Guide’s Greatest Funny Stories

Lori Peckham, editor

Readability Level 5.2 / Points 7

Pages 160 / Word Count: 37,000

1. / Why did Dan wear roofing paper home? (Chapter 1)
a. / His pants had burned up
b. / He liked the coloring
c. / His clothes had sunk beneath the ice
d. / A dog had run off with his clothes
2. / Why did Mother act strange in church? (Chapter 4)
a. / She was sick.
b. / She wanted to show her boys how to act.
c. / She wanted her children to see how silly they looked.
d. / There were bugs crawling up her leg.
3. / How did all the snakes get in Jack’s sleeping bag? (Chapter 7)
a. / He had put his bag over their lair.
b. / He had put a pregnant snake in his bag.
c. / His friends wanted to see him squirm
d. / He had put his bag close to a warm rock.
4. / What did Elder Poulos have trouble giving George? (Chapter 10)
a. / A hug
b. / A shot
c. / A blanket
d. / A flashlight
5. / Why didn’t Randy and Jon’s jokes turn out well at the talent contest? (Chapter 13)
a. / They were off color
b. / They hadn’t practiced
c. / They will for little kids
d. / They spoke too softly
6. / Why did Charles fall into the deep ditch? (Chapter 16)
a. / He chose to fall
b. / The bullies threw him in
c. / He tripped
d. / None of these
7. / What happened to Dave’s cutoffs? (Chapter 18)
a. / A seam ripped
b. / They fell off
c. / The zipper would not stay up
d. / All of these
8. / Why was Karl glad to ride the bus again? (Chapter 20)
a. / The bus driver was nicer then his dad
b. / He could be with his friends
c. / It was cheaper then being driven by his dad
d. / He did not have to miss school
9. / What mistake did Hurl make as a crossing guard? (Chapter 22)
a. / He overslept
b. / He was two blocks from where he was supposed to be
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
10. / What was the problem with the monkey given to Carolyn?
a. / He was old
b. / He bit her
c. / He peed on her
d. / All of these
Correct Answers / 1-a 2-c 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-d