Life Science Syllabus 2012-2013

Life Science Syllabus 2012-2013

Life Science Syllabus 2012-2013

Mrs. Erin Schumacher

858-549-5537 Room A206

Welcome to Mrs. Schumacher’s Class!

I am extremely excited to be spending this upcoming year with Marshall’s 7th grade scientists! I strive to make every lesson enjoyable and challenging, while continually reinforcing collaboration, organization, creative problem-solving, and kindness towards one another. Further, I constantly encourage my students to become responsible for their own education by developing the skills of a self-sustaining and successful student. As this is an abbreviated syllabus, please visit my website for additional information.

Class Description

7th Grade Science and Technology is an introductory course that focuses on beginning biology, including cellular and microbiology, genetics, physiology, evolution, and earth history. Additionally, students must learn to demonstrate technology mastery as the year progresses. Student’s who fail this class will be required to complete a computer class in high school. The course has been designed to meet the California State Standards, to prepare students for 8th grade science, and to provide a strong foundation for high school science. We will cover six units; (1) Science FUNdamentals, (2) Micro-Life, (3) Our Genes, (4) Evolution, (5) Body Works and (6) Ecology. Two textbooks will be used, including McDougal Littell: Focus on Life Science and SEPUP: Science and Life Issues. It is recommended that students bring a USB flash drive to school for computer assignments.

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Science Portfolios

All class work and homework will be organized in portfolios; a 3-prong folder with pockets. Students are required to have their portfolio EVERY DAY and are encouraged to leave them in the classroom when unneeded. Students will need approximately 6 portfolios for the year. Portfolios will be graded for completion and turned in prior to the unit’s assessment. In order to receive an A in this class, students must turn in completed portfolios on a regular basis.The first portfolio is needed on Monday, September 10th.


There will be minimal homework this year, as most assignments are completed in class, but homework may accumulate if you procrastinate. All work will be collected in Unit Portfolios, collected every three weeks or so. There are multiple ways for students and parents to identify the homework. First, the week’s assignments will be recorded in the school planner every Monday. Absent students will be expected to fill in the planner with the missed assignments. Random planner checks will occur throughout the year. Second and third, all work will be posted on my website and emailed via Marshall’s Homework Notifications. And finally, Mrs. Schumacher will tweet all assignments this year; follow her at


Quizzes/Tests will be given at the end of every unit. If you are absent on the day of the test, you will be expected to take the test on the day you return or on the day specified by your teacher. Academic honesty is expected and required.

Absence Policy

As much of this class involves hands-on activities, it is essential that students come to class as often as possible. Students are independently responsible for determining what assignments were missed. There are many ways to do this including visiting my website and/or checking with peers. Students have 1 week from an absence to make-up and turn in the missed work.

Make-Up Monday & Thursday Tutoring

My classroom is open every Monday at lunch for students needing to makeup a lab, quiz, or other assignment. It is expected that students attending Make-Up Mondays already know what work they need to complete. Additionally, my room will be open every Thursday after school until 3:30 for science tutoring.

Late Work

Late work will receive a maximum of half credit. Often, it is better to turn in an assignment partially complete rather than not at all. While extenuating circumstances may be considered, for the sake of fairness and consistency, excuses for late work (ie, broken printer, left it at home, etc) are not acceptable.


Academic grades are based on a point system. The grading scale is as follows: A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%), and F (<60%). Citizenship grades are based on participation, adherence to classroom rules, attendance & punctuality.Additionally, there will be a few opportunities for extra credit throughout the year. Iwill not provide printed progress reports, as grades are available though the Parent and Student Connection portal available at Please view Marshall’s website for further information.

Worst Case Scenarios

In the event that a student chooses to attempt forgery, plagiarize or cheat on an assignment or test, he/she will receive a permanent zero on the assignment, a lowering of the citizenship grade to a “U”, lunch detentions, a referral, and possible administrative involvement. Additionally, all cell phones must remain off throughout a class. Any student found with an “on” phone will receive lunch detention.

Class Registration

Within the first week of school, all students are required to register for my class through my website. Parents and all guardians are asked to do the same. I will use these email addresses to contact you with monthly emails.


As I’m sure you know, San Diego schools are financially strapped. Therefore, there is no science budget for supplies or materials. Our science teachers depend solely on our amazing PTSA and family donations. A wishlist of classroom supplies is listed on my website and I encourage all families to join our PTSA. Thank you in advance!

My Pledge

While I love scienceand teaching, I love my students even more. It is my job to work hard every day to make lessons enjoyable and interesting for you. It is also my job to treat you fairly and respectfully, with high academic and behavioral expectations of you all year long. And, it is YOUR job to work and try hard every day, to be an active participant, and to collaborate with and be kind to your classmates. If we both do our jobs successfully, this will be one of your best classes!

SIGN & RETURN this page only by this Thursday!

Student Name ______Period ______


•I have read the syllabus & acknowledge the part I play in Mrs. Schumacher’s classroom.

•I will be respectful and kind to Mrs. Schumacher, my peers, the classroom, and school.

•I will do my best to be prompt and prepared for class, including completing my work as often as possible.

•I understand the consequences for tardiness, truancy, plagiarism, & late work.

•I am aware that class progress reports will not be sent home, but that I can monitor my own grade online.

•I will register online for Mrs. Schumacher’s class as soon as I can.

Student Signature: ______

Parents & Guardians:

•I have read the syllabus & classroom expectations. If necessary, I will encourage my child to complete assignments & turn them in on time.

•I am aware of Mrs. Schumacher’s website where due dates & additional information is posted.

•I am aware that I can sign up for homework notifications through Marshall’s website and I will consider doing so.

•I understand that my child’s citizenship grade is dependent on punctuality, attendance, and adherence to school & classroom rules.

•I am aware that class progress reports will not be sent home, but that I can monitor my student’s grade online.

•I will register online for Mrs. Schumacher’s class as soon as I can.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Video Permission

Over the course of the year, several videos maybe shown to enhance a unit. Please indicate below whether you provide permission, or not, for your student to view these with the class. If you choose not to have your student participate, an alternate assignment will be provided to your student.

Video / Video Description / Reason / Yes / No / Parent Signature
Supersize Me / Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month. / PG-13, We may watch the Educational version during the BodyWorks Unit
Osmosis Jones / A policeman white blood cell, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank. / PG, This may be watched as a finale to the BodyWorks unit
GATTACA / A genetically inferior man assumes the identity of a superior one in order to pursue his lifelong dream of space travel. / PG-13, Portions of this movie may be shown during the Genetics unit.
Jurassic Park / During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok. / PG-13, this may be watched to discuss DNA, cloning, and ethical issues