LifeGroup Leader Training
August 27th 2017
How to raise Commitment and Participation in your Group?
Why are commitment and participation important?
The Bible say, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, thatwe may present everyonemature in Christ.”–Colossians 1:28
Maturity in Christ means that people have moved from a life centered on self to a life centered on Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 10:22-25 MSG says, “So let’sdoit—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”
What sticks out to you in this verse?
When we raise the commitment and participation level of those in our group, we are shaping people to care more about God’s desires. So it is important for us to view everything in LifeGroups, including commitment andparticipation, as part of the spiritual growth process not just bible knowledge or moving prayers.
What is LifePark’s definition of commitment and participation regarding LifeGroup?
Commitment = group is a high priority in a person’s life. By joining the group, they are committing to be present most of the time.
Participation = every member of a group has a role. People may just attend for a little while at first but soon they are given a role.
Start now with raising the commitment and participation bar!
Deal with commitment preemptively: send out an email explaining the value of committing to the group and ask each person to reply by committing to the group for one year.
Communicate clearly: It’s unkind to be unclear. Let people know what is expected but seek to inspire people, not force rules on them. Share vision.
Implement the 24 hour rule. Think about it. Out of respect for people in the group who are using their time/money/energy/etc. to prepare for the group, give everyone a 24 hour notice if you cannot make the weekly meeting.
Call the person who misses 2 meetings in a row without giving a notice. Remind them that they are meeting out on a divine purpose for their life by not being at group.
Valuerelationship building: be intentional about knowing people and what they care about. Once you know their passions, in time, they will feel safe to share their pain.
Delegate responsibility. Delegation creates buy-in. Think of roles for people to serve the group. *The quickest way for a leader to burn out is for them to do everything and the group do nothing.
Ways to delegate:
- Rotate the teaching of the weekly study
- Rotate hosting and meal preparation for the group
- Have someone be in charge of administration
- Have someone do weekly prayer requests
- Have someone be responsible for serving opportunities for the group
Create equal opportunity participation: some groups have dominators. Have a private conversation with this person about letting others participate in an equally.
Leverage the meal. Food will bring people to together and when relationships form, commitment will increase.
There are many different ways to do a meal together. Noah’s group rotateshomes and meals every week. The rule is everyone hosts and when it’s your turn to host you cook for the group. They have 5 couples in the group. This means, you only have to host and cook once every five weeks. The other four weeks, you only have to show up and join in the conversation.
Jeremy’s method for LifeGroup
- What have done or seen done in the past to raise the value of commitment and participation in groups?
- What is one thing that you would like to do differently this year in the group?
For further study: Read Making Small Groups Work by Henry Cloud & John Townsend