Appendix 34

PRE 210: Career and Life Planning

Lecture - Tuesdays9:30 -10:45 am

Lecture location: 150 JRP


Wendy Shoemaker ( – 864-9550)

Greg Decker ( – 864-2277)

Ryan Jones ( – 864-2277)

Discussion Group Leaders*:

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Appendix 34

Abby Bjornsen ()

Sarah Sharma()

Brett Haskell ()

Paul Buskirk ()

Kelly Watson ()

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Appendix 34

* On Blackboard: Discussion group meeting times and locationsand more contact information and office hours for the Discussion Group Leaders.

PRE 210: Career and Life Planning, is acareer development course thatwill help you commit to an action plan of exploring, engaging and implementing your career and academic interests. Career development is a lifelong process – this class will help you get started.

Career developmentstarts by combining information about yourself with information about the world of work and then ACTING on that new set of information.

  • You will support and be supported by your classmates in the process of career exploration
  • You will be challenged to think beyond your own limiting thoughts and beliefs about careers and yourselves
  • You willbe encouraged to trust your own decision making
  • You will use a wide variety ofcareer exploration resources(web, print materials, on-campus resources, people)

Graded assignments(graded by your discussion group leader)

  1. Assignment #1: Focus Paper. 3 pages – Reaction paper to taking Focus – an online self directed career and educational planning system. Directions attached.
/ 20
  1. Assignment #2: KU majors - 5 pages - Research paper that involves researching KU majors and investigating one of them further by either going to the department or talking with someone who knows more about it.
/ 50
  1. Assignment #3: Informational Interview - 5 pages - conduct an informational interview with someone who is working in a career field that you’re considering. Research the occupation using print and online resources and define on and off campus resources to get directly involved with this profession (internships, student orgs, volunteer experiences, etc.)
/ 50
  1. Assignment # 4: Resume – Create a professional resume that appropriately targets your career field.
/ 30
  1. Assignment #5: Action plan – Creative presentation that describesyour action plan for your continued career development - what is left to do? Who can help? When will each step be completed?
/ 45
  1. Discussion group participation
/ 15
Total points / 210

Extra Credit Options(maximum points = 20)

1. University Career Fair (10 points). Volunteer for the University Career Fair on February 11th, KS Union Ballroom. Sign up sheet will be distributed in lecture the first two weeks of class. There are many ways to volunteer: Employer arrival, set-up hospitality, Fair hospitality, clean-up, and Career Fair observers. If you sign-up to be a Career Fair Observer – you must collect information about the event, write a 2 page paper and submit your paper in lecture by February 26th. No extra credit will be given for late responses. Full credit will be given to thorough and thoughtful answers.

2. Take the StrengthsQuest assessment (10 points) Take the assessment online, print out your results and write a 2 page paper on how your strengths will be true assets to your career exploration. Attach your results. Cost is $20 and payable at the website:

Bring your paper to lecture 11/11 or 11/13 – Sarah Sharma will be grading this paper.

Tipson earning Extra Credit – Turn in quality work on each assignment – you’re not guaranteed all the points the assignment is worth just because you turn something in. Observe the deadlines closely – late papers will not be accepted.

Grading policy

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Appendix 34

Attendance Policy and Classroom behavior

Attendance is required and will be taken every week in both the lecture and discussion section. No more than 4 total (combined) absences are allowed. After 4, there will be a 3 point deduction for each additional absence.

  • In lecture, attendance is taken with a sign-in sheet that is available at the beginning of class. If you do not sign in, you will not be counted. If you come late to class, you will not be allowed to sign in. If you leave early without getting permission, you will be counted as absent.

If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get any handouts that were used in class. Please note that most PowerPoint presentations and handouts will be uploaded to Blackboard for your review later on.

  • Arrive on time.
  • Don’t pack up until you are dismissed
  • Turn off your cell phones.
  • No text messaging
  • No headphones
  • Newspapers, other reading and homework from other classes are NOT allowed.
  • Be respectful of the person who is speaking by giving him/her all your attention (including another student, an invited speaker, instructor, etc.).
  • If you bring food/drink with you, take it with you.
  • Obtain instructor approval to use a computer for taking notes
  • If you need to leave early from class, obtain instructor approval at the beginning of class.
  • If you leave early without permission, you will be counted as absent.
  • If you arrive late to class, you will be counted as absent.

Late assignments

Automatic 10% deduction in total points for EACH day the assignment is late. If you know in advance that you will be absent from class the day an assignment is due, turn in the assignment early or e-mail the assignment to your discussion group leader on or before the day it is due. This policy does not appy to Extra Credit – late papers will not be accepted for any Extra Credit assignment.


The Office of Disability Resources (DR), 22 Strong Hall, 785-864-2620 (v/tty), coordinates accommodations and services for KU students with disabilities. If you have a disability for which you may request accommodation in KU classes and have not contacted DR, please do so as soon as possible. Please also contact the instructor privately in regard to this course.


Students are strongly encouraged to use the services of the WritingCenter. There are multiple locations around campus with a variety of hours and means to work with them. Turning in a poorly written or edited assignment will not be tolerated. For this reason, there will be a ½ point deduction off the total points for the assignment for every circled error.

Course Fee

The $25 fee covers the costs of the two assessments and Focus. You have three ways to pay for the course fee:

  • Give Check to Wendy Shoemaker who will carry them to the UniversityCareerCenter during the first three weeks of class.
  • Pay at the UniversityCareerCenter – cash, check, Visa/MC. Make sure to mention that you’re paying for the PRE 210 Course fee and get a receipt.
  • Pay online (Visa/MC).

If paying by check, make checks payable to The University of Kansas.

Students who do not pay for the fee by the end of the course will receive an incomplete in the class. If fee not paid by the end of the following semester, the incomplete will convert to an F.

Students who have previously taken the assessments within the past year are generally exempt from paying the fee. This typically encompasses the following situations:

  • students who enrolled in Freshman Summer Institute in the Summer of 2008
  • paid for them through optional fees - this year only
  • career counseling client at the UniversityCareerCenter who took and paid for the two career assessments.

The primary mission of the School of Education is to prepare leaders in education and human services fields. As stated in the School Code

Within the University , the School of Education serves Kansas, the nation, and the world by (1) preparing individuals to be leaders and practitioners in education and related human service fields, (2) expanding and deepening understanding of education as a fundamental human endeavor, and (3) helping society define and respond to its educational responsibilities and challenges.

The components that frame this mission for our initial and advanced programs are Research and Best Practice, Content Knowledge, and Professionalism. These interlocking themes build our Conceptual Framework.

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