Leelanau Conservation District

2016Merchandise Order Form

Name ______Date______Phone ______

Address ______

City ______State______Zip______

For questions related to items on this order form, call us at: (231) 256-9783 or e-mail at:

Food / Price / Quantity / Cost
MichiganDried Tart Cherries ($9/lb.) ($33/4lbs.) ($80/10 lbs.)
Michigan Dried Balaton Tart Cherries ($9/ lb.) ($33/4 lbs.) ($80/10 lbs.)
MilkChocolate-Covered Cherries ($9/lb.) ($33/4 lbs.) ($80/10 lbs.)
Dark Chocolate-covered Cherries ($9/ lb.) ($33/4 lbs.) ($80/10 lbs.)
Cherry Gelcaps (Whole fruit in a gelcap.) / $21.50
Maple Syrup ($13.00/16.9 oz.) ($20.00/32 oz.)
Honey ($7.25/1 lb. Jar) ($12.50/2 lb. Jar)
Raw Honey (1.5 lbs. raw honey– not filtered or heated.) / $12.00
Northport Organic Cherry Concentrate (12 fl. oz.) . / $14.00
Books /


/ Quantity /


Animal Tracks of the Great Lakes (Introduction to the world of tracking) / $9.95
Annuals for Michigan (Species ofannual plant hybrids & cultivars for Michigan) / $18.95
Birds of Michigan Field Guide (Photos & information for 111 Michigan birds) / $12.95
Birds of Michigan (Excellent bird guide. Clear drawings & birding information) / $21.95
Bringing Nature Home (How to sustain wildlife with plants) / $17.95
Complete Guide to Michigan Sand Dunes (Hiking trails & geology of the dunes) / $16.95
Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden (Many suggestion for repelling deer) / $14.95
Fish of Michigan (Minnows to muskies with excellent illustrations) / $12.95
Gardening With Children (Simple gardening projects for kids) / $9.95
Landscaping Indoors / $9.95
Landscaping with Native Plants of Michigan (Native plant gardening) / $24.95
Michigan Wildflowers in Color (Beautiful photos with detailed information) / $18.95
Trees of Michigan (Illustrated pocket sized field guide to 105 species of trees) / $12.95
Trees of Michigan & the Upper Great Lakes (Identification & cultivation) / $21.95
Pocket Naturalist™ Guides - MoistureResistant. / Price / Quantity / Cost
Animal Tracks / $5.95
Bugs & Slugs / $5.95
Butterflies & Moths / $5.95
Dangerous Animals & Plants / $5.95
Freshwater Fishes / $5.95
Geology / $5.95
Great Lakes Birds / $5.95
House & Garden Pests / $5.95
Invasive Weeds of North America / $5.95
Michigan Birds / $5.95
Michigan Trees & Wildflowers / $5.95
Mushrooms / $5.95
Pond Life / $5.95
Reptiles & Amphibians / $5.95
Roadside Wildflowers / $5.95
Weather / $5.95
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Flicker Tape (500 ft. roll Mylar tape repels deer & birds) ($11.50/roll) ($110/10 roll sleeve)
Marker Flags ($.25/ea.) ($16.00/100 bundle)
SUBTOTAL (both sides) / $
(Food items are not taxed) TAX 6% / $
Call for shipping charges. (231-256-9783) / $

We accept orders via mail, fax or phone, or stop in

Full purchase price must accompany order - Please call for shipping charges - No tax on food products

Credit Card Visa / MC #______Exp.______Security Code ______

Signature ______

Make checks payable to Leelanau Conservation District

Mail to – 5827 E. Government Center Dr., Ste. 205, Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Phone: (231) 256-9783 Fax: (231) 256-7851