LakesideCommunityPrimary School

Marking and Feedback Policy 2017-19


To make explicit how staff mark learner’s work and provide feedback. All members of staff are expected to be familiar with the policy and to apply it consistently.

To advance pupil progress and outcomes. Staff should be clear about what they are trying to achieve and the best way of achieving it.

To provide constructive feedback to learners focusing on success criteria and learning challenge. This enables learners to become reflective and helps them to close the gap between what they can currently do and achieving their next target.

Giving feedback and marking learner’s work is also effective in making all relevant parties – children, staff and parent/carers, aware of:

•how much we value the learner’s work

•how much the learner has achieved in this piece of work

•what they need to improve in their work so that they can achieve at a higher standard next time.

Marking work also provides a basis for summative and formative assessment and informs progress tracking. It is also the core of on-going assessments that will inform all future planning.

Quality marking and feedback must:

consist of Tickled Pinks and Green for Growth comments

model a high standard of presentation/clear handwriting (see Handwriting Policy)

should be meaningful, manageable, motivating and accessible to learners.

relate to the learning challenge and comment on previous attainment;

involve all adults working with the learners in the classroom;

give recognition and praise for achievement and clear strategies for improvement;

allow specific time for learners to read, reflect and respond to marking;

respond to individual learning needs;

inform future planning;

ultimately be seen by learners as a positive approach to improving their learning.

Marking Learning

Learning needs to be marked using the ‘Tickled Pink, Green for Growth’ model in all subject areas.

Verbal Feedback

LCPS recognises the importance of learners receiving regular verbal feedback. The adult will initially talk to the learner about how they have met the learning challenge/target and then question the learner about a specific part of the learning. This may be to correct a learner’s understanding or to extend thinking.

When verbal feedback has been given this can be stated on the piece, where necessary, by writing VFand giving a brief outline of the feedback (normally this would be if the VF is being given by a member of staff that is not the regular teacher, when they feel the teacher needs to be aware of the content of the feedback)

Written marking and feedback

When Quality Markingstaff:

  1. read the piece of learning.
  2. indicateexamples of where the learner has met the learning challenge in ‘Tickled Pink’.
  3. highlight in ‘Yellow’ common misspelt words for learners to practise (Y1, Y3, Y4 & Y5 – Y2 and Y6 in the Aut term and then move to no highlighting for evidence of end of key stage standard)
  4. indicate an aspect of the learning which could be improved in ‘Green for Growth’ and provide an example if appropriate, for learners to respond to in purple.
  5. initial marking (unless the class teacher) to indicate to the learner who has marked their learning.

If support has been given to complete the learning it needs to be specified by a note or a stamps denoting Teacher Assisted Work, TA Assisted Work.

When learners are peer or self marking‘Tickled Pink,Green for Growth’ is always used and the learner initial the marking.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and middle leaders will regularly monitor books and talk to learners about their learning. Feedback and support is then provided to staff. This is monitored by the governing body.

Joe Baker-Heath Head of School July 2017