
Name of Minister/Candidate/Educator/CRE City, Name of Church

Check all boxes and fill in all blanks that apply:

  1. Is this a___Minister (Teaching Elder), ____ Ruling Elder,___ Candidate, ___Educator
  2. Is this person Honorably Retired (HR)? ___ yes, ___ no
  3. What is the person’s role?___Interim Pastor, ___Interim Associate Pastor, ___ Stated Supply, ___ Parish Associate,

___ Commissioned Ruling Elder, ___Moderator, ___Certified Educator, ___Educator

  1. What authority will they have? ___ moderate the session, ___ administer the sacraments, ___ officiate at marriages.
  2. Is this ___ full-time or___ part-time. If part time, ____ number of hours per week.
  3. The position begins ______, 20___ and will end ______, 20___. (No longer than 1 year.)
  4. The church will pay ___ all moving expenses ___ moving expenses up to $______, ___ no moving expenses.
  5. The following figures are ___annual ___ monthly.
  6. The date of the session meeting recommending this contract was ______, 20___.

The recorded vote was: _____ yes _____ no _____ abstain.

  1. The fiscal year of the church is ___ calendar year or from ______to ______.
  2. Will the church be paying Board of Pensions dues for this person? ___ yes, ___ no. If yes, answer #12.
  3. Does this person have dependents? ___ yes ___ no. (see line 12 below) If yes, are the dependents covered by other insurance? ___ yes ___ no. If no, will the dependent coverage be paid ___ by Church paying an additional 1.5%, or ___ by the individual paying an additional 1.5% or ____the church and individual sharing the cost as follows: ______.
  4. Please attach a financial report (budget, balance sheet, etc.) and the session minutes.


Line 1:$ Cash Salary(regular payroll, salary supplements)

Line 2:$ Housing and Utility Allowance(rent, utilities, mortgages, property taxes, furnishings, etc.)

Line 3:$ Deferred Income(Board of Pensions 403b)

Line 4:$ Other Income (dental or life insurance, unvouchered allowances, loans, bonuses, etc.)

Specify what:______

Line 5:$ Medical Supplement(IRS 125 Cafeteria Plan contributions, Health Reimbursement Accounts)

Line 6:$ Fair Rental Value of Manse(must be at least 30% of Lines 1-5)

Line 7:$______Social Security Offset (above 7.65% of Lines 1+2+4+5+6)

Line 8:$ Total Effective Salary(Lines 1-7)...... 2016Minimum for full-time pastoral positions is $44,500.


Line 9:$ Social Security Offset (at or below 7.65% of Lines 1+2+4+5+6)

Line 10:$ Business Travel/Automobile...... Auto miles vouchered at the current IRS mileage rate.

Line 11:$ Continuing Education and Professional Expenses (study leave expenses, books, professional journals, business meals,cell phones, etc.) 2016Minimum for full-time is $1,000


Line 12:$ Board of Pension Dues ___36.5% of Line 8 for full-time positionswith dependent coverage for 2016 ___35% without dependent coverage ___ 12% for HR working at least 20 hours/week.

For other than full-time, please use the amount on line 8 in the BOP dues calculator at:

Line 13: Study Leave: weeks per year(cumulative to 3 years)...... 2016Minimum is 2 weeks/year

Line 14: Vacation Leave: weeks per year(including 4 Sundays)...... 2016 Minimum is 4 weeks/year

Line 15: $ Total Compensation Package(Lines 8 through 12)

Line 16: $ Total Cost to the Church(Line 15 minus Line 6)

Line 17: $ Total Compensation paid directly to the minister or CRE or Educator (Lines 1+2+7+9)

Signatures Cell Phone Email Address

______Minister/Ruling Elder/Candidate...(___) ______

______Clerk of Session...... (___) ______

______Committee on Ministry Moderator.(___) ______

______Stated Clerk of Grace Presbytery..(___) ______

Having moderated the session meeting which extended this call, I certify that the call has been made in all respects according to the Form of Government and all policies of Grace Presbytery, and that the congregational representatives who signed this call were authorized to do so by vote of the congregation.

Signature Cell Phone Email Address

______Moderator of the Meeting...... (___) ______

Continued on the next page.

Transferring from Another Presbytery:If this person is a member of another presbytery, complete the following information:

Name of Dismissing Presbytery ______Address ______

Name of Stated Clerk ______Stated Clerk’s email: ______


  • All of the financial terms of the contract are listed above. All other financial agreements (loans, sabbaticals, family leave, etc.) must be attached to this form and approved by the minister (or commissioned ruling elder), session and COM.
  • Part-time position minimums should be prorated on the full-time minimum, except for Parish Associates who can be without compensation.
  • Nonmonetary provisions of the contract must be attached to this form.
  • The Interim Contract must be attached to this form.
  • Please email completed form to , or fax to 214-637-6324, or mail to:

COM c/o Grace Presbytery 6100 Colwell Blvd. Ste. 100, Irving TX 75039.