Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting April 17, 2013

Lansdowne Borough Council

General Meeting

April 17, 2013


The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall. Present were President Coleman, Mrs. English, Ms. Lustgarten, Mr. Radich, Mrs. Saylor and Mr. Schleigh. Councilman Wagner was absent. Junior Council member Mr. Yurcaba was present. Also present were Mayor Young, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Kortan. Fire Company liaison Tom Young was absent.

President Coleman asked for a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings this past week. President Coleman asked for a moment of silence in memory of Dr. C. William Miller, age 98, who died on April 10th. Dr. Miller was a Professor Emeritus at Temple University where he taught English Literature for 35 years. Dr. Miller was also a 42 year Lansdowne resident and former president of the Lansdowne Borough Council, having served from 1972 to 1980. He was awarded the Helms Award in 1982.

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved with one change: a discussion about the new Avenue Deli will be added under New Business.

President Coleman stated that this meeting would be aired on April 22, 2013 on Comcast channel 10, RCN channel 52 and Verizon channel 44.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. Lustgarten moved to approve the minutes of the

March 20, 2013 General Meeting of Council as submitted by the Borough Secretary. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations: Mayor Young had no announcements or presentations.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley presented the March 31, 2013 Treasurer’s Report as follows: General Fund beginning balance $372,413; ending balance $3,285,812. Sewer Fund beginning balance $657,171; ending balance $1,437,561. Liquid Fuels Fund beginning balance $419,602; ending balance $363,834. Capital Reserve Fund beginning balance $89,107; ending balance $87,779. Non-uniformed pension plan beginning balance $ 1,198,610; ending balance $2,070,920. Police Pension Fund beginning balance $6,889,109; ending balance $7,126,829. Mr. Bartley mentioned that there were sufficient funds on hand to meet all current obligations.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Young reported that she had recently received a letter from Lisa Freelander, Project Director for the Anti Defamation League, notifying the borough that it had been chosen as the recipient of their 2013 Barry Morrison Courageous Conversations Award, to be presented at the closing of the ADL Board meeting on May 13th. This award was created five years ago as a tribute to their regional director, Barry Morrison, and his 30 years service to the ADL. The award is given annually to a local school district or community that has exhibited creativity and courage in engaging community members in a dialogue about diversity through No Place for Hate.

Mayor Young reminded residents who are anticipating doing home improvements to contact the Codes Department to learn which contractors are legitimate.

Mayor Young thanked the Delaware County Environmental Fair and the Earth Care Council for the event held last Saturday. Junior Council member Mr. Yurcaba organized several student volunteers for this event and the Earth Care Council has expressed an interest in coming back next year for the event. During this event, Mayor Young learned that the sticks put along the Hoffman Park creek are actually rootless trees, placed on the new bank to generate roots and secure themselves as trees. Some people think these stakes are dangerous and pull them out. Mayor Young reminded residents to leave them in place, as they help the stream bank regenerate itself. Mayor Young then read a variety of calendar items.

Council President’s Report: President Coleman reported that she has been reviewing the various borough plans that have been in place for the last few years to see if they are still viable plans and continue to move the borough forward. President Coleman mentioned that the PA Association of Boroughs newsletter now has Alex Yurcaba listed as a member.


Public Health and Safety – Mr. Schleigh reported that police personnel issues were discussed at their last Committee meeting. Mayor Young has agreed to spearhead putting together the committee that will deal with emergency response teams at the 20th Century Club. The Committee is also looking into a Coffee with Cops program that has been used by other municipalities as a way for residents to have better communication with their local police force. Mr. Schleigh mentioned that Mr. Yurcaba had addressed how the SADD program is progressing with the cooperation of the school district. Mr. Schleigh reported that Mr. Yurcaba has informed him that he will not be continuing in his position next year. Mr. Schleigh will chair the committee to seek his replacement. President Coleman mentioned that Mr. Yurcaba will serve until June of this year.

Finance and Administration – Ms. Lustgarten reported their Committee met on April 1st. The Committee has been tracking the Capital Reserves Fund regarding costs versus budget and what items are to be prioritized. Ms. Lustgarten indicated that the fire house roof had been budgeted at $150,000 and cost $155,000. The new leaf vacuum was budgeted for $20,000 and came in at $35,000. The new sanitation truck was budgeted for $160,000 and came in at $130,000, in addition to receiving a $67,000 grant to pay for that item. The net cost for these three items was $253,000 and $330,000 had been budgeted. The Committee will continue to review the priority list and most recent cost projections. Ms. Lustgarten reported that quotes are being sent to 3 or 4 independent audit firms who would look at compliance and process testing and malfeasance fraud testing - - tasks that are not currently performed by the borough’s citizen’s audit. The Committee has been looking at the potential implications for borough staff when the Affordable Care Act goes into effect in January, 2014. The next F&A Committee will be held on 7:00 p.m. on May 6th. Ms. Lustgarten mentioned that a draft investment policy has been sent to Independent Advisors and Mr. Radich will review it as well.

Economic Development and Code Enforcement – No report was given in Mr. Wagner’s absence.

Environment – Mrs. Saylor reported that April 20th is Keep Lansdowne Beautiful Day, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Mrs. Saylor also reported that the Darby Creek Valley Association is holding their 29th Darby Creek and Cobbs Creek cleanup on April 27th. The Lansdowne sites to be cleaned are Hoffman Park and Marlyn Park. The cleanup for Pennock Terrace will be held on April 28th. Mrs. Saylor mentioned that recycling numbers are very low and that the current newsletter contains new information as to what can be recycled. Mrs. Saylor mentioned that the rental policies for park properties are being reviewed for good practices. Also being considered is a program that would allow for donations to the borough parks in the way of memorial benches, trees, etc. Mrs. Saylor indicated as a follow up item that the trees North on Lansdowne Avenue from Baltimore Avenue are indeed healthy and different options are being considered to make the surfaces passable up to the tree trunk. The next Environment Committee meeting will be held on May 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Community Relations: Mr. Radich reported that no Community Relations Committee had been held in April and the next meeting will be held on April 25th. Mr. Radich reported that at the March meeting the main order of business was discussing the Speaker Series related to community outreach. The Lansdowne Library Bany Room and 20th Century Club have been reserved for certain dates beginning in June through December. Speakers have been confirmed for basic financial literacy. An expert on elder law will speak about legal issues affecting senior citizens. A legal and financial planning expert will speak to the special needs community regarding educational opportunities as well as financial planning to insure they are provided for without losing eligibility for government entitlements. A tax preparation person and a health insurance broker are also being scheduled for this series.

Infrastructure and Public Works – Mrs. English reported that her Committee is looking at a variety of items: new leaf vacuum, sanitation vehicles, root treatments and sewer projects for the year.

Junior Council – Mr. Yurcaba reported that he has reviewed some of the borough plans with President Coleman, most recently the East Lansdowne Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Yurcaba has compiled a list of ideas in this regard that will be presented to the different committees. Mr. Yurcaba indicated that last week’s Earth Care Council event was hugely successful. Regarding the Students Against Destructive Decisions (“SADD”) program, Mr. Yurcaba mentioned that he will be meeting with his faculty contact to help obtain their charter for the program. Mr. Yurcaba indicated that he would not be able to continue in his position as Junior Council member next year as he will be taking several AT classes and applying to colleges. Mr. Yurcaba mentioned he would be glad to assist the borough in a different capacity moving forward.

Communications: No items.

Mr. Schleigh moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Visitor Comments:

1.  Richard Smalley – American Legion Post 65 member. Mr. Smalley mentioned that the Memorial Day parade will start at 9:00 a.m. on May 27th at Lansdowne and Lacrosse Avenues. Mr. Smalley again encouraged citizens to participate in creating ideas on how to memorialize veterans, noting that three cash prizes will be awarded.

2.  Larry Smalley – American Legion Post 65 member. Mr. Smalley asked Ms. Lustgarten if anyone had filled Mark Mugler’s position as pension board representative. Ms. Lustgarten replied ‘no’. Mr. Smalley mentioned that the poppy donations event will be held this Saturday. Donations will go toward the monument restoration, Women Warriors and the Veterans Comfort Home in Philadelphia. Cameraman Warren Thomas has suggested that the Legion create a DVD explaining the significance of maintaining veteran memorials. Mr. Smalley mentioned that the Delaware County War Memorial on West Chester Pike will be dedicated on May 11th. Mayor Young indicated that when she was a member of the Greater Lansdowne Civic Association (“GLCA”) Board, money had been invested with the Philadelphia Fund to help pay for the maintenance of war memorials and asked if that money was available. Richard Smalley indicated that when the GLCA disbanded, the money was transferred to a Philadelphia foundation to be administered by the William Penn School District.

Mr. Schleigh moved to Resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business: There were no items for Old Business.

New Business:

1.  Friendship Circle Senior Center – President Coleman indicated that a $2,000 has been requested by the Center.

2.  Avenue Deli Certificate of Appropriateness – Mr. Totaro presented visuals for signage at the Avenue Deli, located at 27 North Lansdowne Avenue. They have already negotiated with the HARB to make the appropriate changes and need to go through the Zoning Hearing Board to address the relief from square footage issue.

Action Items:

1.  Ms. Lustgarten moved to approve bills for the period. Mrs. Saylor seconded. Vote: unanimous.

2.  Mr. Schleigh moved to appoint Julius Ndumbe to the Board of Health, filling a vacancy for a five year term expiring 12/31/2017. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.

3.  Ms. Lustgarten moved to grant request for $2,000 contribution to the Friendship Circle Senior Center. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

4.  Ms. Lustgarten moved to issue Certificate of Appropriateness to the Avenue Deli for signage conditioned upon receipt of zoning approval. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

5.  Ms. Lustgarten moved to accept the resignation of Orlando Haddad from the Arts Board. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

6.  Ms. Lustgarten moved to appoint Michael Bolton to the Arts Board, filling the unexpired term of Mr. Haddad, for a term expiring 12/2/2014. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.

7.  Mrs. Saylor moved to adopt Ordinance 1282, An Ordinance of the Borough of Lansdowne Amending Chapter 24 of the Code of the Borough of Lansdowne, entitled “Streets and Sidewalks,” to permit the planting of trees in between the curb and sidewalk in the Transit Oriented Design Overlay Zoning District and the Neighborhood Business District. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Executive Session – Mr. Schleigh moved to convene to executive session to discuss personnel and real estate issues. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. Executive Session convened at 8:25 p.m.

Public Session – No motions were made upon reconvening to public session.

Adjourn – Mr. Schleigh moved to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ann Henry

Borough Secretary