Memorial Junior High School Science Fair Timeline

Memorial Junior High School Science Fair Timeline

Memorial Junior High School Science Fair Timeline

The Science Club will be available to students on 7:30-8:00 Tuesday and Thursday mornings within one of the science teachers’ classrooms.

Date Assigned / Due Date / Assignment / Next step
12/15/14 / 1/9/15 / Selection of Topicand write your testable question / ~Work on gathering background info on topic
1/19/15 / 1/26/15 / Research in the lab
Research includes:
  1. Other studies done on the same or a similar topic.
  2. Background info about the materials being used.
/ Work on Proposal- Due 1/29
1/27/15 / 2/2/15 / Proposal Includes:
  1. Investigative question.
  2. Purpose/Problem you are going to solve.
  3. Research-Resources, book, magazines, internet, etc.
  4. Hypothesis/es
/ ~Work on Project plan- due 2/2/15
2/5/15 / 2/11/15 / Project Plan Includes:
  1. List of materials.
  2. Step by step procedures
  3. Identify Controls, Control group, Independent and Dependent variable, size of sample.
  4. Sample data collection sheet or chart you will use to collect your data.
**You may not start experiment until the plan has been approved** / 1. Gather materials or work in Science club.
2. Decide where and when you will conduct the experiment.
3. Begin your experiment and complete the Science Log.
2/17/15 / 3/2/15 / Conduct Experiment and complete your Science log which includes the following:
  1. Write brief summary on what you have done so far and how it is working.
  2. Explain what difficulties you have encountered.
  3. What are some ideas of how you can improve the investigation?
  4. Take pictures of the steps of the experiment along the way to show evidence that the experiment has been performed.
  5. Record all data and log each step.
  1. Complete all data sheets and include a summary of all results.
  2. Graph your data.
  3. Summarize the results

3/2 / 3/7 / Results and conclusions of the experiment include:
  1. Data collection sheets filled out at each step of the investigation.
  2. Photographs of each step (if applicable).
/ Begin working on your Project paper
3/10 / 3/21 / Project Paper includes:
  1. Explain why you chose this topic.
  2. Other studies done on this same topic. (you must site all sources)
  3. Background info about the materials that were used.
  4. Summarize the overall experiment. What did you do to make it your own?
  5. Difficulties you have encountered.
  6. Discuss the results of the experiment.
  7. Your interpretation of the data.
  8. Ideas for how you can improve the investigation.
  9. What you have learned from this investigation.
  10. Explain how the experiment connects to a real world example?
/ Begin setting up your display board (see other handout for display guidelines)
3/21 / 4/7 /
  1. Set up display board using the template provided. (see other handout for display guidelines)
  2. Add any finishing touches on the display board

4/10/15 / Science Fair Projects Dueduring science classes
4/13/15 / Set Up Science Fair in Gymduring sciences classes
4/14 4/15
4/16 / Science Fair Judging
4/15 & 4/16 / Science Fair Walk through: Teachers/Staff/Classes View Science Fair in Gym
4/16/15 / Parent Nightparents and community can come out to view the projects. Must be accompanied by a parent
4/23/15 / Winners Announced in school

Science Teacher contacts: