Additional Code for Additional Parent


To the Parent of «Student_First_Name»«Student_Last_Name»

Dear «First_Name»«Last_Name»

The «District_Name»is working with the U.S. Office of Education and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to ask parents about how schools develop partnerships with parents.

Why we are asking for your help:

  • Your child’s education is important and we want to know what you think.
  • This is a chance to confidentially inform your district or school of the services that are helping families.
  • «District_Name»is required to collect this information by federal and state law.
  • Filling out this surveygivesinformation to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction aboutresources that can assistWisconsin schools in areas of family engagement. For example, previous responses to this survey led to the development of resources such as Communication Options for Families (attached).

What you can do to help with this survey:

Complete the survey using one of the methods below: Surveys must be completed by July 1.

1.Computer–Go to complete the online survey.

Use the username and password in the box below.

2.Phone - Call your school district at «School_Phone» and a staff person will read the questions to you and type your answers into a computer. You can also contact a WSPEI Family Engagement Coordinator (contact list on or a WI FACETS staff member at (877) 374-0511.

3.Paper survey - Call yourschool district at «School_Phone» and ask for a paper copy.

Who can Help if you Have Questions or Require Assistance with the Parent Survey?

  • Contact your district special education / pupil services office.
  • WSPEI Family Engagement Coordinators are available to assist with the parent survey.

If you would like further information about WSPEI, parent information, resources, training, or the parent survey please go to To find WSPEI Coordinator contact information go to

  • Wisconsin FACETS is Wisconsin’s Parent Training and Information Center and they are available to assist parents with the parent survey. You may contact Wisconsin FACETS at (877) 374-0511.

You may take the survey startingFebruary1.

This letter includes the 2nd code for your child so that an additional parent is able to take the survey. The first code was already sent by the district to your child’s other parent.

Within a few weeks after the survey opens, a person from the school/district office or a WSPEI Family Engagement Coordinator from a Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA) may contact you to offer assistance in completing the survey.

Thank you for helping us collect this information!

«Director_Name», «Title»


The information you provide in the survey is confidential.

This report helps districts and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction increase family engagement to improve services and results for children with disabilities.

Communication Options forFamilies

OptionsAvailableifYouHaveQuestionsor Disagreewith a Decision oftheSchool

Families andschools have a“built-in” partnershipwith the childas the focus.

This partnershipwillgrow when parents andschoolstaff worktogether. Disagreements mayhappen, but workingtogetherimproves yourchild’s education.

What can you do ifquestionsorconcerns arise?

◊ If concerns arise,familiesare encouraged tofirsttalk directlywiththepeopleinvolved assoon aspossible

(examples:localcontacts such as your child’s teachers, principal, other school administrators)

◊ First,calltoscheduleaninformalmeeting to discuss thesituation

◊ Then,prepareforthe meeting by making a listofconcernsand somepossiblesolutions

Whatcan youdointhe meeting?

◊ Identify student strengths and acknowledge what is working

◊ Identify concerns of families and educators

◊ Use active listening in order to understand theotherperson’sperspective

◊ Askquestionsor restateideasso the team has a clearunderstanding

◊ Worktogether tosuggestsomepossibleoptionstoresolvetheconcerns

◊ Analyzeallof the options toseeifyou can find areasof agreement

◊ Discusswhatshould happen next

Whatifconcernsare not fullyresolvedinthe meeting?

◊ Request a break or ask theIEPteam tomeetagain and considerincluding additional team members.

◊ Callothersfor suggestionson possiblefutureaction.

Problemsolving at the school level gives families andschooldistricts more collaborative options onoutcomes forchildren.

NextSteps:Whatcanbe done ifthese attemptsat solvingproblemsdon’twork?

◊ FacilitatedIEP: An option for earlyconflictresolutionWisconsin haschosentomakeavailabletofamilies and schools. A neutral,trained professional helpstheIEPteamwith theIEP process.

◊ Mediation:An optionfor earlyconflictresolution availableatnocostto familiesand schools. Amediatorhelps familiesand schools worktoward resolutionon special education conflicts/issues.

IDEAState Complaints:Anyonewhobelievesa schooldistrictviolatedstateor federal specialeducation law has therighttofilea complaintwithDPI.Moreinformation at:

◊ Due ProcessHearings:Parents,adultstudents,and schoolsdistrictshavetherighttorequestdueprocess hearingsforspecialeducation disputes.Moreinformation at:

Access to WSPEI Family EngagementCoordinators andthe WI Mediation System are providedat nocost to parents.

CESA –CooperativeEducational Service Agency IEP–Individualized Education Program

DPI–Departmentof PublicInstruction WSPEI–Wisconsin Statewide ParentEducatorInitiative

Developed byWSPEI,2011, updated 01-05-16

WSPEI information can befound at

Thecontentsofthisproductweredevelopedundera grantfromtheDepartmentofEducation,CFDA(84.027),throughtheWisconsin

DepartmentofPublicInstruction(WIDPI).WSPEIacknowledgesWDPIsupportforthis federallyfundedgrantresource.