Minutes for LAC – IASSIST 2003

Tuesday March 25, 2003, 9:30 – 11:00, U of O

In Attendance – Susan (Chair), Marie, Nancy, Wendy, Marilyn, Anne, Mike, Jane, Yvette, Sage

Regrets – Ernie

1. Approval of Agenda

- Susan passed the agenda around and it was approved with some additional items.

1.2 Approval of Minutes from March 18

- Approved.

2. Action Items posted

- The Master Action list is now on the Archives page. Jane will update it weekly, so everyone can check it out on their own.

- Jane will continue to pass around a list at the LAC mtg for all to sign so it can be updated regularly. Items that are completed will be taken off the Action list. Items mentioned at the mtg will be added.

3. Registration

3.1 Live date – March 18, 2003

- Registration is live – tell everyone!

- Susan mentioned that we will not be able to take credit card #s over the internet. This possibility had been mentioned earlier, however, within our time frame, it is not possible.

- Wendy mentioned that we should make payment by phone more prominent on the registration form.

- Yvette suggested that we mention that it is a secure fax.

- Nancy will look into the above 2 items.

3.2 Update from Marie

- Marie mentioned that not all people on the LAC are registered – hint, hint!

- 2 people are coming from Australia.

- Nancy mentioned that 18 people are fully registered.

- Marie needs the names of the 4 grad students that will be receiving free registration. Susan will give her these names.

3.3 Mailout #3

- This is to be communicating that registration is live. It should also include a direct link to the registration form.

- Marilyn mentioned that she never received mailout #2 so hopes that she will receive the 3rd one. Sage will make sure that she does receive it. Marilyn will send it around to her grad students because there are many of them that should come to the conference.

- Ernie had mentioned at the last mtg that the program should be in the mailout so Sage will up the link in this mailout.

- Mike asked if there was a name on the Conference Webpage if people had general questions. Sage is the contact person for this.

- It was suggested that Sage put a link in the 3rd mailout for the FAQ page.

3.4 Conventions mtg this Thursday

- This mtg will be to confirm the contract, payment, facilities, and a general pricing review. This will hopefully be a good ‘moving forward’ mtg. Susan mentioned that they will be organized before the mtg so they will be able to catch any discrepancies.

- Anne has been asked to attend the mtg along with Susan, Jean Guy, Marie and Nancy.

- 3.5 Registration Reminder

- On April 4th, Sage will send out a reminder to be put on all the list serves that early registration ends on April 9th.

4. Publicity and Printing

4.1 Poster Session Page

- The page is now up for people to peruse.

4.2 FAQ update

- The link for customs information is on the page.

- Wendy suggested that we tell people coming from the US to bring their passports with them and only to bring 1 passport. Sage will put a note on the page about this. She will also suggest that the ‘internationals’ try not to go through the US (unless they live there).

4.3 Presenters’ submission deadline

- Susan asked how many deadlines we should have for printing and technical requirements purposes. After some discussion the following deadlines were approved.

- April 18 – Concurrent Sessions and Poster Sessions - deadline for abstracts and technical requirements

- May 12 – Plenaries and Workshops - deadline for printed material and technical requirements

- Marie queried the deadline for the plenaries, that is, what if they don’t get anything to us? Wendy mentioned that Ernie is looking after this. If he can’t get an abstract from them by May 5th , he will interview them and write up an abstract, so we will have it by the May 12th deadline.

- Susan asked Sage to put these deadlines on the webpage of Important Dates.

4.4 Other Web?

- Is there any other web stuff not up that should be up? Wendy mentioned that it would be nice to have a link for the Boat Cruise. Sage will put it in the FAQ.

- Sage is working on additions to the Maps webpage.

4.5 Program printing pricing update

- Nancy has the prices for StatCan and U of O. It appears that StatCan prices are cheaper. This includes the price for spiral binding.

- We will be printing up the program, the workshop handouts, the evaluations (both of them), the list of restaurants and the directional signs.

- The roundtable signs do not have to be printed up, they will be done by hand. Therefore, we will need something to write them on at the registration desk.

4.6 Workshop handouts

- We will print these up for the presenters as long as they are given to us by the deadline of May 12. Anything sent to us after that point will not be printed up and will be the responsibility of the presenter to bring to the workshop.

5. Internet Poster Sessions

5.1 SITE

- This has been unbooked for Wednesday and booked for Thursday.

5.2 Technical Support

- Technical support has been unbooked for Wednesday and booked for Thursday.

5.3 Technical Testing

- Technical testing will take place next Monday by Nancy, Jane and Sage (I think).

- Jane has been able to get a laptop from the Carleton U Library for the conference and will bring this next week. She will pick up Wendy’s laptop on the way in. Sage will also bring her laptop for testing.

- Wendy will ask the Carleton Library if there is ethernet on their laptop.

6. Restaurant List

- Nancy gave Wendy a hard copy of her restaurant list. Wendy requested that she send her an electronic version.

- Wendy requested that everyone send her their lists this week – it is their last chance!

7. Conference Evaluations

- Mike has had few replies to his email for comments from everyone. So he will make up a draft incorporating the comments he has already been given and email this out to all.

- Susan asked who would be analyzing the evaluations. Bo (the workshop chair) will be given the workshop evaluations and Chuck (the program chair) will be given the general conference evaluations.

- There will be a box put on the registration desk to collect completed evaluation forms.

8. Business Arising

8.1 Conference Program

- Yvette mentioned that when you print off the conference program, the times for registration are covered. Susan has been trying to fix this up but it is not easily done. She will send Sage the program in a .doc and Sage will try to fix it up.

8.2 Registration Desk

- Yvette inquired about the opening hours being changed from 7:30 to 8:00. This is merely a technicality on our part. Whoever is scheduled for the desk should be there by 7:30 and then we will be sure that everything is ready to go by 8:00. This will also take care of the early birds who like to get there before the desk opens!

- Marie will bring a schedule to the next mtg so people can fill in the hrs they can work.

8.3 CAPDU/DLI stuff

8.3.1 Organizational Stuff

- Wendy has asked Bo about working on this and he has gotten someone to work on it.

- Sage and Bo will do all the web communication.

8.3.2 Catering

- For the coffee breaks on Monday, DLI is to be billed and they will go up to $2000 with no questions.

- There was some discussion regarding the Sunday pm wine and cheese. Yvette questioned the reason for a wine and cheese as the original idea was to have a coffee break between the IASSIST mtg and the CAPDU mtg. After some discussion, it was agreed that we go back to our original idea of a coffee break versus a wine and cheese. Marilyn will arrange the break once Sage sends her the catering contact, which Marie will send her. DLI will pay for this break also as we are unsure whether or not CAPDU will pay for it.

- The CAPDU mtg will be held in Morriset on the 2nd floor in the Amphitheatre.

8.4 Catering for the Workshops

- Susan mentioned that the coffee breaks for the workshops on Monday and Tuesday will be staggered, starting at 9:30, that is, they will set up at the first room at 9:30, at the 2nd room at 9:45 and the 3rd room at 10:00. In the afternoon, the same format will be used starting at 2:30.

8.5 National Archives Reception

- Yvette would like to know how many will be attending on April 9th. Marie will give her this number. Susan will also ask Suzette for an estimate.

- Marilyn suggested that we keep a running tally of when people register to be used as info for future conferences.

8.6 Conference Handbook

- Susan suggested that we put a section in the handbook on registration with all the info we have gleaned from this year’s conference.

8.7 CCHS

- Susan mentioned that Rm 211 in Morriset has been booked for this presentation on Sunday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm.

9. Future Meetings

- Our next mtg is in 2 weeks on April 8th at 9:30

- Nancy will be providing the refreshments for this mtg.

- Marilyn gave her regrets for the next mtg and has offered to bring the refreshments for the following mtg.