Town of South Kingstown

Request for Proposals

Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Recommendations Report

September 7, 2017

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The Town of South Kingstown will accept sealed proposals for the above referenced in the Town Manager’s Office, addressed to: Stephen A. Alfred, Town Manager, 180 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879, not later than 4:00 P.M. on September 28, 2017, and will then be publicly opened and read aloud.


The bids will be awarded on the basis of the lowest evaluated or responsive bidder pursuant to R.I.G.L. 45-55-5. “Competitive Sealed Bidding”. Firms interested in submitting a bid may register on-line to download and print bid packages. For further details please visit:

Please contact Chelsea Siefert, Director of Planning, by email: r phone (401)789-9331 Ext 1244.

Individuals requesting American Sign Language Interpreter or CART Service must call the Town Clerk’s Office at (401)789-9331 at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the bid opening date.

Town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island

Request for Proposals (RFP)




The Town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island, is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide services to assist the Town in developing a report outlining recommended strategies to assist the Town in achieving its low- and moderate-income (LMI) housing goals. A contract will be awarded to a highly qualified and experienced consultant. All proposals will be evaluated as to RIGL § 45-55-5(2), “Competitive Sealed Bidding.”

Consultants shall submit an original and four (4) copies of their response to this request for proposals (RFP) to the Town Manager’s office, no later than 4:00p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2017. The South Kingstown Town Manager’s office is located on the second floor of the South Kingstown Town Hall, at 180 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879.


The advertisement and award of this RFP will follow the proposed schedule outlined below.

Advertisement of the RFP – September 7, 2017

The RFP will be advertised in the local paper of record, the South County Independent, on September 7, 2017. The RFP will also be posted on the Town’s website, the website for the RI Chapter of the American Planning Association (RIAPA), and the Planetizen website,

Pre-Submittal Meeting –September 14, 2017

A pre-submittal meeting to review the RFP and answer any questions relative to its contents will be held at 2:00 p.m.on Thursday, September 14, 2017 in the Town Council Chambers, 2nd floor, South Kingstown Town Hall, 180 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. This meeting is not mandatory for respondents.

Responses Due – September 28, 2017

All responses to the RFP are due on or before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2017. Complete response packets, meeting the requirements of Section 6 of this RFP, are to be delivered to the South Kingstown Town Manager’s office, located on the second floor of the South Kingstown Town Hall, 180 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879.

Evaluation Process – October 2017

The Town will convene a review committee comprised of Town professional staff, and representation from the South Kingstown Affordable Housing Collaborative and South Kingstown Planning Board to evaluate proposals. If necessary, interviews will be conducted with selected finalists. Following same, a recommendation for award of contract will be made to the Town Manager prior to formal consideration by the Town Council. This evaluation process will occur during the month of October 2017.

Award of Contract – anticipated end of October 2017

It is the Town’s intention to award a contract to effectuate this scope of services bythe end of October 2017.


The Town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island, is seeking to increase the low- and moderate-income (LMI) housing stock available in the community. Rhode Island General Law defines LMI housing as housing which is 1) subsidized by a federal, state, or municipal government subsidy under any program to assist the construction or rehabilitation of housing affordable to low or moderate income households, and 2) ensured to remain affordable through a land lease and/or deed restriction for a minimum of thirty (30) years from initial occupancy (RIGL § 45-53-3(9)).

The South Kingstown Community Comprehensive Plan establishes a goal of achieving 10% of its year-round housing stock as LMI housing. According to Rhode Island Housing, the quasi-governmentalorganization responsible for maintaining the database of existing LMI units, there are currently 612 LMI housing units in South Kingstown, which represents 5.61% of the year-round housing stock.

Like many communities in Rhode Island, South Kingstown has relied on inclusionary zoning to produce many of its LMI housing units. Under the Town’s inclusionary zoning provisions, subdivisions and housing developments with five (5) or more units are required to provide a minimum of 20% of the units as LMI housing. Developers then get to increase the number of units provided by a maximum of 20% over the base density of the site.

With the current pace of development, cost of land, and lack of proper incentives, inclusionary zoning alone is not overcoming the gap between the LMI units that exist and the LMI units necessary to reach the 10% goal. Additionally, inclusionary zoning places the LMI units wherever the subdivision or land development project occurs, rather than in the areas of Town that are most appropriate. Inclusionary zoning doesn’t incentivize redevelopment, and it doesn’t place units in areas of Town that provide a supportive environment to LMI persons and families, such as in close proximity to transit, employment, and goods and services.

The Town of South Kingstown is in search of innovative approaches to the provision of LMI housing. It is hoped that nation-wide research on LMI housing strategies, and an assessment of the development context for South Kingstown, will produce a set of recommended strategies that are reasonable and realistic, and take into account municipal costs, available infrastructure, and the appetite of residents for providing incentives.



The purpose of this task is to obtain a better understanding of the local context in which LMI housing is developed, including specific local needs, issues, and challenges.

Sub-Task 1.1: Project Administration

  1. Attend one (1) project kick-off meeting including the Affordable Housing Collaborative, the Planning Board, and Planning Department staff.
  2. Attend up to three (3) additional Affordable Housing Collaborative meetings as necessary. The Affordable Housing Collaborative will serve as the project advisory committee, to assess community information and provide feedback throughout the course of the project.

Sub-Task 1.2: Stakeholder Interviews

  1. Conduct a minimum of four (4) interviews with local organizational leaders, to be identified by the Town, to understand the organizations’ current and future capacity, primary funding sources, and history of activity within the Town, to discuss the challenges the organization has experienced to date, and to identify potential improvements that could assist the organization in fulfilling its role in providing LMI housing.
  2. Interview a minimum of three (3) local development professionals, to be identified by the Town, who have recently constructed, or are in the process of approval for, a major subdivision or land development project for which the provision of LMI housing was/will be required. During interviews, discuss challenges to the provision of LMI housing through inclusionary zoning, as well as potential opportunities for improving the system.
  3. Develop two sets of written questions, relative to each interview group, for review by Planning Department staff prior to interviews.

Sub-Task1.3: Public Outreach and Summary

  1. Conduct public information gathering activities to understand the views and perspectives on LMI housing in South Kingstown, and to receive feedback on draft strategies for consideration in the study. Prospective applicants should include in their responses to this RFP the specific activities/methodologies they would utilize to accomplish this information gathering, as well as proposals for when such activities should occur. The exact activities to be undertaken will be subject to review and approval of the Town once the contract is awarded.
  2. Summarize and evaluate the information gathered from the identified stakeholders and from the community at-large with regard to LMI housing in the Town.

Task 1.0 Deliverables:

  • Two (2) sets of interview questions for use with local stakeholders
  • A written summary of the outcomes of the initial stages of the community engagement process, including the identification of key input and themes
  • Any and all public information gathering instruments, as proposed by the applicant and approved by the Town, including as applicable, detailed agendas for any proposed meetings, survey instruments, presentation materials, etc.


The purpose of this task is to become familiar with existing housing-related data, policies, and regulations, and to summarize such for use in later analyses.

Sub-Task 2.1: Policy/Document Review

  1. Review existing South Kingstown Affordable Housing Study (2003).
  2. Review the South Kingstown Comprehensive Community Plan (2014) for policies and supporting data relating to housing needs, production, and conditions.
  3. Review the provisions of the South Kingstown Zoning Ordinance, such as the required inclusionary zoning and accessory apartment provisions, that relate to the development of affordable and LMI housing.
  4. Review the provisions of the South Kingstown Subdivision and Land Development Regulations that relate to the developing LMI housing units, including any incentives offered
  5. Gain an update from Town staff and the Horsley Witten Group, who is under contract for additional updates to the Comprehensive Community Plan, to understand progress on the ongoing update to the Comprehensive Plan, and specifically the Housing and Land Use Elements.
  6. Review State policies that steer public LMI housing investments into areas compliant with Land Use 2025 (e.g. urban services boundary and growth centers).

Sub-Task 2.2: Data Collection

  1. Assemble and review all available data and documents on local housing needs, area demographics, and local housing conditions and stock. Such review must, at a minimum, include the following data/reports for South Kingstown: Community Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) Data, Rhode Island Housing Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Tabular Data, and HousingWorksRI’s Housing Fact Book and Projecting Future Housing Needs Report.
  2. Create an updated, comprehensive inventory of LMI housing stock in the Town that documents the categories/types of housing available (single family, multi-family, homeownership, rental, age-restricted, family), housing age, housing condition, and anticipated expiration of the deed restriction.
  3. Review and analyze the vacant developable land in the Town and determine the potential impact development of such land could have on LMI housing numbers under the Town’s current inclusionary zoning provisions.
  4. Review the documentation withinthe South Kingstown Community Comprehensive Plan update regarding theexisting strategies and policies currently used in South Kingstown to produce LMI housing and the assessment of each strategy’s effectiveness in assisting the Town in reaching its 10% LMI housing goal.
  5. Conduct a “Gap Analysis,” evaluating the specific unmet needs for LMI housing in South Kingstown, comparing these needs to the existing housing stock in Town to understand where gaps exist, and identifying the types of housing that could address this gap.

Task 2.0 Deliverables:

  • An inventory of LMI housing in South Kingstown, as described above
  • A written summary of:
  • The key policy directives found in local documents, the previously identified housing needs in South Kingstown, and any other relevant findings from background research;
  • The unmet needs for LMI housing in South Kingstown;
  • The types of LMI housing that would meet the existing gap;
  • The number of LMI units that are likely to be produced under the Town’s inclusionary zoning provisions and an explanation of the methodology used to determine the number; and
  • The existing strategies and policies that have been used in South Kingstown to produce LMI housing and the relative effectiveness of each strategy in assisting the Town in reaching its 10% LMI housing goal.


The purpose of this task is to identify potential new strategies for the provision of LMI housing in South Kingstown.

  1. Conduct nationwide research on innovative strategies being utilized to develop LMI housing, as well as strategies for locating LMI housing in appropriate locations, such as in proximity to transit, employment, goods and services, etc.
  2. Analyze the feasibility of utilizing the identified innovative strategies to LMI housing development in South Kingstown to achieve the Town’s 10% LMI goal. Such analysis should incorporate the vacant land analysis conducted in Task 1, as well as an assessment of areas with redevelopment potential, to determine probable LMI housing growth under each potential strategy.
  3. Identify and describe recommended strategies that the Town should consider to address the unmet need for LMI housing. Such strategies should attempt to locate new LMI units in appropriate locations, such as those in close proximity to transit, employment, and goods and services. Recommended strategies should be realistic and economically feasible, and recommendations should consider availability of infrastructure, any municipal costs, and potential costs to the development community.
  4. Identify, for each new strategy, the roles that government agencies, local stakeholders, and the development community should assume in implementing the strategy, any potential costs of implementation, and the likely number of new low- and moderate-income housing units the strategy could provide.

Task 3.0 Deliverable:

  • A written narrative of the outcome of above research, including an outline of recommended new and revised strategies to be included in the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Recommendations report


The draft“Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Recommendations”reportwill build on the quantitative and qualitative data collected in Tasks 1, 2, and 3 to assess, analyze, and describe the context in which LMI housing is developed in South Kingstown, and present a realistic set of recommended strategies that would assist in achieving the Town’s 10% LMI housing goal.

Sub-Task 4.1: Draft Report Development

  1. Develop a draft“Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Recommendations” report (“the draft Report”)that includes:
  • Description of the context for the development of LMI housing in South Kingstown, including existing conditions, the existing policy framework, public perceptions about LMI housing, and historic/current challenges to the provision of such housing.
  • Analysis of recent historical trends and projections relating to the inventory, conditions, vacancies, and prices of LMI housing from local data sources.
  • Identification and evaluation of the challenges and opportunities with regard to improving and increasing LMI housing stock in the Town, including adescription of the forces driving the shortage ofLMI housing in South Kingstown.
  • Identification and evaluation of the specific LMI housing needs in South Kingstown and comparison of these needs to the existing housing stock in the Town to understand where gaps exist.
  • Identification of the areas of Town that would provide the most supportive environment for LMI housing development, due to the availability of, among other things, water and/or sewer infrastructure, public transportation, employment opportunities, goods and services within walking/biking distance, and recreational amenities.
  • Identification of strategies that could be implemented to incentivize the future development of LMI housing units in the most appropriate locations, as identified.
  • Identification of all potential strategies assessed for feasibility in South Kingstown and a description of the methodology used for this assessment.
  • Identification of potential regulatory changes that could be made to the South Kingstown Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision and Land Development Regulations to improve and streamline permitting and regulatory oversight of LMI housing development.
  • A set of recommended strategies likely to provide the best LMI housing outcomes for South Kingstown.
  • For each recommended strategy, identification of responsible parties, estimated costs to the Town and/or development community, incentives that could be offered, if any, estimated number of units that are likely to be provided by implementation of the strategy, potential challenges to implementation, and potential time frames for implementation.

Sub-Task 4.2: Executive Summary

  1. Develop a “stand alone” illustrative and user-friendly Executive Summary of the draft Report that summarizes the key points and includes narrative, graphs, and maps.

Sub-Task 4.3: Review Draft Report with Planning Department Staff and Town Administration

  1. Review the draft Report with Planning Department staff and Town Administration to determine if any preliminary revisions are necessary.
  2. Make revisions as necessary to obtain approval from the Planning Department for printing.

Task 4.0 Deliverables:

  • Twenty (20), unbound color copies of the draft “Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Recommendations” report, addressing minimum requirements outlined above
  • Twenty (20) copies of the draft Executive Summary


Once the draft Report has been developed, said report is to be reviewed with the public and local officials at a public meeting, where input on the proposed strategies shall be gathered.

Sub-Task 5.1: Public Meeting

  1. Conduct a public meeting, including a formal presentation using PowerPoint or other electronic means, as well as posters/boards as may be necessary, to educate and obtain input from local officials and the public regarding findings, recommendations, and draft policy framework.
  2. At said meeting, engage in dialogue with local officials and the public regarding findings and address proposed questions.

Sub-Task 5.2: Review Report with Town Officials