LOTF Review Questions: Chapters 2-5

Work with a partner (or two) on the following questions from chapters 2-5 of Lord of the Flies. Quiz on these chapters will be on Tuesday!

Chapter 2:

  1. What rule concerning the conch is made? Who makes it? Why?
  2. What problem (at the start of the chapter) does Piggy attempt to call the group's attention to?
  3. What is the beastie? How does the talk of the "beasties" affect the boys?
  4. At this time, Ralph says the boys appear to have two goals. What are they?
  5. How does the group react to Ralph's suggestion that they build a fire? How does Piggy describe their actions?
  6. How does Piggy treat the small boy (prior to the fire)? What do Piggy’s actions reveal about his character?
  7. How do they manage to start the fire? What conflict surrounded this action? What may conflict be foreshadowing?
  8. What responsibilities has Jack taken on for his choir? What problem may this decision create?
  9. What goes wrong? Explain the symbolism of this occurrence? How does this act relate to the events happening in the children’s society (back home)?
  10. Who is missing? What do you think happened to them? Why did it happen?

Chapter 3:

  1. Describe Jack. What is he wearing? What looks different now from when he first arrived on the island?
  2. What is Jack doing?
  3. What is the first thing Jack asks for when he comes out of the forest?
  4. What are Ralph and Simon doing?
  5. What is Ralph upset by?
  6. What are Ralph’s feelings on meetings?
  7. Describe the conflict between Jack and Ralph after Ralph says, “When the meeting is over they’d work for five minutes, then wander off or go hunting.”
  8. Jack says he could have killed a pig if they could make what?
  9. There are two reasons why Ralph thinks it is really important to have shelter. What are they?
  10. Of what are the children still afraid? Why?
  11. What are Jack’s thoughts on rescue?
  12. Where must the pigs be hiding during the hot day?
  13. Where do Jack and Ralph assume Simon is?
  14. Where is Simon really?

Chapter 4:

  1. 1.Who destroys the littluns’ sandcastles?
  1. What does Roger do to cruelly bother Henry?
  2. Why does Jack paint his face? How does this affect him?
  3. What does Ralph spot on the horizon?
  4. Why is the signal fire out?
  5. What violence does Jack commit toward Piggy?
  6. How did the hunters kill the pig?
  7. Who gives Piggy meat despite Jack’s objection?

Chapter 5:

  1. How has Ralph’s attitude towards Piggy changed? Why? What has he realized?
  2. Who said: “Rules are all we’ve got.” And “We should die before we let the fire go out!”
  3. What obstacle do the littluns present? How may Ralph overcome this obstacle?
  4. What did Phil believe he saw? What did he actually see?
  5. What are the boys’ reactions to fear?




  1. Who said: “Maybe there is a beast…maybe its only us.”
  2. What does he (#8) mean? Is he right?