2014 CTVLL

Fall Ball Rules

Managers - Welcome to Fall Ball 2014:
Here are some house keeping items for the upcoming season beginning Tuesday August 19th.

  • ITISALLABOUTTHEKIDS - it is not about the managers or coaches, have fun, play fair and ensure the kids learn and get better.
  • THERE ARENO WINS and LOSSES, no records are kept.
  • Fall Ball is Instructional - Managers can be on the field to help coach and instruct asneeded,however keep in mind you are working to get the kids ready for Minor and Majors for the spring.
  • Practices are NOT to be held once the season begins - Fall Ball is essentially practice in a scrimmage format 2 times per week. Please respect the fact that the fields, including Little Rascals are notopen for practice.
  • We will use a continuous batting line-up for Fall Ball for both Majors and Minors - no more than one time through the order per inning.
  • No Player will sit out more than 1 inning per game
  • Games should be no more than 2 hours or 6 Innings (2 hours will be tough towards the end of the season due to light)
  • All players will be given the opportunity to play every position throughout the season. This is not the regular season where a playeris designated for a "position" for the season andcatches or plays first base all game every game. Mix up the line-up every game and give the kids a chance to play every position and bat early and late in the order.
  • Pitchers should not pitch more than 2 innings per game. Give everybody a chance to try or sharpen their skills at pitching.
  • Umpiring – It is the responsibility of the Home Team to provide the umpire for each game. Fall Ball is umpired by a qualified parent or coach/manager (Qualified means they have submitted a Volunteer form this calendar year, and have attended an umpiring clinic previously or have umpired in the past. Fall Ball can be umpired from behind the pitchers’ mound, however we prefer to have them behind the plate to gain experience. We will be happy to train any parent or coach that wants to learn. 2 are preferred but 1 is ok.
  • Field Maintenance – BOTH TEAMS are responsible for SET UP and TAKE DOWN of the Fields. The fields need to be raked, base pads installed and watered (when needed) before each game and base pads removed, raked, dug outs swept and trash picked up after each game. Please ask your parents to help with this. And please ensure they understand how to rake correctly as to not build up dirt on the first and third base lines.
  • All fields and roll-up shed should be locked after the last game, please take it upon yourself to ensure you double check that no gates are left open.

That’s it for the dos and don’ts. Enjoy the season and most of all have fun. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


CTVLL Fall Ball League