
Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting

July 28, 2005

Carol Hassemer’s home


Attending: Nancy McClements, Dyan Steenport, Carol Hassemer, Ian Gaylor, , Carol Buelow, Norma Briggs, Petrovnia Charles

1.  Agenda: No changes

2. Minutes for June 30, 2005: Approved by consensus.

3. President’s Report

a.Paypal: Chris Rohr will set up paypal to be able to take care of sales of T-shirts, dance books, etc.

b. Audit: Jean Willet will audit the treasurer’s accounts.

4. Vice-chair’s Report:

a.  Dance Dept letter: Carol H. has a copy of a Dance Dept letter, our current one expires in August. She has talked to Sally in the Dance Department and is working on a draft of a new letter. (The old one expires in August.)

b.  Union reservations: Carol has the request in for the fall schedule for Sunday nights.

5.  Treasurer’s Report. Dyan has the materials from Scott. She needs Janice’s signature on the Credit Union signature card in order to take Scott and Clelia’s names off and get her name on. She will work with Jean W. to get the accounts audited.

6.  Secretary’s Report: We have received invitations to perform from several groups:

Wisconsin Scottish Highland Games: Labor Day weekend, Waukesha

Madison World Music Festival Sept 15-17, Memorial Union

Camelot Harvest Faire in Beaver Dam Oct 1-2. (Frolic on the Fox weekend)

Because of so few dancers available, the Board decided not to try to perform at these events. Carol will e-mail them, and will ask to be contacted again next year.

Farmer’s Market Demo: Sept 10 or 24. (24th preferred):

7.  Membership-at-large: Deferred until Janice is back in town.

8.  Publicity-at-large report: Ian has some of the group’s calling cards that will be kept with the music. Hewill get more from Scott.

9.  Teacher’s report: Given the very low attendance at the advanced dancing last week, Norma will not hold another one in August, but possibly one in September.

10.  Ball 2006. (See Carol H’s e-mails)

a.  Location. See spreadsheet (!) The only viable spaces for dancing are Eagle School and Overture Center Promenade Hall and Terrace. Others not included: Sauk City Free-thinker’s Hall, Angel Park in Sun Prairie. Dyan will check the latter out. Carol H will check Park Ponderosa. (Norma expressed the opinion that we should have taken the Easter date at Great Hall).

b.  Date: tentatively April 8. Note, all previous balls have been in April except for 1995 (Feb 13) and 2003 (March 29).

c.  Musician: Mike has word from Colum McKennan that he is available, for $300. + air fare, and would play for a contra or English C. D. on the Friday night.

d.  Ball timetable: on hold until we get more information on venues.

11.  Social Dance evenings: Sept 11 is the Ironman event; the Social will need to be held off-off-campus. Norma will check availability of Li Chiao Ping’s studio. Ian will check availability of Savannah Oak School on Lacy Rd. Cost is approx. $15-$20. He will also check its availability for the Ball on April 8. Petrovnia will make a program for the September Social. Mike B. will use this year’s RSCDS book for the October Social.

12.  Parties: Great Hall is available Sunday, December 11. The Dance Dept letter is needed for confirmation. Dec 3 at Grace Episcopal is our back-up location & date. Petrovnia and Janice will put together a program for the December party.

13.  Demos:

a.  Dance list: Janice’s list from Overture Center performance.

b.  Farmer’s Market: Nancy M. will contact the Mall Concourse Coordinator in City Hall; preferred date September 10 or 24. Nancy will send an e-mail asking for dancers.

14.  Move to IPOD music system for Sunday nights? Mike B will bring a report to the next meeting. A laptop computer will allow adjusting the speed up or down, which we could not do with an I-pod. It may be more expensive.

15.  Attracting new members: Norma will be happy to teach a class through Univ Extension or Union Mini Course. Mini-courses cost is approx. $50 for 5 1-hour classes. The application deadline is Aug. 15. Univ. Extension classes may be too expensive. Madison School Community Recreation is not offering new classes due to budget cuts.

16.  Timetable: Nancy M. will bring changes to the General Timetable to the next meeting.

17.  Next meeting: tentatively August 18, 6:30 pm. Dyan will host it, probably at Lois’ house. It will be a potluck.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Buelow