Wednesday25April 2012 7pm – 8pm

Lee Green Community Centre

Unit 3 Leegate Centre, Burnt Ash Road, SE12

Record of Meeting


Cllr Jim Mallory (Chair)

Cllr Pauline Beck

Ade Joseph

David Ford

Andrea Hughes


Mary Petty

Peter Richardson

Karen Pollock

Cllr Sven Griesenbeck

Juliet Campbell (late)

Item / Action
1. / Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Jim Mallory was asked to chair the meeting in Cllr Griesenbeck absence. Cllr Jim Mallory welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduced the agenda.
2. / Update on Assembly priorities
C. / Leegate
Lee Green Lives in collaboration with the traders at the Leegate Centre held a successful Easter Egg hunt for families in the Lee Green ward on Saturday 7 April. Gifts were donated by some of the retailers from the precinct.Another event is also planned for July. Discussion was held around a recent plan displayed by St Modwen‘s on the future proposal to redevelop the Leegate Shopping Centre at a series of drop in sessions held at the Centre in March. The meeting felt that a general discussion with representatives from the company would be more appropriate than the drop in session.
As a result, there was a request to invite representatives from the company to represent the proposed plan at the Assembly meeting on 17May. Senior officers from the Council planning section will also be on hand to explain policies and processes requirements when seeking planning permission for the scheme. The draft plan will be posted on the Assembly home page and advertised in the Assembly flyer so that people can see it before the meeting.
It was reported that Sue Ryder have now moved into the old Woolworth site in April. The store was opened by Cllr Mallory.
Controlled Parking
Members of the parking working group attended the Mayor and Cabinet meeting on 11 April to present their statement of community views in relation to parking and CPZs in the ward. The report made recommendations on charges, operational hours and increasing choice in consultation. The Mayor asked the Executive Director for Customer Services, Resources and Regeneration to consider and report back to him on the implications of the “Statement of Community Views” from the Lee Green Assembly. Cllr Mallory will follow the progress of the item and report back to the assembly when a response is received from the Mayor.
Environment (ManorParkBridge & Building)
Match funding has been secured for the second sliding doors one of which was funded from last year Assembly funding. Funding was required for the installation of 2 doors to the arch on the side of the building to keep out adverse weather.
Update on progress of work to the bridge construction to connect ManorPark to Longhurst Roadis on course for completion by middle of June. The newly completed bridge will be officially opened by the Mayor of Lewisham on Saturday 23rd June 2012 from 10am till 1pm. A range of information stalls and activities will be on offer on the day. / Ade
Cllr Jim Mallory
3. / Assembly Funding 2012 / 13
B. / .
The assembly fund for this financial year stands at £18,750. £15,000 is available to the assembly and the remaining £3,750 is allocated as discretionary fund for Councillors to allocated as small grant to local projects.
The processes for deciding the deadlines for submission of application was discussed. It was agreed that the fund will be launched at the Assembly meeting on 17 May. Completed application must be submitted by end of August. It is envisaged that application will be considered by the assembly at their meeting on 18 September.
Ade is asked to prepare a pager brief on the assembly application processes and decision. / Ade
4. / Assembly Coordinating group membership
The assembly requires volunteers to join its coordinating group membership. Up to five new volunteers are required for this role. A leaflet explaining the roles and expectationswill be produced along with nomination forms for the assembly meeting. The meeting agreed that the chair will briefly mention this item in his introduction. More in depth explanation will be provided on the subject before the break. Nomination forms will be collected during the break and names of people who have put themselves forward will be called out after the break.
5. / Planning the Assembly meeting
The following agenda was agreed:
  1. Welcome & Introduction (calls for volunteers to be on the coordinating group)
  2. Update on Assembly funding (report back on grant given by Assembly –Business enterprise course)
Assembly processes and application deadline
  1. Update on Assembly priorities (Leegate & Youth, Environment, control parking & activities for the elderly)
  2. Calls for volunteers to be on the assembly coordinating group
  3. Break
  4. Presentation – Leegate redevelopment proposals ( for this item, Lewisham Council head of Planning will be attending the meeting to explain Council planning processes)
  5. AOB and community updates

6. / AOB
There were no item listed for this topic.

Declaration of Interest

There were no interest declared at this meeting.