Captain Lou Albano Memorial Animation Tournament

CLAMAT 2018. Round 2.

By Ianissimo McKenzie and Bradley Kirksey

1. Contention arose on the Wikia for this series over the classification as a Yellow Belly of a Damon Wayons-voiced nothronychus. Other guest voices have included Cuba Gooding, Jr., as Loofah, Kiefer Sutherland as Bron, and Kris Kristofferson as Doc. “Hot and Stinky, stinky and hot. It may feel good inside your hungry spot” are words sung by characters in a sequel subtitled Journey of the Brave. “It's scary and it's strangerous and things could rearrange-r us” are lyrics from “Big Water,” a song used in The MysteriousIsland, another sequel, and an episode of a TV show based on the original film whose only lyrical song was Diana Ross’ “If We Hold On Together,” which played over the credits and was co-written by James Horner. Horner also provided the score to the original film and the only one directed by Don Bluth, produced by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Telling the story of a journey to the Great Valley, FTP, name that film-slash-series starring Spike, Ducky, Petrie, Cera, and Littlefoot.

ANSWER: The Land Before Time

2. On one occasion, it’s implied that Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa could be this person, with a woman claiming that she could never turn down a drummer. Savio Mascalzoni was shot for killing an unnamed agent thought to possibly be this figure and in the episode “Once Bitten,” this figure gave the central character a stuffed alligator in a hallucination. Len Trexler is name dropped to possibly be this person, and Boris ruined a DNA test that was supposed to establish if Nikolai Jakov, the head of the KGB was this person. For ten points, name this figure who Sterling originally believed to be John Fitzgerald Archer.

Answer: Sterling Archer’sFather

3. With a name meaning “hot desert wind,” this studio’s precursor contributed to films like The Flight of Dragons and The Last Unicorn for Rankin-Bass, and many of the crew of that studio, Topcraft, left to form this studio after the success of a 1984 film re-edited for US release titled Warriors of the Wind. Studio Ponoc was recently formed by a man who directed When Marnie Was There for this studio which produced a film prominently featuring the John Denver song, “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” Whisper of the Heart, and that film inspired a spin-off film, The Cat Returns. A film about raccoons with huge testicles, Pom Poko, by one of this studio’s top directors was a change of pace from his gruelingly depressing Grave of the Fireflies. Tales of Earthsea received mixed reviews and was directed by the son of the man who directed Porco Rosso and Kiki’s Delivery Service for, FTP, what studio which employs Isao Takahata and Spirited Away director Hayao Miyazaki?

ANSWER: Studio Ghibli

4. In one episode, this character claimed to have eaten his own father at 15 and still keeps a bit of his leg and in another episode this character dated an alien that later became Kim Kardashian. He bears a child by Betsy White, and this character became a millionaire after inventing disco and played on the 1980 “Miracle on Ice” team, though he cheated by using steroids. This character claims to have fought for the Viet Cong and be 1601 year old and he’s noted for his hundreds of bizarre disguises that he wears around Langley Falls. For ten points name this alien who lives in the Smiths’ attic in American Dad.

Answer: Roger the Alien (accept Rashid the Persian, Jordan Edelstein, Lestat de Lioncourt, Professor Baxter, Krispy Kreme McDonald, Laura Vanderbooben, The Phantom of the Telethon, Braf Zachland, or Horse Renoir

5. Several scenes of this film were inspired by the work of war photographer Robert Capa, and a related animated sequence features skeleton soldiers and bloody crosses. Bob Hoskins had a small role as the protagonist’s manager in this film, which was the first of two feature films to involve the work of cartoonist Gerald Scarfe, who also directed several related animated videos including “Welcome to the Machine.” Inflatable puppets were also produced from Scarfe’s designs for this film to be used in live performances, though he clashed with director Alan Parker and musician Roger Waters during production. At the climax of the film, Judge Worm, a butt with testicles, presides over the trial of Pink, who was largely based on both Waters and estranged bandmate Syd Barrett. Including animated segments for “What Shall We Do Now” and “Goodbye, Blue Sky,” FTP, name this 1982 film or you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t name this film?

ANSWER: The Wall

6. This actor told David Letterman “Sometimes small tru-tru different than da big tru-tru” after winning an Oscar for his work on Cloud Atlas and this actor’s friendship with Johnny Depp potentially led to his heroin use. This actor shaved half of his head and rolled down the street in his underwear while suffering a nervous breakdown after producing Last Will and Testameow: Weekend at Dead Cat Lady II, and this actor dumped Kristen Stewart to try to reconcile with the would-be mother of his child. He was to have been frozen and killed in a deleted scene. For ten points, name this former lover of Beth and alternate timeline and father of Summer in Rick & Morty.

Answer: Jerry SmithC-500 (accept either)

7. Zayats, the star of a prodigious Soviet series, Nu Pogodi, and a captain who battles the Toad Warriors. Jay Ward’s “Crusader” character who titles the first cartoon made for television, Basil from Redwall, Hanna-Barbera’s sheriff Ricochet, and Sam’s partner of a Freelance Police duo are this animal. A vampire who is frenemies with Chester the cat and Harold the dog, Rancid from Catdog, A Stan Sakai character who has crossed over into all three TMNT animated series, Usagi Yojimbo, the protagonist of Ralph Bakshi’s Coonskin, a Dick Bruna character over which he sued Sanrio named Miffy, Mr. Herriman from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Hutch, who is a cursed Wallace and Gromit character, Wubbsy, Anais Waterson, a denizen of the Hundred Acre Wood in whose doorway Pooh gets stuck, and all the characters from Watership Down. Including characters named for adjectives “March” and “White” in Alice in Wonderland, all these characters are, FTP, what species which also includes Judy Hopps, Thumper, Babs, Buster, and Bugs.

ANSWER Bunnies or rabbits

8. This figure was the butt of the first joke in Robot Chicken history after he tried to use the force to get tacos. In the meteorgeddon sketch, this figure taunts that he doesn’t have to go to space, and in another appearance, Corey Feldman and Corey Haim save this figure’s daughters. This figure dons a superhero outfit and says "Taste Poke-flame, Chirlaxx" in a sketch where he tries to stop Iran from building nukes and in a different sketch this character duels the Lincoln Memorial, confusing Lincoln with George Washington, before stating that “tacos rule.” For ten points, name this figure often lampooned in Robot Chicken, often seen wearing a flight suit like when he delivered his “mission accomplished” speech.

Answer: George W Bush

9. Animated paintings featured on this show include Chardin’s Boy Blowing Bubbles, Klee’s Landscape with Yellow Birds, and Leger’s Animated Landscape. Pixar produced four Luxo, Jr. shorts for this series which also featured Bud Luckey’s “Aligator King,” Buzzco’s “Animal Elevator,” Michael Sporn’s Bellhop series, Misseri Studios’ Cavemen shorts, and Ray Favata’s Billy Jo Jive series. Cathryn Aison commissioned Philip Glass to compose original music for her “Geometry for Circles,” and Ken Snyder produced the early Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes segments for it. “Above It All,” “In and Out Crowd,” and “Beginning Middle and End” are among the shorts Sally Cruikshank produced for it, and Jane Aaron alone produced nearly 200 shorts. The Pointer Sisters provided vocals for Jeff Hale’s series of eleven Pinball Number shorts for what series, FTP, whose animation often focused on letters and which was interspersed among stories about Elmo and Big Bird?

ANSWER: Sesame Street

10. The work of Patrick Smith, John Dilworth, and Signe Baumane is spotlighted in Avoid Eye Contactvols. I and II, two compilations spotlighting animators from this city and organized by Bill Plympton. Goth kingpin Voltaire, historian Howard Beckermann, and long time WB and Nickelodeon veteran Bob Camp are among the animation faculty in this city’s School of Visual Arts, and it is also the setting of Ugly Americans and We’re Back! A Dinosaur Story, Jake Long: American Dragon, and home to Hoagy’s Alley, setting of Top Cat. Contrasted with the Hollywood style, Golden Age animation from this city was led by Terrytoons and pioneered by the Fleischer Brothers. Also the setting of Spiderman and The Real Ghostbuster, FTP, name this eastern US city whose sewers the Ninja Turtles inhabit.

ANSWER: New York City

11. Initially made in 1982, this game borrowed the ducks from duck hunt as later level obstacles. This game ends with the primary bad guy being throws off of a building into the mud and the protagonist receiving pie from the Nicelanders. One character from this game promises a penthouse to a bad guy if that bad guy could get a medal and later this game adopted a mode that included the characters from Q*bert. Jack McBrayer voices the titular figure in this video game who gets married to Sergeant Calhoun and rebuilds apartments with a magic hammer he receives from his father. For ten points, name this home video game of Ralph and Felix in the 2012 film Wreck-It Ralph.

Answer: Fit-It Felix Jr (don’t make them say Jr if you’re feeling generous; but titles…)

12. Bobby Hill is seen as a more likely successor than Chane Wassanasong to take an important role in this system, and David Loy and Linda Goodhew appraise Hayao Miyazaki’s films Nausicaa and Princess Mononoke within this framework, which also consumes Iratsume who comforts the spirit of Prince Otsu in Kihachiro Kawamoto’s second stop-motion feature, Book of the Dead. A central figure to this system is referred to as “the Master” in the Monkey Magic cartoon, based on Journey to the West, and Tony Bancroft cites his Christian faith for similarly skirting religious implications in depicting the ancestors in Mulan. Carl askes Richard Gere “in An Officer and a Gentleman, did you really do all those sit-ups?” as Lisa joins Lenny and Carl as the lone three adherents in Springfield to FTP, what faith centered on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama?

ANSWER:Buddhism (prompt generously)

13. Nilus the Sandman meets this person in the former’s first appearance, and he has a donkey named Speiltote. He foils Muffet’s invasion of Tattertown, and Raggedy Ann and Andy foil Alexander Graham Wolf’s plans to usurp him. The penguin, Topper, aids him when he runs afoul of Burgomeister Meisterburger. His wife leaves him and his staff goes on strike in an appearance on Eek the Cat, and Winnie the Pooh and the Super Sleuths reunite him with his friend, Holly. Brain tricks him into mass-producing hypnotic Noodle Noggin dolls. In an episode of Rocko’s Modern Life, one of his associates has three legs and is lost in a snowstorm, and Stantler and Ponyta have been used in his conveyance. Hermey returns to his employ as a dentist. He denies Plankton the Krabby Patty recipe, though he does feed the Pink Panther and his dog* and gives Casper the deed to his haunted house. He is injured falling from Fred Flintstone’s roof, and Fred and Barney are dressed as him when they anachronistically run into Snagglepuss and Huckleberry Hound. Homer and Barney get a job impersonating this man in The Simpsons pilot, and two of his associates end up in Southtown after being attacked by the Miser Brothers. FTP, name this fat Christmas man.

ANSWER: Santa Clause or Kris Kringle or Pere Noel, etc., etc., etc.

14. A Study in Wet is a short film by this man’s father which was sampled in the logo of his company, The Curiosity Company, Inc. This man voiced the minor character, Dill, in Bill Plympton’s Hair High. He produced Olive the Other Reindeer, and Hard Listening is the title of a recent book by this man’s band, the Rock Bottom Remainders. His own books have included Akbar & Jeff's Guide to Life and Binky's Guide to Love. Zongo Comics was a short-lived imprint of his main comics press, Bongo comics. From 1977 to 2012, this brother-in-law of Hey Arnold! creator Craig Bartlett published the weekly comic strip,Life in Hell, about a one-eared bunny, though he is much better known for a series he originally created, animated by David Silverman, Wes Archer, and Bill Kopp as shorts for on The Tracey Ullman Show. FTP, name this creator of Futurama and The Simpsons.

ANSWER: Matt Groening [GRAY-ning]

15. Critic Neal Gabler said that Maurice Rapf was selected to co-write this film because he was “a minority, a Jew, and an outspoken left-winger,” and of it, the PCA advised “taking counsel with some responsible negro authorities.” Ginny Faver’s brothers try to drown the dog, Teenchy, in this film, and, after Johnny misses his own birthday party, his mother, Sally, forbids him from visiting a character played by James Baskett. One character is eager to “knock [another’s] head clean off” but is told “that’s too quick. We’re gonna make him suffer.” In adapting part of this film, Walt Disney World’s Splash Mountain conveniently omits the Tar Baby device from this film whose songs include “Everybody’s Got a Laughing Place” and “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Da.” Featuring three animated segments about Brer Rabbit framed by a post-bellum narrative about a Joel Chandler Harris character, FTP, name this long-banned Disney film about Uncle Remus.

ANSWER: Song of the South

16. He voiced the demon Kavaxas in a 2016 story arc of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and he voiced himself in two episodes of Pepper Ann. Less notable voice roles of his include Larry 3000 in Time Squad and Judah in Joseph: King of Dreams. He voiced Senator Stampingston, Mr. Salacia, and others on Metalocalypse. One character voiced by him fights Klorgbane with the Fists of Justice and is granted immortality by the Guardians of Eternal Youth but is usually seen acting as groundskeeper at the park. He beat out Tim Curry for his most famous voice role, in which he crossed over in the “The Big Leagues” episode of Static Shock. He created a viral Vine in character with co-star Tara Strong in 2013 and, on suggestion from fans, recorded himself reading Trump tweets as that character. FTP, name this man who voiced Skips on Regular Show and who has voiced the Joker many times.

ANSWER: Mark Hamill

17. Alvin and the Chipmunks covered these characters’ eponymous song in 1995, and an EPCOT ride was re-themed to feature these characters in 1997. Walt and El Grupo is the name of a 2008 documentary about preproduction of the film they star in. Their adventures together involved a ride on a magic sarape, and one of them returned in the “Blame It on the Samba” segment of Melody Time after debuting in the Aquarela de Brazil segment of Saludos Amigos. José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles are less famous than the remaining member of, FTP, what numerically named group of Disney characters who premiered in a titular film alongside Aurora Miranda, which includes a parrot, a rooster, and Donald Duck?

ANSWER: The Three Caballeros

18. Ramayan is a film by an animator surnamed Kaushik, and Eliot Noyes, Jr., animated an alphabet with this medium for Sesame Street. Su Dabao in China, Ilana Yahav in Israel, and Alexandra Konofalskaya in Belarus all animate in this medium. Ferenc Cako famously created a performance in this medium to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. It’s most famous practitioner, Caroline Leaf, brought a handful of this substance to Derek lamb’s animation class and began moving it around her light table and later used it in the National Film Board short, The Street. Often manipulated live directly beneath the camera, this substance covered every surface in a Co Hoedeman-directed Oscar-winning short about a castle set in a desert, a place where one can often find, FTP, what silicate substance?

ANSWER: Sand animation

19. “Freedom River,” “Plato’s Cave,” “Try Again and Succeed,” and “Is It Always Right to be Right?” are all short films from the 60’s and 70’s narrated by this man who also narrated Chuck Jones’ feature film, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. He lent his voice to the reading of Rime of the Ancient Mariner in a Lawrence Jordan film from 1977, and Alexandre Alexieff produced a pinscreen-animated segment from his adaptation of Kafka’s The Trial. He voiced Unicron in The Transformers: The Movie, and in an episode of The Critic, this man, voiced by Maurice Lamarche, advertises a brand of frozen peas, touting their green “pea-ness.” This appearance references an incident also parodied by Lamarche in an episode of Pinky and the Brain. Lamarche again portrays this man in Treehouse of Horror XVII referencing, FTP, what man’s famous reading of War of the Worlds?