Merrimack Valley Catholic

Youth Conference


Parish Group Leaders Packet

About MVCYC 2018:

  • The MVCYC Advantage!
  • How You Can Use this Event
  • Some Words from Keynote Presenter Eric Genuis
  • Schedule & Team
  • Service and Mercy Packs

How to Make it Happen:

  • Implementation Plan
  • Permission Slip
  • Sample Letter to Parents
  • Sample Bulletin Announcement
  • Registration Timeline & Payment Information

For a downloadable COLOR FLYER, ONLINE REGISTRATION, SCHEDULE, and the Latest Updates, check out


The Merrimack Valley Catholic Youth Conference (MVCYC) offers an opportunity for all of the parishes and hundreds of Catholic teens of our region to experience the larger Universal Church. The MVCYC is committed to being a ministry that is local, high-quality, and affordable!!!

At last year’s MVCYC 2017, 350 people attended with participants from 17 Parishes in our Merrimack Region. This year, we are hoping to reach 450 teens and even more parishes from our area to attend. Don’t miss out on this year’s conference, with the theme of “Epic Love!”

MVCYC 2018 Participating Organizations Include:

  • Regional Bishop for the Merrimack Region, Most. Rev. Robert Hennessey
  • Archdiocese of Boston- Vocations Office
  • Internationally Renowned Musician Eric Genuis
  • Jesus Across the Border
  • Merrimack Valley Hope Mission
  • Daughters of St. Paul
  • DJ Steve Bertoni… and more!


  • As part of a Confirmation program
  • As a youth ministryevent (Great “Kick-Starter” for new youth groups!)
  • An event for Juniors and Seniors who are active in their parish and faith
  • To encourage and build both teen and parental involvement in your Parish
  • An opportunity for the teens of all the parishes of the Merrimack Region to come together in prayer

Some Words from our Keynote Presenter

“Beauty has a profound and practical impact on the individual as well as on culture. Currently, we have replaced beauty to a great degree with entertainment, a phenomenon which robs our children of the deep mystical and magnificent experience of that which is most beautiful. If we bathe our children in beauty, they will look at life through the eyes of hope, inspiration, purpose, and meaning, which leads to ambition, creativity, joy, goals, achievement. If we remove beauty, they look at life through glasses of despair and discouragement, which leads to boredom, lack of hope and purpose, as well as delinquency. If we want to help our youth be fulfilled, motivated, content and creative, we must help them to encounter and savor that which is beautiful. It is my desire to contribute to this objective as it is the purpose of my work and my compositions.”–Eric Genuis

Check out more of Eric’s music and testimonials on his website:


11:30am-12:00am- Arrival/Registration, Food & Games

12:00-12:30pm- Welcoming Rally

12:30-1:00pm- Conference Theme: “Epic Love”

1:00-2:00pm- Keynote Presentation: Eric Genuis

2:00-2:15pm- Break #1

2:15-3:30pm- Mercy Stations – Hands on Service Projects

3:30-4:15- Workshops

4:15-5:00- Dinner

5:00-6:00pm- Adoration, Confessions, Music and Mass preparation

6:00-7:00pm- Holy Mass with Bishop Hennessey

7:00pm- 7:10pm- Departure & Cupcakes

MVCYC 2018 Leadership Team

Fr. Christopher Wallace, Holy Family, Amesbury/Star of the Sea, Salisbury

Deacon Mike Tomkins, St. Francis Dracut

Earline Tweedie, Central Catholic High School, Campus Ministry

Lynn Flaherty, St. Francis, Dracut

Jenn Daley, St. Michael’s North Andover

Isabela Peixoto, St. Monica/St. Lucy, Methuen

Katie Stutz- St. Rita, Lowell

Christine McCarthy, Holy Family, Amesbury/Star of the Sea, Salisbury


One of the key features to “MVCYC 2018: Epic Love!” is the opportunity for teens to engage in the works of mercy.


  • Bandaids
  • Snacks (granola bars, cookies, crackers, etc)
  • Chapstick
  • Soap, Shampoo, Deodorant
  • Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
  • Candy and Gum
  • Gloves

Parishes are also encouraged to help your teens donate these items.

Just bring your items with you that day we will get the packs assembled for those in need!

MVCYC- Implementation Plan

  1. Check your parish or school calendar. This event will be held on Saturday March 18, 2017.
  2. Plan to attend. How many teens would you like to attend? Who will be the adults? Set a goal that is right for your parish community. The more the merrier!
  3. Register. You can register online via our website or Facebook page by February 1st.
  4. Transportation. How will we get there? Bus, carpools, meet there? What makes the most sense for your parish?
  1. Communicate. Personal invitations, parish bulletins, announcements at Mass, flyers in church, etc.) Spread your nets far and wide! Invite more and more teens to tell others about the event. All levels of faith are welcome at the Conference. Encourage teens to find friends or classmates to attend with them.
  1. Confirm. Tell your teens that you are so happy they are going. About a week before, check to make sure everyone is still coming. Collect what you need from them.
  1. What is needed from the Teens:
  • Reverence & Respect- you are in God’s presence; don’t ruin anyone’s experience
  • Permission Clips & Payment
  1. Set the tone.Be positive- it is contagious! Everyone is going to have a great experience. Have an open heart, anything could happen! Don’t anticipate, participate!
  2. Simply Come. We know that it takes a lot of work to coordinate anything in parish life. MVCYC is designed to let your parish group leaders and adults hang with your group and be part of the day with them. Be grateful that Christ has called them to be there. Thank God in advance for this day and pray for them and the Church!
  1. Follow up. What will I do after this event? Triduum? Easter? A meeting at the parish? A get together at a restaurant or coffee house? Continue to the conversation and conversion.

Permission Slip

Parent/Guardian Release and Consent Agreement

Merrimack Valley Catholic Youth Conference

Central Catholic High School

March 17, 2018

Name of Youth:______


Phone #______Date of Birth ______HS Graduation Year______

In case of an emergency, please notify______at______

If there are any limitations to the activities in which your child can participate, note them here______

Current Medications: ______

Current Food Allergies or Special Dietary Needs: ______

I,______(name) am the parent or guardian of the child namedabove.I give my consentfor him/herto participate in the event shown above. I give permission for my daughter/son to be transported inprivately ownedand/or public vehicles/public transportation between ______Parish and the event.
I understand that the group may stop on the way to get something to eat.
In case of medical emergency, I give permission for my son/daughter to be evaluated, diagnosed, treatedand/or medicated by licensed medical personal.

Inaddition, Iconsent to the release of any medical records which I providedto ______Parish to medical personnel attending to my child.

I hereby release and discharge the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, a Corporation Sole,

Parishes, schools,their agents, servants, employees, priests, staff and/or volunteers from any and all claims and liability which the undersigned had, now has or may hereafter have against such parties, especially with respect to claims for personal injury, death, damage to or loss ofproperty incident to this event and for any medical care and treatment which is provided to my child.

Acopy of this form shall be as valid as the original.

I have read the foregoing and understand and agree to the same.

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date:______

Name (printed legibly):______


Parish Address
City, State Zip


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

Greetings to you. I am excited to announce a great opportunity that St. ______Parish will be attending the Merrimack Valley Catholic Youth Conference for high school teens in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. 8th graders are also invited to attend. It will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 11:30am-7pm at Central Catholic High School. This dynamic event will feature an inspiring keynote presentation, works of mercy, live music, and Mass celebrated by

Bishop Robert Hennessey at 6:00pm. The cost is $20 per teen/$10 per adult which includes admission, lunch, snacks and dinner. You can learn more about this event on Facebook/MVCYC, or by the conference website:

{Personal Parish contact information here}

(Personalize your follow up here – Please RSVP- email- payment and permission slip to office etc by your deadline. )

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at phone or


Parish Leader

Sample Bulletin Announcement

The Merrimack Valley Catholic Youth Conference is a dynamic event for high school teens in grades 8-12. The 3rdannual MVCYC will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 11:30am-7:00pm at Central Catholic High School in Lawrence. This dynamic event will feature composer and musician Eric Genuis. The day will include Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert Hennessey, live service projects, workshops, food, and lots of fun. The cost is $20 per teen/$10 per adult. Adult leaders must compete CAP and CORI. You can learn more about this event and register on our new website: or via Facebook @MVCYC.


December 1, 2017- Online Registrationopens!

February 1, 2018- Registration completed for Parish Groups

March 1, 2018- Paymentsdue for Parish Groups

Pricing$20 per teen, $10 per adult. CHECKS ONLY

Check out for information on how adult volunteers from your parish can attend for free!

Please mail checks to the following address:


c/o Holy Family Parish

11 Sparhawk St.

Amesbury, MA 01913