Precalculus Accelerated

Mrs. Fletcher



5-Subject Spiral Notebook with Pockets

TI-84+ Graphing Calculator

Sharpened Pencils



Your grade will consist of:


Quizzes & Graded Assignments30%

Daily Homework20%

Tests: One test will be given at the end of each unit. These tests are not cumulative.

Quizzes & Graded Assignments: Quizzes will be given periodically throughout each unit. Cumulative Graded Assignments will be given several times throughout the year to help prepare for the midterm and final exam.

Daily Homework: You will be assigned homework almost every night. These homework assignments will be checked for completion and will be graded based on effort.

Midterm & Final Exam: A midterm will be given in January testing on the first half of the year, and a final will be given in June testing on the second half of the school year. These grades will be averaged to determine the final exam grade for the course.

Extra Points: Students will be allowed to re-take quizzes to earn up to half the points back that they had missed. This must be done within two days of receiving the quiz back.


It is the responsibility of the student to show the teacher any missed homework assignments. All quizzes and tests must be made up on the day of return unless the student was absent more than one day. In this case, see the teacher to determine an acceptable time frame to make up any missed work.


I am available for extra help everyday after school until 2:30.


I will be updating grades on a regular basis. Please check often so you are aware of your average and any missing assignments.


Cell phone use is NOT PERMITTED in the classroom. Cell phones are a distraction to the learning environment. There will be a place for students to place their cell phones when they walk into class. If a student is found using their phone, it will be collected and given to their administrator.


There will be a zero tolerance policy involving plagiarism. If a student is found plagiarizing, the grade for the assignment will be a zero. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying another student’s work, and/or copying sources directly from a printed text.


-Go to

- Scroll down to click on “Frontier High School”

- Click on “Teachers” at the top of the page and scroll down to find Mrs. Fletcher

Precalculus Accelerated

Mrs. Fletcher


STUDENT: I have read the classroom contract and understand it. I will honor it while in math class this year.

Signature______Date ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read the classroom contract. I understand it and will support it.

Signature ______Date ______


Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian #1:Name ______

Home Phone # ______

Cell Phone # ______

Email: ______

Parent/Guardian #2:Name ______

Home Phone # ______

Cell Phone # ______

Email: ______

Email is the easiest way for me to keep in contact with you about progress, homework assignments, behavior, etc. Please feel free to contact me through email at.

Comments/Concerns regarding this course: