Microsoft SQL Server .NET Data Provider (System.Data.SqlClient)

The Microsoft SQL Server .NET Data Provide allows you to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, and2005databases.

Using C#:

using System.Data.SqlClient;


SqlConnection oSQLConn = new SqlConnection();

oSQLConn.ConnectionString =

"Data Source=(local);" +

"Initial Catalog=myDatabaseName;" +

"Integrated Security=SSPI";


// "Server=(local);" +

// "Database=myDatabaseName;" +

// "Trusted_Connection=Yes";




ODBC .NET Data Provider (System.Data.ODBC)

The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) .NET Data Provider provides access to native ODBC drivers the same way the OLE DB .NET Data Provider provides access to native OLE DB providers.

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.

For SQL Server ODBC Driver


Imports System.Data.Odbc


Dim oODBCConnection As OdbcConnection

Dim sConnString As String = _

"Driver={SQL Server};" & _

"Server=MySQLServerName;" & _

"Database=MyDatabaseName;" & _

"Uid=MyUsername;" & _


oODBCConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(sConnString)


For Access (JET) ODBC Driver


Imports System.Data.Odbc


Dim oODBCConnection As OdbcConnection

Dim sConnString As String = _

"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _


oODBCConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(sConnString)


OLE DB .NET Data Provider(System.Data.OleDb)

The Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB allow you to use native OLE DB providers (e.g. Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0) through COM interop to enable data access.

For IBM AS/400 OLE DB Provider


Imports System.Data.OleDb


Dim oOleDbConnection As OleDbConnection

Dim sConnString As String = _

"Provider=IBMDA400.DataSource.1;" & _

"Data source=myAS400DbName;" & _

"User Id=myUsername;" & _


oOleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnString)


For JET OLE DB Provider


Imports System.Data.OleDb


Dim oOleDbConnection As OleDbConnection

Dim sConnString As String = _

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source=C:\myPath\myJet.mdb;" & _

"User ID=Admin;" & _


oOleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnString)


For Oracle OLE DB Provider


Imports System.Data.OleDb


Dim oOleDbConnection As OleDbConnection

Dim sConnString As String = _

"Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;" & _

"Data Source=MyOracleDB;" & _

"User ID=myUsername;" & _


oOleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnString)


Oracle .NET Data Provider - From Microsoft (System.Data.OracleClient)

The Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle is an add-on component to the .NET Framework 1.0 that provides access to an Oracle database using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) as provided by Oracle Client software. Oracle 8i Release 3 (8.1.7) Client or later must be installed for this provider to function correctly.

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.

Using C#:

using System.Data.OracleClient;


OracleConnection oOracleConn = new OracleConnection();

oOracleConn.ConnectionString =

"Data Source=Oracle8i;" +

"Integrated Security=SSPI";


Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise .NET Data Provider (Sybase.Data.AseClient)

The ASE .NET Data Provider is an add-on component to the .NET 1.1 Framework that allows you to access a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) database.

Using C#

using Sybase.Data.AseClient;


AseConnection oAseConn = new AseConnection();

oAseConn.ConnectionString =

"Data Source=(local);" +

"Initial Catalog=myDatabaseName;" +

"User ID=myUsername;" +



Using VB.NET

Imports System.Data.AseClient


Dim oAseConn As AseConnection = New AseConnection()

oAseConn.ConnectionString =

"Data Source=(local);" & _

"Initial Catalog=myDatabaseName;" & _

"User ID=myUsername;" & _

