Lansdowne elementary, ib world school, POI by date 2015-2016

K / How We Organize Ourselves Sept.8-Oct.16 People create systems to help organize their lives. / Sharing the Planet
Oct. 21-Nov. 24
Humans and animals are connected. / Who We Are
Nov. 30- Jan 15
Human connections form relationships. / Where We Are In Place and Time Jan.19-March.3 The past helps shape our world today. / How the World Works
March. 7-April 22 Weather systems affect our world. / How We Express Ourselves April 26-May 31 People express themselves in diverse ways.
1 / Who We Are Sept. 8-Oct.16
Rules shape our community. / How We Organize Ourselves
Oct. 19 -Nov. 24 Community resources satisfy our needs. / Sharing the Planet Nov.30- Jan. 15 The needs of living things help determine their survival. / Where We Are in Place and Time Jan. 19 –Feb. 26 Diverse cultures shape our world. / How the World Works Feb.29-March 24
People conduct observations to understand how things move. / How We Express Ourselves April4- May 6
People express feelings and ideas through literature.
2 / Who We Are Sept.8-Oct.16 Cultural diversity adds to our community. / How We Express Ourselves
Oct. 19- Nov. 24
Creativity and feelings are expressed through sound. / Where We Are in Place and Time Nov. 30 -Jan. 15
People and their physical environments change over time. / How We Organize Ourselves
Jan. 19 – Feb. 26
The government and communities work together to make economic decisions to make our world a better place. / How the World Works
Feb. 29-March24 Changes in matter affect the environment. / Sharing the Planet
April 18- May 31
Living things grow and change through cycles.
3 / Where We Are in Place and Time Sept.14-Oct.20 Historical figures create change within communities. / How the World Works
Oct. 26-Nov. 24
Properties and cycles exist to organize the world around us. / How We Organize Ourselves
Nov. 30-Feb.1Economic relationships impact a society. / Who We Are
Feb. 2 -March 23 Systems need to be in place to maintain human relationships. / Sharing the Planet April4-May6
Environmental conditions affect growth and survival. / How We Express Ourselves May9- June9 Values, beliefs and traditions influence how people live.
4 / How We Organize Ourselves
Aug. 31- Oct. 16 Resources affect and shape our marketplace. / Sharing the Planet
Oct. 19-Dec. 4 Living things struggle and adapt to survive. / Where We Are in Place and Time Dec. 7- Jan. 29 People on the move change the world around them. / Who We Are Feb 1- March.18
Making wise choices helps us maintain a balanced lifestyle. / How the World Works March21-May6 Magnets and electricity have predictable behaviors that lead to innovation. / How We Express Ourselves
May 9-June 9
Writing helps us share our thoughts and feelings.
5 / Where We Are in Place and Time Sept 17-Oct. 30
Exploration leads to discoveries and new understandings. / How the World Works
Nov 2-Dec 11 Forces and energy affect everyday life. / Who We Are Jan. 4-Feb. 12 Health and balance in the human body are dependent on organized systems. / Sharing the Planet Feb. 16-March. 24
EXHIBITION 3/22 / How We Organize Ourselves
April 4-May 13 Government systems impact communities / How We Express Ourselves
May 16-June 8
People use words and various mediums to influence society.

September 25, 2015