Medication Procedure (NAG 5)

Procedures are necessary to administer prescribed medication for students when the parent

or caregiver is unable to do so. However, the school understands there may be some

parents/caregivers who encourage their child to take responsibility for their own medication,

e.g. asthma inhalers kept in school bags.


To ensure that medication, as prescribed by a medical practitioner, is administered in accordance with the parents/caregiver’s instructions on the form entitled

“Parents/Caregivers Request for Longford Intermediate School to Administer Medication” or by phone call or email.


1. All parents/caregivers and staff are made aware of this policy and following procedures,

by its inclusion in the Longford Intermediate Information booklet. This is distributed to all parents/caregivers, upon enrolment, and staff also receive a copy. A copy is also held at the


2.Before any prescribed medication can be administered, parents/caregivers must

complete the “Parents/Caregivers Request for Longford Intermediate School to Administer

Medication” form. This form is to be signed by the parent/caregiver and the School

Secretary, as well as one other staff member who will administer the medication in the

event of the School Secretary’s absence from school.

3.Any medication held by the school must be prescribed by a New Zealand general practitioner.

4. It will be the parent/caregiver’s responsibility to inform the school of any change in the

student’s medication and the previously signed form will need to be amended detailing

any such change.

5. A medication register is maintained and will be signed each time medication is administered.

6. Any treatment or medication to be given by the School Secretary (or in her absence, the

designated person) on an irregular needs basis should be detailed on the signed form

and entered in the Register when administered, e.g. Ventolin.

7. Painkilling medication, e.g. Panadol may be administered by the School Secretary (or in

her absence, the designated person) only after verbal permission has been requested

and given by the parent/caregiver. This is also recorded in the medication register.

8. The medical practitioner’s directions on the label of medicines will be followed by the staff

administering the medication.

9. Medication administered by school staff will be stored appropriately, e.g. in the

refrigerator, in a secured area. The Medication Agreement will state that a current (i.e.

within the use by date) and adequate supply of medication is to be held at the School,

and it is the parent/caregiver’s responsibility to provide the school with any further

medication as required.

10. Students requiring regular medication will obtain this from the School Secretary at the

time required. However, if the School Secretary is absent from school, the medication

will be administered by the designated person named in the written agreement, at the

time required.

11. If the medication is refused or not taken, this will be noted in the Register and the

parent/caregiver contacted.

12. If, at any time, the school secretary or designated person feels it is inappropriate or is

unwilling to administer medication, the school may ask the parent/caregiver to perform

this task.


1.When the Board approved the Policy it was agreed that no variations of this Policy or amendments to it can be made except by the unanimous approval of the Board.

2.As part of its approval the Board requires the Principal to circulate this Policy to all staff, and for a copy to be included in the Longford Intermediate School Policy Manual, copies of which shall be available to all staff. The school policy manual shall also be made available to students and parents at their request. The Board requires that the Principal arrange for all new staff to be made familiar with this Policy and other policies approved by the Board.

Self Review

This policy will be reviewed annually along with all other Longford Intermediate policies. Responsibility for review of this policy will be held by the Board of Trustees and any relevant Senior Management Staff.

The Board of Trustees of Longford Intermediate School has consulted with staff and parents in the formulation of this Policy. The Policy was approved and adopted by the Board at its meeting held on 5th June 2014 and became effective from that date.

Next Review Date:

Board of Trustee’s Chair (Kyleigh Lyth): Date:______