GP Bulletin

For Action

*********** Last Call for Protected Learning Event – Next Thursday ***********

The next event which is on the topic of Mental Health will be held on Thursday 16th January 2014 at the Kia Oval. SELDOC cover will be available between 12.30-6.30pm(please see attached request form) The event will cover

  • Mental health in Lambeth: brief update on what’s going on in mental health services in Lambeth
  • Recovery based care in general practice: breaking down barriers and supporting people to use their assets to promote recovery
  • Mental health first aid lite: all staff would benefit from this mental health awareness training but may be more suitable for admin or non-clinical staff. This will be run in a separate room to the GP and nurse training
  • Mental health community incentive scheme: how best to encourage and support practice staff to deliver enhanced care
  • Signs and symptoms of dementia, testing a patient’s memory, what happens at the memory clinic, dementia medication – Shared Care Protocol, The Alzheimer’s Society: supporting people with dementia and their carers post diagnosis

There will presenters from the SLMS Memory Service, The Alzheimer’s Society and Dr Penelope Jarrett (Lambeth GP who leads on dementia).

We will also have the Assistive Technology Lead there at lunch and break time who can show GPs how assistive technology equipment can help with keeping people with dementia living more independently and safely in their own home. Age UK will also be there to inform about their Information and Advice Service.

  • National Diabetes Audit – submission by 24th January 2014

Please remember to submit the results for the National Diabetes Audit from your system by the 24th of January 2014(completion of the audit contributes to your achievement of the joint Lambeth CCG / DMI reward scheme). If you follow the instructions below it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of your time. Unfortunately, the existing data sharing agreements don’t support the extracts for NHS numbers so we cannot run these on your behalf from the CCG EMS WEB Searches and Reports.

EMIS Library NDA report

Previously, EMIS Web organisations have extracted their NDA data using MIQUEST queries. Now, EMIS has produced an equivalent report in Population Reporting to help you view and submit your cumulative data. The report is being piloted by the HSCIC for the 2012-2013 collection as an alternative submission method to MIQUEST queries. You can of course continue to use MIQUEST queries, but the reporting option allows you to run and export immediately, whilst MIQUEST will only run overnight. If you choose to contribute using the report, you'll need to export the results as a CSV file, rename the file to include your national practice code, and then email from an account to

The report is called National Diabetes Audit 2012-13and is located in Population Reporting > EMIS Library > EMIS Clinical Utilities > National Diabetes Audit 2012-13 folder. The report is based on the search Diabetic Patients Without Dissent Code, which finds all diabetic patients who have no dissent code for the audit, and is based on the NDA Primary Care Extraction Specification.

When first released, the search was based on all patients, including deducted and deceased, as specified by the HSCIC. After a pilot and subsequent discussion with the HSCIC, it has been decided that the 2012-13 collection should only be based on currently registered regular patients, and as such the EMIS search has been amended accordingly.

Note: The deadline for submitting your files to the HSCIC is 24 January 2014.

To run the report and export ready for submission, follow these steps:

  1. Select the National Diabetes Audit 2012-13 report, and then on the ribbonclick Run.
  2. When the report has run,on the ribbon click View Results.
    Tip: You can also see an overview of the patient count and last run date on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. On the ribbon, click Export. <image001.png>
  4. Select CSV, and then click OK.
  5. Save the file; you're then ready to email via NHS Netto .
    Note:Don't forget to rename theCSV file to incorporate your national practice code.

If you have any queries regarding running the report in EMIS Web, why not post a question on our forum? For any queries regarding the audit itself, take a look at the NDA frequently asked questions produced by the HSCIC. Also, the mailbox will be monitored each day for any queries, soany questions whichare not related to EMIS Webcan be raised here.

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is the largest annual clinical audit in the world, and aims to answer four key questions based on the Diabetes National Service Framework:

  • Is everyone with diabetes diagnosed and recorded on a practice diabetes register?
  • What percentage of people registered with diabetes received the nine NICE key processes ofdiabetes care?
  • What percentage of people registered with diabetes achieved NICE defined treatment targets for glucose control, blood pressure and blood cholesterol?
  • For people withregistered diabetes, what are the rates of acute and long termcomplications (disease outcomes)?

For more information on the NDA, visit the HSCIC NDA webpage

  • Dmards LES

This is reminding practices that Quarter 3 submissions are now due. Please send your returns to by Friday 17th January 2013

  • Managing patients with Brain Injuries

King’s College Hospital is seeking feedback from primary care colleagues about their experiences of managing patients following brain injury. The aim of this survey is to gain understanding of the issues faced in primary care across the range of brain injury severities, for example:

- Those discharged from A&E following concussion, who are advised to see their GP with any problems

- Those with more severe brain injury, who have been discharged from rehabilitation services but have on-going complex needs

We would be grateful if you could complete this brief online survey, which will take no longer than a few minutes of your time. Your feedback will be used to improve the service provided to patients.

Please complete the survey by 28th February 2014.

For further information, please contact Dr Petra Makela, Darzi Fellow - Head Injury Pathway, at

  • SLAM Survey

Dear All,

It’s that time again! The SLAM annual GP survey is ready and we need your help to collate as many responses as possible.

This survey is essential in understanding your experiences of working with South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

We would appreciate if you could fill out this short and easy to complete survey. Most answers are multiple choice.

To make this as easy and convenient as possible, there are a few ways in which you can participate:

  1. The survey is available through an e-survey site, simply complete and all results will be forwarded directly to us.
  1. We have attached an electronic form which you can complete and email back to
  1. Alternatively you can print this form, complete by hand and post. WE APOLOGISE THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO RECEIVE FAX MESSAGES.
  1. We are also looking for opportunities to attend GP events to distribute the survey and would appreciate your suggestions of such events.

The deadline is the 25th January. Any queries, concerns or problems do not hesitate to contact me directly either by email or by telephone on 020 322 81679.

Roisin Metherell

Strategy and Business Development Directorate

For Information

  • Ready SteadyGo! (please see attached flyers)

Here are the upcoming start dates for Ready Steady Go for January 2014. The referral form and dates information for our January courses as this is a really key time for us and we are always looking for new referrals to the programme.


  • Home Ward Roll-out (Please see attached flyers)

Please see attached information regarding the roll out of the @ Home service (formally known as Home ward). This is an important new service that has been piloted in the South East Locality and provides acute clinical care at home that would have otherwise would have been carried out in hospital and is primarily aimed at avoiding hospital admission.

The information includes details of what type of patient conditions can be managed by the service along with the one point of contact and operating hours.

If you would like further information about the service please contact Karen Titchener the service lead at .

Karen or one of the team would also be happy to attend practice meetings to let you know what the service can offer


  • District Nurse Referral Guidance (Please see attached guidance)

Please see attached the new GSTT District Nurse Referral Guidance which has been developed to specifically outline what the district nursing service offers. Also attached is the referral form. We are especially encouraging practices to use the electronic referral method – details of the Lambeth district nurse referral address are in the documentation. If you would like further information please contact your local district nurse manager or Anita Macro, Assistant Head of Nursing at


  • Foot Health Patient Pathway (please see attached guidance)

Please see attached the latest diabetic patient pathway for Foot Healthcare as supplied by the Diabetes Modernisation Initiative. The guidance can also be found at


  • London Health Commission(please see attached letter)

The London Health Commission has recently launched.

Please see attached a letter from Professor the Lord Ara Darzi inviting your organisation to contribute ideas to help improve health and healthcare in London.

If you have any queries, please email or t: 020 7932 9073. You can also find us on Twitter @theLDNHC.


  • Therapy Referrals to King’s: New email address

From Monday 6th January 2014 all referrals to all outpatient Therapy treatment at King’s College Hospital should be made by email to

This will include all referrals to MCATS, Musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapy (Adult and Paediatric), Neurological Physiotherapy, Neurological Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy, Outpatient Speech and Language Therapy, Respiratory Outpatient Physiotherapy.

Referral forms for most of these services can be found at

Please avoid sending any referrals by post and fax after this date.

We are also working on getting many of these services on Choose and Book.”


  • Moorfields Eye Hospital Consultation (Please see attached Consultation Paper)

Please find enclosed a statement regarding Moorfields’ plans to move the main hospital in central London from City Road to the King’s Cross/Euston area. Please share the paper with your PPG‘s

‘Our board of directors decided to focus all our efforts on moving, rather than trying to rebuild on our current campus in March 2013, following an extensive options appraisal, and we are now keen to hear wider views to enable us to develop our plans further; in particular, we want to understand the factors that are considered the most important for us to take into account when we make a final decision about a new site.

To this end, we are running a formal engagement exercise from Monday 25 November 2013 to Friday 14 February 2014. I attach a copy of the engagement document and would welcome your views and those of the patients you represent. This document is also available online via our website and is being distributed around the hospital itself.’

  • The Miscarriage Association - Supporting Local Care(Please see attached information)

How the Miscarriage Association can help…

  • A staffed UK helpline: Call us on 01924 200799 (Mon-Fri, 9am – 4pm). We will always try to be of help.
  • Regional telephone and group support: We can put people in touch with others who have been through a similar experience Most of our volunteers offer support over the phone and some run monthly support groups. Please contact us for further details.
  • Online information and support:Our website is a very helpful resource for anyone who has been affected by early pregnancy loss.
  • Information and Support: We have a wide range ofinformation leaflets about the facts and feelings of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy. Individual copies can be posted, or downloaded from our website, free-of-charge though we do charge for bulk orders.
  • Contact cards: These handy business cards are complimentary and are a quick, easy way for patients to have our contact details.Please let us know if you’d like us to send you a complimentary supply?
  • Miscarriage Association poster: Perhaps the practices have a Community Board where the attached poster could be displayed?

If you have any questions about the information included in this email or would like to discuss ideas you have for additional ways we can support your colleagues and parents, please do get in touch.

Training Opportunities

  • Achieving the CCG / DMI reward scheme for diabetes

The final DMI learning events for colleagues working in primary careor community care with an interest in diabetes are on Thursday 6th February and Wednesday 12th February. The programme starts at 1pm (registration and lunch is at 12:30). Click on the link below for details and to reserve your place.

Topics to be covered:

  • Complicated diabetes: key messages
  • Pre-diabetes: support and management
  • Speakers will include diabetes leads in primary care from Lambeth and Southwark and specialists from GSTT and King’s.
  • Attendance at two different learning events is a requirement of the 2013/14 reward scheme for diabetes.
  • 19 practices in Lambeth have only attended one event. February is your last chance, so book now and don’t miss out.

If you would like more information about the reward scheme please contact


  • Free End Of Life Care Educational Event(Please see attached flyer)

Please see attached for your information details of a free EOLC educational event being held at the Royal Marsden Hospital – Fulham Rd Branch on the 11th February 2014

It is for primary carepractitioners to learn how to identify, care for and communicate with end of life care patients, their carers and other professionals.

Full details of this half day event are included in the flyer – to apply please enter your details onto this form or apply online at


  • Free Training Day at South West London & St George’s Mental Health Trust(Please see attached flyer)

Focus: Mental Health Safety Issues - Managing Challenging Patients

Dates: 28th February – All Primary Care Staff

Venue: Springfield Hospital (near St George’s Hospital) Tooting

Please forward your application forms to


This interactive, practical, peer-led training in sexual health has been tailored for GPs and Practice Nurses in the primary care setting. It will enable LSL clinicians to update knowledge and develop further skills in assessing sexual health risk, by offering real life approaches to HIV and STI testing, diagnosis and management. Join over 120 LSL clinicians who have benefited so far from SHIP in changing their practice to tackle our significant local HIV & STI rates.

GP session: Key Issues in Sexual Health

Date: 27th February 2014, 12.30 pm - 5.00 pm

Practice Nurse Sessions: PN1 & PN2

Date: 13th & 20th March 2014, 12.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Final Session for GPs & PNs: General Practice & HIV

Date: 27th March 2014, 12.30pm - 5.00pm

Cost: Free

Location: Burrell Street Sexual Health Clinic, 4-6 Burrell Street,London SE1 0UN

Download application:

General enquiries: Tel: 020 3299 4206,

  • Introduction Liquid Based Cytology Workshop Monday 7th April 2014 – 2.00-4.45

Meetings Room, Artesian Health Centre,

138 Grange Road, SE1 3GF

This course is accredited by the Faculty Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare for 3 CPD points.

The aim is to give a comprehensive introduction / update, which will focus on relevant topics, update knowledge, explore current attitudes, and build on skills and experience.
Learning methods will include short presentations, discussion, role-play, demonstrations, hand-outs, and video films and individual practice with models (not live!).

This workshop can be usedby VTS, GP's andPractice nurses wishing to update and refresh their skills on smear taking(not suitable for nurse who have not completed smear course).

Each workshop will be limited to 10 applicants in order to allow for active participation.

Download application:

General enquiries: Tel: 020 3299 4206,


  • Free Sexual Health Promotion Training

The Guys and St Thomas Sexual Health Promotion Team provide free training to all staff groups working with the local population.

Inthe forthcoming months we are delivering the following courses:

  • Working with Men who have sex with Men -(Equality and Inclusiveness in service delivery) 6th December 2013 and 7th March 2014
  • Advanced HIV Awareness - a non-clinical 1 day workshop 14th February 2014

If you would like more information about these courses or you would like to attend any of the training courses please contact

We can also support you too identify sexual health training needs within your practice. If you would like to know more please contact us at the above email links.


  • Free orthopaedic seminar for GPs at Guy’s and St Thomas’

The Orthopaedic Centre at Guy’s would like to invite all GPs to a free evening workshop onThursday23January onupper limbmedical conditions.

Topics will cover:

  • MCATTs
  • Surgical treatment options
  • Pain management

Cost: free
Date: Thursday23January2014, 6:30pm-8.30pm
Venue : Robens Suite, Floor 29 Tower Wing, Guys Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT
This evening event carriestwo CPD points. There will be clinical case discussions and attendance certificates provided on the day.
To book a place or request further information please email: