**Mark items that are new in this issue.

What’s Up

August 13, 2010

Compiled Weekly by Peg Tileston

On behalf of the Alaska Women’s Environmental Network (AWEN), Alaska Center for the Environment (ACE), and Alaska Conservation Alliance (ACA)


August 16 - 20

NORTH PACIFIC FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL will meet at the Captain Cook Hotel. For complete agenda go to http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/npfmc/Agendas/810Agenda.pdf.


Public meeting on the draft FALL 2010 AMENDMENT to the ALASKA COASTAL IMPACT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PLAN will be held from 10 to 11am. To participate, call 1-800-315-6338. The code is 2427#. The Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Act) established the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) to provide funds to the six Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas producing states to mitigate the impacts of OCS oil and gas activities. The State of Alaska is allocated a total of $79,407,444.96 in CIAP funds. Per the Act, 65% ($51,614,839.22) is allocated directly to the State of Alaska and 35% ($27,792,605.74) is allocated directly to the state’s eight eligible Coastal Political Subdivisions (CPSs). In order for the state and the CPSs to receive the CIAP monies, the state must develop and receive approval from the Federal Department of Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE-formerly Minerals Management Service) for a state specific CIAP Plan. The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Coastal and Ocean Management (DCOM), the state’s lead agency for CIAP, developed and received approval of a 2008 Alaska CIAP Plan and a March 2010 Amendment to the plan which accounted for a portion of the total CIAP monies allocated to the State of Alaska. DCOM has prepared a Fall 2010 Amendment to the Alaska CIAP Plan, Public Review Draft that accounts for the remaining CIAP funds. It, and the previously approved Alaska CIAP Plan and amendment can be viewed at http://dnr.alaska.gov/coastal/CIAP/ciap.htm. The public is invited to participate in a public meeting on the Fall 2010 Amendment to the Alaska CIAP Plan, Public Review Draft, and to comment on the amendment before it is finalized and submitted to BOEMRE. For more information or to submit written comments, contact Ms. Sylvia Kreel, Alaska CIAP Project Coordinator, (907) 465-3177, Fax (907)- 465-3075, or email .

August 20 - 22

FAIRBANKS - TANANA VALLEY SANDHILL CRANE FESTIVAL - Join Friends of Creamer’s Field for this celebration of fall migration! During the festival, see thousands of cranes as they eat and socialize in preparation for their long flight south. This year’s KEYNOTE SPEAKER WILL BE PAUL JOHNSGARD, celebrated ornithologist, author and artist. The weekend’s festivities include an outdoor slideshow on the historic Creamer’s Dairy barns, Brunch with the Cranes, nature walks, kids crafts and walks, drawing and photography workshops, a crane calling contest, a live birds of prey program and of course crane watching! For more information call (907) 452-5162 or visit www.creamersfield.org.

August 24 & 26 (Teleconference)

EPA will hold listening sessions on POTENTIAL REVISIONS TO WATER QUALITY STANDARDS REGULATION , from 1 to 2:30 pm EDT (9 to 10:30 Alaska time). The current regulation, which has been in place since 1983, governs how states and authorized tribes adopt standards needed under the Clean Water Act to protect the quality of their rivers, streams, lakes, and estuaries. Potential revisions include strengthening protection for water bodies with water quality that already exceeds or meet the interim goals of the Clean Water Act; ensuring that standards reflect a continued commitment to these goals wherever attainable; improving transparency of regulatory decisions; and strengthening federal oversight. Water quality standards are the foundation of the water quality-based approach to pollution control, including Total Maximum Daily Loads and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. Standards are also a fundamental component of watershed management. At the sessions, EPA will provide a review of the current regulation and a summary of the revisions the agency is considering. Clarifying questions and brief oral comments (three minutes or less) from the public will be accepted at the sessions, as time permits. EPA will consider the comments received as it develops the proposed rulemaking. More information, go to: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/standards/rules/wqs/.

August 30 - September 3

JUNEAU - 2010 EPA REGION 10 TRIBAL LEADERS SUMMIT will be held in Centennial Hall. The theme of the Summit is WORKING to PROTECT OUR RESOURCES for FUTURE GENERATIONS. Agenda is available at http://www.ccthita.org/docs/TLSDraft_Agenda_6.25.10.doc. Registration, travel and accommodation information is available at http://www.ccthita.org/2010TLS.html. For more information, contact Leilani Knight-McQueen or Desiree Duncan, CCTHITA Native Lands and Resources Department, at 1-800-344-1432 ext 7713 for Leilani and ext 7183 for Desiree or email or .


August 20

Deadline for application for a WESTERN WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE GRANT that may be used to apply for financial assistance towards hazardous fuels and educational projects within the four goals of: improved prevention, reduction of hazardous fuels, restoration of fire-adapted ecosystems and promotion of community assistance. For application, criteria and instructions visit Forestry's web site at:


September 9 (Deadline Change)

Deadline for applications for the 2011 COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL DEMONSTRATION

PROJECT GRANT. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP) invite you to apply for the 2011 Community Environmental Demonstration Project grant. We anticipate 10-12 awards ranging from $5,000.00 to $30,000.00. These grants are made possible with funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency under the

Alaska Tribal Multi-Media Demonstration Projects. For more information please visit www.ruralcap.com or www.anthc.org/chs/ces/hve/index.cfm.

November 1

Deadline for applications for MARINE DEBRIS REMOVAL PROGRAM GRANTS. This funding supports locally driven, community-based marine debris removal projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and wildlife including migratory fish. Proposed projects should have strong on-the-ground habitat components involving the removal of marine debris and derelict fishing gear, as well as activities that provide social benefits for people and their communities and long-term ecological habitat improvements. To learn more, go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103579321475&s=120&e=001JwsyWV4weOwbEDVRBQV-uFtCl-6z_4umzx2RUEL9afnK1Hsl_twXZiWXEAfJHslItIPT-_hXbsqwJ-be-iHxn-zTiF6By0AMowl_0fpp9IcO8OuYxui0zP7tMZ74ayLKGpIPPIUNTrw_0KdJkVrAww==.

November 17

Deadline for applications for the OPEN RIVERS INITIATIVE. Through this program, the NOAA Restoration Center provides technical expertise and financial assistance to remove dams and barriers and restore habitat for the many species that migrate between the ocean and the nation's freshwater rivers and streams. Proposed projects should directly benefit migratory species such as salmon, sturgeon, shad, river herring, striped bass, and American eel. They should also improve community vitality and public safety and encourage economic growth. To learn more, http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103579321475&s=120&e=001JwsyWV4weOzjQo5CrquwtmSDHY6JrY_kdQpvPN_z296wrJT21aCnibmRRtQIz3cGQ4qFKfsbmf7AjRptodgbaChrpTvzURMGfRu7bNN7-QZX88CzT8pQUG2aMQRsx22gUmxePt_4jaw=.


August 16

Deadline for comments on the INTEGRATED HERRING RESTORATION PROGRAM (IHRP) The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council is seeking public comment on its). For copies of the IHRP, to comment on, or for more information call (800) 478-7745 or on the web at www.evostc.state.ak.us.

August 16

DUTCH HARBOR - Comments are due on the proposal to renew an AIR QUALITY CONTROL OPERATING PERMIT to the WESTWARD DUTCH HARBOR SEAFOOD PROCESSING FACILITY and AIR QUALITY CONTROL OPERATING to the ALYESKA SEAFOODS, INC. for the UNALASKA SEAFOOD PROCESSING FACILITY. The significant emission units are the three oil fired diesel engine driven electric generators, and two oil fired boilers. The potential annual emissions of regulated air pollutants at the source will not exceed: 26 tons of Particulate Matter, 594 tons of Nitrogen Oxides, 114 tons of Sulfur Dioxide, 64 tons of Carbon Monoxide, and 32 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds. The total is 830 tons per year for the Westward Dutch Harbor Seafood Processing facility. The potential annual emissions of regulated air pollutants at the source will not exceed: 6.6 tons of Particulate Matter, 292 tons of Nitrogen Oxides, 21.2 tons of Sulfur Dioxide, 89.2 tons of Carbon Monoxide, 10.4 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds, and 0.2 tons of Hazardous Air Pollutants. The total is 419.6 tons per year for the Alyeska Seafoods, Inc. The draft Operating Permits and Statements of Basis are is available at http://www.dec.state.ak.us/air/ap/calendar.htm.For more information or to submit comments, contact Ms. Debra Dalcher at 907-269-7562 or email .

August 16

Deadline for comments on the INTEGRATED HERRING RESTORATION PLAN. The document is available at http://www.evostc.state.ak.us/Universal/Documents/Publications/IHRP%20DRAFT%20-%20July%202010.pdf.

August 17


Deadline for comments on the DRAFT 2011 – 2012 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM (UPWP) that identifies all Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation System (FMATS) transportation planning, air quality planning, and programming activities. It specifies which tasks will be done with financial support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The purpose of the document is two-fold. First, it is a management tool that identifies the nature, timeline, staffing needs, cost, and funding sources of all the planning activities of FMATS during federal fiscal year 2011 and 2012. Second, it fulfills the planning requirements of the national surface transportation law and regulations, including the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The draft is available at http://www.fmats.alaska.gov/files/upwp-public-review-2011-2012.pdf. To submit comments, go to http://dot.state.ak.us/nreg/planning/fmats/email_form.shtml.

August 19

ANCHOR POINT - Comments are due on the proposal to construct the NORTH FORK TO ANCHOR POINT PIPELINE that would begin at the North Fork Production Pad located approximately 8.6 miles east of Anchor Point and would terminate in Anchor Point.. Anchor Point Energy (APE) proposes to construct and operate a dual 7.4 mile long natural gas pipeline. The proposed route crosses approximately 6.6 miles of state land. The applicant has requested a temporary 50-foot wide right-of-way for construction, 25-feet on either side of the right-of-way centerline. The construction right-of-way on state owned/managed lands would contain approximately 40.31 acres. The permanent operational right-of-way would be reduced to 20 feet in width, with 10 feet on either side of the right-of-way centerline. The operations right-of-way would contain approximately 16.10 acres. The pipeline route is located entirely within the drainage basin for the Anchor River and one of its main tributaries, the North Fork River. The pipeline route would cross five stream channels including the North Fork River near its mouth and various tributaries of the North Fork River and Anchor River. The North Fork is a single channel river and the riparian management area (measured from the outermost extent of the ordinary high water mark) is 100 feet on either side of the waterbody. The North Fork would be crossed via 400 ft of horizontal directional drilling (HDD); the HDD would provide at least a 100 ft buffer on both sides of the river. A complete copy of the project packet is available for review and copying at ftp://ftp.dnr.state.ak.us/dcom/APE_NorthFork_to_AnchorPt_Pipeline/. For more information or to submit comments, contact Jodi Delgado-Plikat, Project Review Coordinator, at 907-269-7472, Fax 907-269-3981, or email or go to http://www.alaskacoast.state.ak.us/.

August 20

HAINES - Comments are due on the proposal to renew an AIR QUALITY CONTROL OPERATING PERMIT to the HAINES POWER GENERATING STATION. The potential annual emissions of regulated air pollutants at the source will not exceed: 410 tons of Nitrogen Oxides, 115 tons of Carbon Monoxide, 14 tons of Particulate Matter, 69 tons of Sulfur Dioxide, and 12 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds. The total emissions of regulated air pollutants is 620 tons per year. The draft Operating Permit and Statement of Basis are also available at the Department’s website at: http://www.dec.state.ak.us/air/ap/calendar.htm. For more information or submit comments, contact Ms. Debra Dalcher at 907-269-7562 or email .

August 20

Deadline for comments for the proposal to renew AIR QUALITY CONTROL OPERATING PERMIT to the VALDEZ DIESEL PLANT. The potential annual emissions of regulated air pollutants at the source will not exceed: 20 tons of Particulate Matter, 1127 tons of Nitrogen Oxides, 246 tons of Sulfur Dioxide, 261 tons of Carbon Monoxide, and 27 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds. The total emissions of regulated air pollutants is 1681 tons per year. The draft Operating Permit and Statement of Basis are available at http://www.dec.state.ak.us/air/ap/calendar.htm. For more information or to submit comments, contact Ms. Debra Dalcher at 907-269-7562 or email .

**August 20 (Extended to August 27)

Deadline for application submission for LEADERSHIP ANCHORAGE for the 2010-2011 online. Go to http://www.akhf.org/programs/leadership/leadership_applications.html for the application, session schedule, and program frequently asked questions. As applications are received, interviews will be scheduled. The program year begins with an overnight retreat in late September. Leadership Anchorage is a nationally recognized, rigorous program for adults. Leadership Anchorage is designed to introduce the "emerging leaders" of non-profit, neighborhood, and ethnic organizations to accomplished professionals and civic leaders in Anchorage and Alaska. Our goal is to make sure these emerging voices are heard and are at the table in the mix of Anchorage decision-making. After 13 years, more than 240 graduates, and recognition as one of the top civic leadership programs in the country, the program continues to grow and expand its reach. Over nine months, program participants experience a two-day retreat and nine rigorous, full-day sessions (mostly on Saturdays). These sessions include speaker presentations from established leaders in the community, readings in the humanities and on leadership as well as group dynamic learning exercises designed to facilitate the development of critical leadership skill sets. The cornerstones of LA's curriculum are a one-on-one mentor ship program, and a community service group project. The goal: more effective community leadership with a wider and more diverse network of connections. For further information, contact Jim MacKenzie at 907-272-5324, Cell: 907-575-8755, Fax: 907-272-3979, or go to http://www.akhf.org/programs/leadership/leadership_main.html & http://www.akhistorycourse.org/

August 21

Comments are due on the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) for a proposal to PURCHASE SIX PRIVATE PARCELS (approximately 1.5 acres) NEAR THE NORTH END OF THE LAKE HOOD AIR STRIP at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.. Each parcel contains a duplex structure which consists of two separate residences. Purchase of this property would rectify the issues of residential dwellings within the RPZ of runway 13-31. The EA describes the alternatives considered and evaluates the probable economic, social, and environmental effects of the proposed project and its consistency with the goals of the affected area’s land use and planning objectives. Interested individuals who may have a concern about the project may request a public hearing. The draft EA is available at: http://dot.alaska.gov/creg/lakehood/. For more information Wolfgang Junge, P.E., Project Manager at (907) 269-0608 or email . To submit comments, contact Brian Elliott, Environmental Manager, ADOT&PF, P.O. Box 196900, Anchorage, AK 99519-6900.