DVMT 108
Elementary Algebra
Content: Course Syllabus and Class Procedure
1. General Information
2. Required Text
3. Course Description
4. Course Objectives
5. Modes of Instruction
6. Modes of Evaluation
7. Bibliography
8. Glossary
9. Discussion Questions
10. Free Math Help
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
410 951 3469
410 951 3480
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Coppin State University
Baltimore, MD 21216-3698
DVMT 108 Elementary Algebra
Course Syllabus
5 Institutional Credits
Note: All students please complete this information page.
1. General Information
1. Instructor=s Name ______
2. Office Room # ______
3. Office Hours ______
Other times by appointment
4. Telephone 410-951 -______
5. Class Meeting Time ______
6. Class Room ______
2. Required Text
Text: Introductory Algebra By Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, and Terry McGinnis. Addison-Wesley, Eighth Edition, 2005.
The personal availability of the text is a mandatory requirement of each student for each class session.
3. Course Description
/Elementary Algebra
/5 Crs.
Operation with whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, percents, rational numbers and real numbers; scientific notation; operation with algebraic expressions, integral components, equations and inequalities; sets; systems of equations; solving equations with rational expressions; graphing linear equations finding the slope of a line; factoring, rational exponents and radicals.Prerequisite: Placement based on placement test scores and/or high school record. Credits not counted toward graduation, nor do this course satisfy the General Education Requirement in Mathematics.
4. Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to do the following:
Chapter 1: The Real Number System (p.23)(Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)
A / Use exponents, order of operations rules, more than one grouping symbols.B / Translate word statements to symbols, and reverse the direction of inequality statements.
C / Distinguish between expressions and equations, and convert phrases from words to algebraic expressions.
D / Find value of algebraic expressions, given values for the variables.
E / Graphs rational numbers on the number line, and find the absolute values of real numbers.
F / Use the order of operations with real numbers (positive and negative).
G / Use commutative, associative, identity, inverse, and distributive properties.
H / Simplify expressions. Identify terms, numerical coefficients, and like terms.
Chapter 2: Linear Equations and Applications (p. 107)
(Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)
A / Identify linear equation and solve equations that have unique solution, no solution and infinitely many solutions.
B / Translate sentences of an applied problem into equation, and then solve the problem.
C / Solve a formula for a specified variable.
D / Solve a formula for one variable, given the values of the other variables.
E / Solve word problems involving areas (or perimeter) of a rectangle, square, triangle, and trapezoid.
F / Solve applied problems using proportions.
G. / Find percentages and percents
Chapter 2: Linear Inequalities and Sets (p. 171)
(Sections 2.7 & Appendix B (p.701))
A / Graph the solutions of inequalities on a number line.
B / Solve inequalities using both properties of inequality.
C / Solve applied problems with inequalities.
D / Learn the vocabulary and symbols used to discuss sets.
E / Determine whether a set is finite or finite and a given set is a subset of another set; find the complement of a set.
F / Find the union and the intersection of two sets.
Chapter 3: Graphs of Linear Equations (p. 193)
(Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
A / Interpret graphs.
B / Find ordered pairs that satisfy a given equation.
C / Complete a table of values.
D / Graph lines by finding x-and y-intercepts.
E / Graph linear equations by plotting ordered pairs, where the intercepts coincide, of the form y = k or x = k.
F / Find slope of a line, given two points or equation of the line.
G / Use slopes to determine whether two lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.
H / Graph a line using its slope and a point on the line.
I / Write the equation of a line given: its slope and a point on the line, two points on the line, its slope and y-intercepts.
Chapter 4: System of Linear Equations and Applications
(p. 274) (Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
A / Decide whether a given ordered pair is a solution of a system.
B / Solve linear systems by: graphing, elimination, and substitution.
C. / Solve problems about unknown numbers; quantities and their costs; mixtures; distance, rate (or speed), and time.
Chapter 5: Exponents and Polynomials (p. 33195)
(Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8)
A / Add and subtract polynomials (in one, two, or more variables).
B / Use exponents to write repeated products.
C / Use product rule and power rules (or their combinations) for exponents.
D / Use zero or negative number as exponents.
E / Use the quotient rule for exponents.
F / Express or convert numbers in scientific notations.
G / Use scientific notations in calculations.
H / Multiply two polynomials.
I / Perform repeated multiplication to find higher powers of binomials, such as (x + 5)4.
J / Find the product of the sum and difference of two terms.
K / Divide a polynomial by a monomial or polynomial.
Chapter 6: Factoring and Applications (p.404)
(Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5[Difference of squares only)
A / Find a greatest common factor of a list of variables and numbers.B / Factor out the greatest common factor.
C / Factor trinomials with 1 as coefficient of squared term by grouping or foil methods.
D / Factor the difference of two squares.
Chapter 8: Roots and Radicals (Square Root only (p.559))
(Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5)
A / Find square roots only.
B / Decide whether a given square root is rational, irrational, or not a real number.
C / Us Use the Pythagorean formula and the Distance formula.
D / Simplify radicals using product rule.
E / Simplify radicals using quotient rule.
F / Simplify radical expressions involving addition, subtraction.
/ Rationalize denominators with square roots and one radical term.
H / Write quotient in lowest terms.
Tentative Teaching Plan:
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
# Weeks: 1.5 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.5
5. Modes of Instruction
Lecture, discussion, think-pair-share and use of technology, where appropriate.
6. Modes of Evaluation and Class Rules
A. Grading Scheme: DVMT 108 Elementary Algebra
1) Evaluation Tools: Chapter tests, quizzes, homework assignment, and departmental final exam (post-test).
The following paragraphs describe testing method, three-weeks DVMT 108 exit exam, and DVMT 108 grading policy as approved by the department of mathematics.
i) DVMT 108 testing method and percentage scores loadings:
· Minimum of six Chapter Tests will be administered in all DVMT classes prior to a departmental Final Exam. These chapter tests will contribute towards 40% of the student’s course grade.
· A departmental cumulative final exam will be administered in all DVMT classes during the final exam period. This final exam will account for 60% of the student’s course grade [Note: The departmental cumulative final exam will consist of 30 multiple choice items].
ii) DVMT 108 class grading policy:
All students are given PS, CS, or F based on the following grading scheme:
PS 70% or more of the Total 100 points
CS Below 70% of the Total 100 points
F Excessive absences and/or failing to take final exam.
iii) Three-week DVMT 108 exit-exam grading policy:
All DVMT 108 students will take one departmental cumulative final exam in order to test out of DVMT 108 and those who pass the exit-exam will be allowed to take DVMT 109 class or MATH 125(in the same semester at no additional cost). The PS score in the exit-exam will be a minimum of 21 (70%) points out of 30 points. There will be 30 multiple choice items in the Exit-exam.
2) All students are responsible for collecting their tests from the instructor. They are required to save the test(s) until the instructor determines a final course grade.
3) Student passing DVMT 108 class may register for the non-GER credit course DVMT 109 or MATH 125 (Math For Liberal Arts).
4) Once again, prior to the registration in any mathematics class, all students are urged to seek advising from the Freshman Advising Office located in the administrative building on the campus. Also, note that all students are advised to complete their developmental course work first, if required, and then move on to the courses that are required for graduation. All students are required to complete their developmental course requirements, if any, with in their first year at Coppin.
B. Plagiarism Policy:
Academic honesty is required of all students at all times. It will be taken for granted that any work, oral or written that a student does for the course is his/her original work. Any violation of this rule constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism includes any form of cheating in exams, tests, quizzes, unacknowledged or undocumented use on another's writing or ideas published or unpublished. A student who plagiarizes will receive an F for the course, project, and assignment as determined by the instructor.
C. Class Rules and Regulations
1. Drinking, eating and smoking are not permitted in class.
2. Attendance policy rules are strictly enforced. It is the
responsibility of the student to avoid scheduling the
activity that is likely to interfere with the class.
3. Punctuality is extremely important -- any student not
present when roll call is called will be marked absent.
4. If you are absent it is your responsibility to contact a
classmate or your instructor to find out what work you
missed and what homework assignment was given for that
Classmate Phone Number
D. Succeeding in Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science generally require sequential learning. Missing a few major concepts could result in failing the course. To be successful, students should:
· Read the lesson in the text before class
· Take good notes and ask questions in class
· Seek help when needed from the instructor
· Complete all home assignments on time
· Study with other students
· Attend every class on time
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is concerned that students not disadvantage themselves by missing classes. To this end, the department has developed an attendance policy based on the Coppin State University Institutional Undergraduate Class Attendance Policy (IUCAP).
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Attendance Policy
The criterion that governs a grade of AW or FX based on unsatisfactory class attendance is as follows:
The instructor determines whether a student absence is excused or unexcused. A student who has unexcused absences exceeding six hours for a course has surpassed the number of allowable unexcused absences and is in violation of the department attendance policy. The instructor is authorized to issue a grade of AW (when the excessive unexcused absence occurs within the withdrawal period). A student who 1) exceeds the number of unexcused absences after the withdrawal period and 2) who does not pass the course will be given a grade of F (rather than CS).
· The policy refers to the number of lecture hours, not the number of class meetings. A lecture “hour” is actually 50 minutes.
· Athletes are often required to miss classes for games and practices (these are, of course, excused absences). These absences count against the six hours of unexcused absences. An athlete who misses six or more hours of class because of games and/or practices will not be allowed any unexcused absences.
7. Bibliography
1) Lial, Horsby, McGinnis; Introductory and Intermediate Algebra. Addison Wesley, 2th edition, 2002.
2) Tussy and Gustafson; Elementary Algebra. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 3rd edition, 2005.
3) Lial, Horsby, McGinnis; Intermediate Algebra with Early Functions and Graphing. Addison Wesley, 7th edition, 2002.
4) Larson, Hostetler and Hodgkins; College Algebra: Concepts
and Models. Houghton Mifflin, Co., 4th edition, 2006.
5) For more information on practice test materials, see your
instructor and/or staff in mathematics lab.
8. Glossary
All students are expected to practice and remember the key terms and symbols, listed at end of each chapter in the textbook. The additional glossary of terms would be distributed in the class, if necessary.
9. Discussion Questions
Take-home problems, if any; students' errors in quizzes and tests, common errors and application problems will serve as the warm-up activities for the following: a) Class room discussion, b) Pair-Share tasks, and c) Class lecture.
A. MATH LAB (GJ 206): You must contact Math lab staff to find good time for you. The Math Lab opens Mon.- Sat., and call 410-951-3056 (Bldg:GJ Room: 206) for hours. Tutoring assistance provided in math lab is free. Contact persons are:
· Mr.Booker, Daniel - Assistant Math Lab Coordinator (Academic Resources) 410-951-3064, Bldg:GJ Room:206
· Ms.Ritchie, Alicia – Computer Assistance Instruction/Study Skills Coordinator (Academic Resources) 410-951-3058; Bldg:GJ Room: 205
· Mr.Thomas, Gene - Math Lab Coordinator/Director (Academic Resources), 410-951-3056, Bldg:GJ Room: 206
B. STUDENTS SUPPORT SERVICES (Frances Murphy Research Ctr., Rm. 221): Contact persons are: 1) Mrs.Ray, Sikharini - Academic Services Coordinator (Student Support Services) 410-951-3658, Bldg:FM Room: 221; 2) Mrs.Washington, Lelia - Director (Student Support Services), 410-951-3660, Bldg:FM Room:223; 3)Ms.Winkey, Fa`nae - Secretary (Student Support Services), 410-951-3655, Bldg:FM Room:223
C. All students are advised to: 1) visit audio-visual lab located in the library for relevant materials, 2) visit computer lab and seek additional assistance, and contact math lab (GJ206) staff for the questions about the availability of software.
D. MyMathLab is a website created to help you succeed in Elementary Algebra. The layout of the materials on the website is identical to your printed textbook, making it easy for you to move from one form to the other. There are numerous video and audio clips and animations to supplement what is printed in your text. The website allows you to take practice tests that are similar to the chapter tests in your book. After completing the practice tests, MyMathLab generates an individualized study plan which you can use to help determine which concepts needs to be studied further. You can also submit work to your instructor using MyMathLab and your work will be electronically graded and recorded in a MyMathLab gradebook. Your instructor can then view your results and study plan at any time.