrs. Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA,reported that the Street Fair to be held on June 18th had been a success. Following the annual meeting, there is now a new Treasurer, and Mr. M. Penn has resigned from being Editor of the Newsletter and it is now the intention to produce the Newsletter bi- monthly on or about the first of the month. Mrs. Goodliffe stated that IDCA are progressing a Website.

In the absence of Rev. Faulkner, there were no Church matters reported.

49. Planning matters

The Council noted that the decision taken at SSDC Area East Committee on application 17/01471/DPO for Mr. & Mrs. RD Knight at New Spittles Farm for application to vary S106 agreement dated 19th March 2013 between SSDC, Richard Don and Heather Knight to allow use of part of land for an anaerobic digester was to defer any decision and the Committee agreed to consider both applications on New Spittles Farm, as one application.. This being application 17/01215/FUL for Mr. M. Knight at New Spittles Farm for the construction of an aerobic digestion plant to include associated equipment and on-site infrastructure for the purpose of generating renewable energy from grass silage and straw and upgrading and improvement of the existing access farm track.

The Council noted the application 17/02416/FUL for Barns at Bondip Hill for change of use of land to form dwellinghouse(withpartial demolition thereto) together with erection of car port (resubmission of 16/05221/FUL), agreeing to make no comments, being in an adjacent Parish.

The Council noted application 17/02672/TPO for Mr. P. Musgrove at 3, Lyster Close to carry out surgery works to 1 no Willow tree known as T5 within SS TPO & had no objections.

The Council considered and supported application 17/02394/FUL for Mr. L Riva at 70, Great Orchard for the erection of single storey rear extension.

50. Financial matters

The account balances were reported as at 04/07/17 being in the C/A/c £104.50 B/R A/c £53,883.56p.

Receipts - Bank interest £0.44p, £12 Mr. M Weallans, £60 Fine Memorials & £12 Mr. B. Precious

Payments made -

13/07/172257£36.40HMRC paye tax

13/07/172258£135.44Wessex Water allotments

13/07/172259£20 Sophie Pack- Stone - skate park area

13/07/172260£518.20PTH salary & expenses

The above cheques were approved and signed.

51. Website

Mr. C. Williams reportedthat the website was up to date & it was agreed to consider a link to the Town Trust so that enquiries for booking the Town Hall would be directed to the Town Trust..

52. Cemetery

Mr. C. Williams reported that Cemetery was in good order.

53. Highway matters

An Email received from Mr. Mcallister was read, which highlighted dog poo on the top road, and also that Ms. Burrell wished to have the road outside her property resurfaced. The Council noted the comments.

It was noted that Mr. Bloomfield had reported that the works to the zebra crossing and lighting in Northover are due to start on August 14th, with the improvements by the Schools being carried out later in the autumn..

The Council discussed the issue of overhanging brambles raised by Mrs. J. Riva, from the hedges along the B.3151by the Great Orchard estate up towards the Schools. After discussion, it was agreed that since SSDC had not trimmed these back, as requested via SCC, then the Clerk would contact Greenacres to carry out a one off cut.

(action PH)

The Council were given two dates of meetings being held by SCC, July 18th & July 25th reference a scheme for facilitating Parish Councils to assist preserving finger post signs in Somerset. This was noted.

The Council agreed to discuss lack of progress on the exit from Almshouse Lane 'No right turn' at the next meeting. The Clerk to put this as an agenda item.

Much discussion took place on the further marking up of the car spaces on the Market Place car park.

It was eventually agreed to just repaint and highlight the corner marking done on June 17th. The Clerk to obtain white spray paint.

The Council noted that a damage barrier by the Schools had been repaired by County Highways.

54. Flooding issues

The Council notedthat there is to be a second meeting in Taunton on August 14th with Officials to consider the flood details submitted by Mr. Hill, as reported earlier.

55. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported that the Bee issues had been resolved.

Mr. H. Williams reported that the new boundary fencing works are to start on July 19th/20th.

Mr. H. Williams reported that there are now seven allotment plots under new management.

Dog poo remains an issue.

The Council agreed the dates for judging the best allotment, these being July 27th and August 24th.

56. Mead Play area.

It was noted that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that need to be addressed.

The grant application for funding from SSDC for the Cradle swing has been confirmed.

The Council approved the quotation of £1,622.40p plus VAT from Kompan for Birds Nest Basket swing with round steel supports. The Council agreed to accept the quotation of £1,135 in total plus VAT if applicable from Ply UK (Playgrounds) Ltd, Stoke St. Gregory for the installation.

The Council noted that SSDC has awarded a grant of £2,221 on a spend of £5,311 for the Cradle swing & the outdoor Table Tennis facility.

57. Skate Park

Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no safety issues and the Skate park area is being kept tidy by Miss Sophie Pack - Stone. An issue of persons uninating in the skate park area, was reported & it was agreed that this was not acceptable.

The grant application for funding from SSDC has been confirmed for the outdoor table tennis on the Sports field. On the recommendation of Mr. Edmondson, it was agreed to order from Table-Tennis-Tables.co.uk one 2 x Cornilleau Park outdoor static table with ground anchors, but without sand trays. The cost being £1,436.67 plus VAT.

58. Rights of Way

Mr. Pope reported that Mr. Russell Thorpe had cleared a Footpath in the area of the river Yeo adjacent to the A.303 at Pillbridge Lane. It was agreed that a letter of thanks is sent to him. (action Clerk)

59. TreeMatters

It was noted that there are some overhanging branches in the Parish, and it was agreed to highlight this issue in the Newsletter. (action J.Ed)

60. Correspondence

The Council noted road closures - Sherborne road in Yeovil & at Ash, the Gold Star awards, Community Council of Somerset & Clerks Direct.

61. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mr. H. Williams reported that there has been flytipping in Pillbridge Lane, this had been reported to SSDC & has all been cleared.

Mr. Edmondson highlighted that the Notice board at Great Orchard needed repair, it was agreed to put this on the agenda of the next meeting.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed for Thursday August 10th 2017 at 7.30pm,

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, for attending, and declared the meeting closed at9.14pm.

Signed: Date: