EU Intercultural Dialog Program Project Design
Noah’s Ark Theatre Tour Project
Project Coordination:Ankara Çağdaş Sahne
Coordinator: Süha Koçoğlu
+90 312 428 00 87-88
Project Aim: To establish a theatre tour in partnership with performance groups from member and candidate countries and with recordings of the performances that will be produced during this tour to build a collection of Noah’s Ark legend through the looking glass of 21st century.
Activity Headings:
1-With international collaboration to build a model Noah’s Ark.
2-To establish a route that will support European citizenship.
3-From each station on the route to cooperate with a local performance group and to create an original Noah’s Ark stage performance.
4-To follow the route by the ship and in each station perform the local group’s piece and the other groups’ performances those able to travel with the ship.
5-To prepare and rehearse the final play to be performed on the return route by the contribution of artists who will join the river art journey
6-To perform the final play at the stops
7-To record all performances on paper and digital media and to build a collection that will be presented to world literature.
1-By collaboration of multi-national corporations or non-profit organizations in building the ship, contribution of Europeans will enlarged and a floating art center will be built to be used in future projects.
2-Following the established route this floating stage will visit at least 7 countries and will have at least 1 performance group from each country to perform on it. Thus how different cultures have different and common views around the same theme, how they will communicate with them and how people from different races, cultures and religions will interact with the help of art will be shown once again.
3-Having each group prepare an original piece will contribute to European theatre literature and will open a window to an old era from our century.
4-By collecting the performances and placing them under one heading will create an artwork that will contribute to world literature. The production will be a multinational and multicultural artwork.
Preliminary Work on Route
Project will start with the first performance in Turkey. İstanbul is the best port for the activity.
DanubeRiver creates the best route for the project. It passes trough Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania. The target partners of the project are the dynamic, young performance groups from each country that are open to multi-national collaboration. Selecting groups from at least 6 of these countries will establish the route.
Theatre Groups and Artworks
It is highly important for the works to be original and created by the partner groups. Thus involvement of partners to the project will increase and new pieces will be added to the literature. Artworks will be written in group’s language and in English. The performance rights of the works outside the project will be held by creating partners. Using the works in the collection and publishing rights will belong to coordination group of the project. Performances will be recorded and will be collected on digital media. Usage rights of the recordings will be on coordination group of the project. However, groups will be able to use the recordings for their presentation within their countries.
Project Plan
This project is planned to be 3-year project.
Aim for the first year is to build the ship and prepare the performance works. Within the budget for producing artworks there will be equal amount piece for each group. The exceeding expenses for production will be contributed by the performing partner. The building budget of the ship will be distributed under headings of building, transport, and art center.
2nd year will consist of the tour and the recordings of the performances. The basic stage equipment will be included in the budget of the ship, that consists of light and audio systems, actor/actress rooms and accommodation.
3rd year will be spent for producing the collection and publication. The collection phase will be governed by the coordination group of the project, however representatives of each partner can contribute.