Monday 7th November 2016 at 7.00 pm

at Reigate Parish Church Primary School, Blackborough Road, Reigate, RH2 7DB

Present: Kevin Semple (KS) (Chair)

Duncan Barkwith (DB)

Frances Davis (FD) (Head)

Alex Foster (AF)

Joanna Goddard (JG)

Bryan Ingleby (BI)

Sarah Kennedy (SK)

Esther Lyth (EL)

Claire MacBride (CM)

Anna Randall (AR)

Mike Shaw (MS)

Alasdair Wylie (AW)

In attendance: Claire Tait (CT) (Clerk)

KS welcomed everyone and opened in prayer
a)Apologies were received and accepted from Matthew Wrighton and Phil Andrew
None declared
After a duplicate paragraph was deleted from item 14 the minutes from 26.09.16 were signed as a true and accurate record.
All Action Points had been completed
EL confirmed that she will be stepping down at the end of her term of office in December.
7 / Chairs Actions
There were none to be reported
8 / Governors’ Development Plan (GDP)
The Governors thanked BI for his work on the GDP.
BI explained that the GDP was intended to run alongside the School Development Plan (SDP), but not to overlap it; he explained that the GDP was in addition to the usual business issues the Governors deal with on a day to day basis and is to ensure the Governing Body is as effective as it can be.
The Governors fed back their views on the GDP, they liked that it sets out clearly what Governors should be doing and in most cases are already doing, that it clearly identifies and breaks down the roles giving a clear focus. There was some discussion on individual points (see bullet points below), but it was agreed to delegate responsibility of each point to individual governors who would complete the chart (but not the rating column as it was deemed subjective) by January 31st and return directly to Bryan who would collate the information and pass on to FD. The GDP will be reviewed at the FGB in March when a list of actions will be given priority status. The Governors approved the GDP and each governor volunteered to complete the following sections:
2)BI and AW
4)MW (MS to inform)
9)SK (with Phil Andrew’s input on his return from sabbatical)
Discussions on individual points in the GDP:
  • Governor Monitoring – This has recently been reviewed by FD and SK and will now be focussed on a few key staff rather than the whole school, thus allowing Governors to develop closer working relationships with individual teachers. Governors were keen to ensure there is an open and supportive relationship between staff and Governors.
  • Information given to the Governing Body – FD explained that she has always given the information she thinks the GB needs/ would like to hear about, but is keen for Governors to come to her more telling her what they need to see.
  • Teacher work/life balance – there was discussion over how the GB can help with teacher work/life balance. SK reported that there has been a lot of research carried out recently into cutting teacher’s workload and that she is currently looking into it further. Currently they are working on:
-Ensuring the marking policy remains easy to use so teachers don’t spend hours each night marking.
-Ensuring teachers only have to attend one meeting a week
-Giving teachers days in lieu when necessary
-Giving subject leader time in staff meeting time
-Trying to cut down on the repetition of data required in different forms by Surrey.
-The GB invests in Schemes of Work which also helps cut down teachers’ planning time. / Each Governor to research and compete their section, returning the GDP to BI by January 31st 2017
MS to inform MW of his section
9 / Governing Body’s skills audit
Each Committee Chair reported back to the Governors the discussions committees had about the skills they had and skills they needed to work on:
Resources Committee:
  • Scored low on board membership, but it was felt these skills would grow naturally over time and with training
  • Financial planning and management was an area where the committee had agreed they could work more effectively by defining more clearly the information they require. BI would talk to Lis Bowen about the type of data the committee receives to assist with this.
  • Buildings management – it had been agreed that the new build was effectively being delegated to Surrey so the need here was for governors to receive regular reports and updates regarding the building project.
  • Health and Safety – DB is going on a course soon, he asked if any Governors have any queries they would like him to take with him to let him know. He will feed back to the Governors after the training.
Children’s Standards and Learning Committee:
  • It was felt the committee generally had good coverage of skills
  • Financial values – it was agreed that FD would include costed options going forward.
  • AW is looking into attending SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standard) training

The head teacher’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. FD invited any comments or questions. The following was discussed:
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN) – it was noted that the RAISEOnline data shows that Reigate Parish has higher than average number of SEN children. FD reported that it was about the same last year as well, and that children who need extra emotional support are included in those figures too. It was felt that Reigate Parish is seen as good with children with SEN so parents are attracted to the school. Robyn has been doing training for the staff and looking at children with complex needs. FD reported that as the school grows more LSAs will be required. She also reported that for the Year 3 SEN children it has been lovely to see that interventions which have been in place since Reception have really had an impact on children’s learning.
  • Physical Education (PE) – Governors were told about a number of new PE initiatives/ activities coming up including: Year 3 football tournaments, Cross country, Netball teams, District sports, Yr2 interschool sports event, running club from January and possible use of Priory Park for additional sports activities.

11 / Committees and Nominated Governor Reports
  • Pay Committee met last week and all the teacher’s pay increases were agreed in line with FD’s recommendations. In addition the HT’s performance management committee had agreed their recommendation. The FGB ratified these decisions. FD can let Lis Bowen know now and staff will also be given a letter informing them of their pay increases.
  • Resources Committee reported looking at the FMR (Financial Monetary Report) and stated that we are currently over budget, mainly due to staffing costs. It was reported that there will need to be a big investment in ICT next year. It was reported that the Governor’s Fund application form is now on the school website and that the committee heard about and approved the Year 3 trip to Ufton Court (SK reported to the FGB that Surrey have also now signed off on the form)
  • Children, Standards and Learning Committee reported that they had reflected on last years’ results and had particularly discussed the achievement of summer born boys which has now been given as a target as part of teachers’ appraisals, this is in terms of children who need to close the gap, so the appraisal focus also include Pupil Premium children, SEND children and those who haven’t achieved curriculum from the previous year. FD reported that she and MS have been looking at other ways to present the data in Excel. It was reported that there were no concerns over attendance and behaviour.
  • Child Protection – there is one child on the register in Year 3. FD reported that plans have been put in place so that she can fully participate in the Ufton Court trip and that interventions have meant she has also closed the gap in her writing and has caught up with her peers.
  • Racial Incidents – None to report.
  • Children in Care – Same as child protection
  • Link Governor–SK reported that various courses have been attended, she encouraged Governors to consider going to Hot Topics and offered to book anyone on who wanted to go. She is currently looking into the impact of training.

12 / Safeguarding
JG reported on the following items:
  • JG and FD will meet half termly to discuss safeguarding
  • Some members of staff who had not completed the safeguarding training have now had their training
  • The NSPCC Pants campaign is coming up soon. This is a fun way of instilling the underwear rule to children through song
  • JG is to attend Designated Safeguarding Leadership training so she is qualified as the deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader.
  • Nearly all members of staff and Governors have signed to say they have read and understood Part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education and the Code of Conduct. The last few members of staff will be chased up.
  • The use of Internet is being monitored and Esther is looking into monitoring reports which could be used.
  • Tara is working towards the Gold level of the Healthy Schools award
  • On the 17th and 18th November there will be a Friendship day where the focus is being a good friend to one another in school.

13 / Draft Budget 2017/2018 and Three Year Plan
KS gave an update to the Governors regarding the plan for approving this year’s budget. The Resources committee will be looking at the draft budget at the next meeting and the FGB will formally approve the budget in April.
FD updated Governors about the Fixtures, fittings and equipment (FFE) funding, explaining that she had still not heard back from Philip Roche to confirm the exact money the school can expect to receive.
14 / Policies
  • Admissions Policy 2018/19
Governors approved the following wording to replace the current wording on Medical or Social need in the Admissions Policy, but agreed it would need monitoring next year:
‘Medical or Social need – is an exceptional medical or social need of a child, supported by written evidence from an appropriate independent professional, e.g. from a specialist health professional, social worker, or other care professional. The evidence must give reasons why the child’s condition or circumstances make it necessary for the child to attend this school, and the difficulties that would be caused if they did not attend this school.’
This policy will now need to go to consultation before it can be adopted by the school.
There was discussion as to whether there ought to be mention of a parent’s supporting letter in the statement, but the general consensus, and advice from Leo Morell at the diocese was to leave it out.
It was also agreed that a statement would be added to the end of the policy along the lines of ‘Please contact the school office if you have any questions regarding your child’s application’
FD is currently waiting for a model policy from the Diocese regarding Exceptional Needs places. The intention is to move Exceptional Needs above the open and foundation places so it would be as follows:
  1. EHCP Children (Education, Health and Care Plan)
  2. Looked after children
  3. Exceptional Needs children
  4. Open/ Foundation places
The school has received a letter in relation to an online petition which has been started regarding the school’s admission policy on Open/Foundation places. This was also addressed to the Diocese, Phil Andrew and Surrey. FD has asked for advice from the Diocese and is waiting for a response. It was agreed to defer any further actions on this until the next FGB when Phil Andrew will also have returned from his sabbatical and will be able to give his input.
  • Pay policy – At the last FGB meeting the Governors approved the pay policy subject to consultation with the unions. The unions have come back with comments andKS, FD and BI are arranging to meet with them next week as part of the consultation. Governors agreed to delegate responsibility of finalising the policy to the Resources Committee. Staff have been informed that the policy is under consultation.

EFGB – 22nd February 2016
FGB – 13th March 2016

EL concluded the meeting at 9.25 with a prayer

AR asked governors if they would be happy to help serve mulled wine and mince pies at the school’s Christmas Fairon December 10th between 12pm and 3pm. CT to email out a rota.

Advice given by governors at this school is incidental to their professional expertise and is not being given in their professional capacity.

Governors should respect the confidence of those items of business which a governing body decides and not disclose what individual governors have said or how they have voted within a meeting

Signed: ______Date: ______Page 1