Leadership Application Fall 2017-Spring 2018

Thank you so much for your interest in being a leader with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at CSULB. We are excited to discern with you what God has been doing in your life and where He is inviting you to grow next year. There are a couple of different teams for next semester. Please look over the separate information sheets to see the requirements and expectations for each team.



Phone: ______Year inSchool:______

Where you will be living next year? Would you consider moving into the dorms? (This helps us with WC placement)?:


Which Leadership Team are you applying for (Check one):

Apprentice Leader / Vision Team / N/A
WC Leader / Servant Team Coordinator / N/A

Here is what the process will look like:

  1. Turn in the application by April 8th ( or deliver it to a staff or v-team member)
  2. Sign up for a 30-minute time slot for a discernment conversation with a staff member. (You will receive an email about available slots upon receipt of your application.)
  3. Pray with friends to help you discern what would be a good next step of faith.

CSULB InterVarsity Christian Fellowship does not guarantee a leadership position for each applicant. However, it does guarantee an amazing opportunity to process what God is doing in each individual’s life and an opportunity to vision for the next steps that God is inviting you into.

Please fill out the following questions in their entirety and to the fullest extent you deem necessary for us to get to know you and your experience this past year a little better.

  1. How have you fallen more in love with Jesus this past year?
  2. Please tell us about how you became a Christian. (This could include your first time decision to follow Jesus or your decision to be serious about following Jesus.)
  1. If somebody asked you “what is the gospel?” How would you answer that question? Why is it important to share the gospel?
  1. Please share a situation from the past 6 months where you experienced Jesus inviting you to take a risk. What was the risk? Did you do it? Why or why not?
  1. How have you seen Jesus meet you in the following:
  1. Scripture (share a scripture that has spoken to you)
  2. Academics (ex: major, classes, time management)
  3. What is are spiritual disciplines you practice? What do you want to grow in?

6. What does Christian community mean to you? Can you share a expereince of Christian community? (conflict, service etc.)

7. Why do you want to be on leadership with InterVarsity? How do you hope to grow?

8. What does it mean to be a leader? Can you share a scripture that describes what it means to be a leader?

9. What is your biggest fear about being a leader?

10. To experience and receive all the gifts leadership has to offer it takes physical, emotional and spiritual space to engage. How will you make the time and space to physically, emotionally and spiritual engage?

11. Where have you been growing in your character?

12. What other commitments do you have next year?

Please look over the leadership descriptions. Do you have any concerns or questions about the commitment or expectations? We have an addeundum for the different leadership teams.

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out the application. Please sign up for a time slot for a discernment conversation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact a staff member or email

Leadership Description:

What is our national purpose statement?

in response to God’s love, grace and truth:

the Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is

to establish and advance at colleges and universities

witnessing communities of students and faculty

who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord:

growing in love for God,

God’s Word,

God’s people of every ethnicity and culture

and God’s purposes in the world.

What do we believe?

We believe in:

The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit full of love and glory.

The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.

The value and dignity of all people:
created in God’s image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.

Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.

Justification by God’s grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.

The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.

The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.

To God be glory forever.

How do we live as leaders in response to Scripture?

Consider these commitments before you say “yes” to leadership. These are not required of members, but are an expression of spiritual authority & growth found in leaders.

  1. Personal Relationship with God
  2. Loving God and growing in your relationship with Him is our primary job as leaders. This means spending time with him personally and communally.
  3. Be “good soil.” Spending time regularly in God’s word and seeking to obey it.
  4. Taking risks and growing in faith. I will commit to spiritual disciplines such as church attendance, prayer & studying Scripture because it is for my benefit.
  5. Relationships with Others
  6. Leadership Team

The leadership team will be a benefit to your growth as you support each other and lean on each other through the year. Take your relationship with your co-leaders and team seriously and be open about your life to them.

  1. Conflict Resolution

I will commit to resolving conflict in a healthy manner. This means that I will refrain from holding bitterness, hiding things from people when I am hurt, and gossiping among fellow leaders or members in the fellowship. I will be open to offering and receiving the joy of forgiveness. I will not withdraw, especially in cross-cultural conflict. I commit to being a learner.

  1. Friendships

Deep friendships (especially with those of the same sex) are key to your formation as a Christ-follower. Find several people that you enjoy spending time with and cultivate deep friendships with them. Your leadership team is a great place to find some of those friends! In addition, cultivating cross-cultural friendships will be crucial to your growth.

  1. Sexuality

God desires us to have intimacy and fulfillment in our sexualities.

  1. Seeking godly counsel and wisdom (e.g. from your pastor, staff worker, fellow leaders) when choosing whom to date.
  2. As a leader, I commit to abstain from sex outside of marriage.
  3. As a leader, I commit to abstain from same-sex dating relationships.
  4. Boundaries in dating: I will seek to create healthy boundaries in my dating relationship, including abstaining from sexual acts that constitute foreplay.
  5. We ask that leaders do not date non-Christians. Dating Christians helps leaders thrive in their personal relationships with God.
  6. Openness to receiving prayer & help for besetting areas of personal sexual temptation. When sin occurs, openness to confession and prayer.
  7. As a leader, I commit to refrain from dating someone that I am personally leading. Dating within the context of spiritual leadership creates an unhealthy power dynamic.
  1. Relationship with Self
  2. Humility and Learning Posture

God desires us to experience grace. We need to take the humble learning posture in leadership: open to taking risks, learning, and receiving correction. I will also be a humble learner in my cross-cultural interactions.

  1. Self Control

God wants us to have freedom as leaders rather than being in bondage. Leaders need to actively seek help for areas that they lack self-control in. Two categories in particular will be beneficial to seek help: substance usage and academics.

  1. Leaders will avoid abusing substances including: illegal, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, as well as alcohol.
  2. Leaders also need to drink with caution. We also ask that underage leaders do not drink and above-age leaders choose love above personal rights.
  3. Leaders are still students! Leaders need to pass their classes, and reach out if they are struggling academically. We want you to thrive.
  1. Ministry Posture
  2. Views of ministry commitments

Leadership is an invitation from Jesus. Leaders need to ask God for a humble and joyful posture toward their leadership.

  1. Ownership

I will take ownership of my small group ministry, and seek to love those that are within my ministry sphere.

  1. Meeting

I will attend weekly leadership meetings. In addition, I will attend small group weekly and large groups weekly (unless approved by the team). I will also seek to be a regular face at community events as possible.

  1. Outreach and Evangelism

I will participate and lead in outreach events to freshmen & transfers (New Student Outreach) and evangelistic campaigns such as proxe stations as I am available.

  1. Conferences

I will attend the fall and winter retreats, Fall Conference, and Spring Conference. I will help recruit students and participate in the joy of seeing fellow students transformed by God at these conferences.

The staff team and leadership team always prioritizes your well being over your ministry. If there is a sin that requires deeper healing, we will provide you space to heal apart from your commitments for a time. If a major life event keeps you from being able to lead (such as a family emergency, depression, or other event), we will choose to love you and help you in your time of crisis before we ask you to keep a commitment. You are loved!

Signature: ______


Staff Signature:______