ScubaJam Virginia

ScubaJam Virginia

Minutes for Committee Meeting

Monday,March19, 2012

  1. Call to Order
  1. Attendees: Chip Earle, Mike Engiles, Sandy Engiles, John Engiles, Joe Dubose, Zane Frye, Carter Hill, Priscilla Joyner

Via Audio conference: Tom Burns, Chuck Burkett

  1. Regrets: Malena Sharkey, Errol Duplessis
  1. Minutes from February, 2012 Read & Approved
  1. Committee reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report –Budget shared w/ those who have not reviewed yet. No changes in Finances since last month.
  1. Administration and Budget–
  2. Website continues to be revamped. Currently offline while Chuck and Chip work to get it finalized
  3. Once completed, need to link website into facebook page
  4. Chip has updated FB page
  1. Marketing–
  2. Joe Dubose – Met with ~ 10 Scout Leaders at Shenandoah Area Council round table. Joe handed out business cards and flyers to different troop leaders and promoted SJVA to troop leaders.
  3. Chuck Burkett – met with Aaron Shusett, new Director of Communications for NCAC to share details on SJVA. Overall, it was a positive meeting with several ideas for SJVA promotion generated. Some details include the following, some of which are already in process:
  4. ‘Like’ the council on FB
  5. Write an article to Scouters Digest. Tie article into jamboree. They may be able to work with us on a rate and art work (Ethan Brennan).Pictures of scouts in action are great. ScubaJam Credit for photos.
  6. Published advertising rates are $300 for ¼ page and $550 for ½ page.
  7. Change links on website/brochures etc to
  8. Tom Burns has completed the list of dive shops. Tom and Judy will touch base to work on contacting shop owners next month.
  9. Malena is traveling.
  10. PJ may be able to help Peyton to contact Stonewall Jackson council to get the word out to them.
  11. Chip met with Steve and Judy Ford – they are keen to get to shops. Conference call in next week to get everyone locked. Include Tom.
  12. Beneath The Sea – Joe Dubose may be attending. John and Mike are going, as is Tom.
  1. Program & Events – Chip has followed up with Malena.
  2. Scav Hunt will be renamed to Treasure Hunt w/ chips; A new Scav Hunt is being created which involves acquiring photos around and in the Lake.
  3. Check with Carter Hill; may have some ideas for new activities.
  1. Registration –
  2. Website –
  3. Chip and Chuck working to fill in forms on website.
  4. On track for end of month to get online registration on board.
  5. Estimated date of going live w/ new website is April 1
  6. Chip will coordinate re managing DNS for current site.
  7. Social Media (FB) – It allows one to sit and schedule a series of postings for social media. can be used for monitoring feeds.
  8. On FB – get started with routine messaging again possibly via
  1. Old Business
  1. Get display together for the shops. Give to the folks who are going to talk to shops.
  2. T-shirts/hats/patch –Chip has started on this already.
  1. New Business
  2. Need someone a Publicity person for media.
  3. Did you go to SJVA last year? Are you going this year? IF you can write an article that is published in your local paper, we will give a CE cert for $XX.
  4. create a sjva banner ad
  1. Announcements –
  2. BSA Campaign Launch will be closed very soon. Any info to be distributed to BSA councils will need to be completed ASAP.
  3. Estimated date of new website launch still on track for April 1.
  1. Resolutions and Charge of Committees – completed.
  1. Next Meeting: April16, 2012 at 6:30 pm at The Dive Shop, Richmond
  1. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm