HHS4M Erik Erikson Assignment

You may choose from the following 2 assignments to present your understanding of Erikson’s theory of personality development as well as the other theories we have studied in class.

Choice #1: Lyric or Poem Analysis

  • Choose 3poems and/or song lyricsthat you feel describetwo or more different stagesof Erik Erikson’s stages of development. Print out or copy the lyrics/poems.
  • Using a web format (shown in class), analyze the poems/songs. Note the stages you feel are addressed. Explain HOW certain parts of the poem represent the choices/experiences a person must encounter in order to develop positive or negative personality growth in these stages.
  • Properly use several of the major theoretical terms we learned last unit in your analysis (examples: homeostasis, roles, looking glass self, etc.)
  • Each poem and web analysis should fit onto one page (size is up to you). Be sure to properly cite each song/poem’s source.

Choice #2: Fantastic Flyer

  • You are hired to make a fantastic flyer for a very trendy superstore! The store is completely different than other department stores in that the products it carries are meant to encourage personality development throughout life, based on Erikson’s 8 Stages of Personality Development.
  • You must come up with at least 4products, each highlighting a different stage of development. Each product must be geared towards encouraging positive personality development at that stage. These can be real products that are on today’s market, or you can invent them. Be creative!
  • As well as pictures of your product, your flyer must include a description of each product and how it encourages Erikson’s ideas about positive personality development.

No matter which assignment you choose, you will be evaluated using the critera below.


Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Consistent, obvious and detailed understanding of the theories and Erik Erikson’s stages.
All areas of the assignment complete
Consistent depth, complexity and insight of analysis of the theories.
Typed, neat, visually well presented.
Clear, concise, proper sentence structure.
Spelling/grammar conventions are followed.
Creative expression where appropriate.
Theoretical terms and stages are effectively applied.

Level 4+ - 4++ reflects an outstanding level of achievement.

Level 4 reflects a high level of achievement.

Level 3 reflects the expected and/or considerable level of achievement.

Level 2 reflects a moderate or inconsistent level of achievement.

Level 1 reflects a limited, but passable level of achievement.

Please be aware that a grade below Level 1 may be assigned should there be a failure to complete the basic / minimum requirements.