Learning Impairment Network Notes

Monday 2nd June2014

Who was here:
Mark Humble
Steve Roberts
Corinne Elliott
Martin Gallagher
Harry Longmoor
Nicola Bennett
Luke Hardwick
Peter Collinson
Lisa Holdsworth
Steven Roberts
Rose Hiles
James McElheran
Yvonne Hoare
Helen Mcmullan
Neil Wadge
Peter Fitzpatrick
Andrea Goldie
Lisa Holdsworth
Julie Hopkinson
Michaela Hopps
Susan Applegarth
George Cree
Kevin Kelly
A Savage
N Freeman
Karen Reed
Tony Crack
Dawn Gill
Christine flintoft-smith / Commissioning Lead, Darlington Council(Co-Chair)
Peoples Parliament, (Co Chair)
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
Area Manager, Potensial
Darlington Council Provider Lead
Healthwatch Darlington
Carers Lead, Darlington Council
Team Manager, Darlington Council
Tees Esk & Wear Valley Trust
Family Carer
Head of Service,Darlington Council
Personal Assistant
Personal Assistant
Tees Esk & Wear Valley Trust
Darlington CAB
Darlington CAB
National Autistic Society
Victoria Bowman
Ann Workman
Councillor Copeland
Fran Bergen
Jillian Wilkins
Sean Thomas
Donna Owens
Dawn Cook
Victoria Gorman
Catherine Bowman
Jemma Robson
Hilary Slater
Jenny Byers
Rachel Lorimer / Co-Chair – Peoples Parliament
Assistant Director, Darlington Council
Cabinet Member
Tees Esk & Wear Valley Trust
Darlington Foundation Trust
Leisure Services, Darlington Council
Darlington Foundation Trust
Family Carer
North East Commissioning, NECS
Peoples Parliament
Peoples Parliament
St John of God

Steve Roberts,Co-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Stevereminded everyone of the rules and read out a list of the people who couldn’t come today. Everyone introduced themselves.

Mark went through the notes of the meeting on the 7th of April 2014 to check they were right. We agreed they were.

Mark read through the Networks Action Log and will update this and send out with the Minutes of the meeting.

Mark gave the Network an update on Winterbourne View.

The Council and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had to send some information to NHS England and The Local Government Association (LGS) by the 5th of May 2014.

They had to update on where they were with the 4 people who were part of the first Winterbourne plan and send a copy of the local action plan.

Update on the 4 people

One person has been discharged from hospital and now lives in a residential care home

One person is still in hospital; however there is a plan in place that means they will be leaving hospital in June 2014

One person is still in hospital, however there is a plan in place and they will be leaving hospital just after June 2014

One person is still in hospital and there is still no plan for them to leave hospital.

The Plan

Mark and Donna have pulled together a local plan that sets out what changes need to be made. This has been shared with the Network.


Susan Applegarth from Danshel told us about the company she works for. Danshel has been a company since 2010 and they took over some of the old Castlebeck services. Castlebeck was the company that owned Winterbourne View.

Danshel have 9 services in the North East, including hospitals and residential and nursing homes. They are making some big changes in their business, like reducing the number of hospital beds they provide and changing how some services run. In Darlington there are some services that will be changing to make sure that something like Winterbourne View won’t happen again.

If anyone wants to talk to Susan she is happy to do so.

We looked at action plan we made at the last network with Kellie. Our plan has three main headings.

-Staying Healthy

-Living Well

-Keeping Safe

We looked at what we said about living well

Sport and leisure:

  • Know what accessible services are there already, a directory
  • Two free carers should be allowed in with people
  • Find out what the sport and leisure strategy says and how we can influence it.

Sport and leisure – to do

-Check with public health to see if they have an updated sport and leisure directory

-Check with Public Health about their plans for a Health hub in the Dolphin Centre

-Write to the Council, Planet Leisure and Cineworld to ask about their policy on two Carers.

Supporting people to get and keep a job:

  • Council to lead the way as an employer of people with learning impairment
  • Develop and support micro enterprises
  • Support people to volunteer

-Check who the lead from the council is on the new development next door to the Town Hall and invite them to the next Network meeting.

Supporting People to get and keep a job – to do

Peter told us a bit about the work that he and his team are doing to develop work experience opportunities in the Council. They are looking at a 12 week work experience as a start. There are other opportunities in the Student Loans Company and B and Q.

The Network is clear that what they want to see are paid jobs

Lisa gave us a brief update.

There is plan to have a carers meeting half an hour before the Network meeting and then some carers will stay on. This will ensure we get a stronger carers voice at this meeting.

James from the Peoples Parliament updated the Network on some recent work.

  • They have written a language fact Sheet that they will share with us and wider. They are getting some expert advice from DAD. There are so many good and bad words that they plan to have fact sheet 2.
  • The key messages are:

-We are people not aliens

-We prefer to be called by our name

-We are not special

  • The Parliament are planning to share this work with other Networks at the regional meeting
  • The Parliament is working with 121 Trust to develop a logo for the Parliament.
  • Harry raised some concerns he had about the Gateway club. He is worried that there are too many people attending. Mark agreed to check with Gateway how many people can attend.
  • Harry also raised the fact that some people are unable to stay as they have to go because of staff changes. We agreed to talk about this again.
  • The Council and Health Service are asking people for their views on the plan to make the national mental health strategy happen. This is on the Council and CCG Website
  • The Parliament is thinking about how they want to Co-Chair the Network. They think it might be a different member each time – they will let Mark know.

The next meeting was planned for the 4th of August we agreed to change the date. The things we could talk about are:

-Autism, Change,Self-Assessment,Institutions


1st of September

1pm – 3pm

The Dolphin Centre
