La JoyaHigh School

National Honor Society Information Packet for Membership

Name: / Grade :

(Please list your full name like you would like to see it on the induction program and your membership certificate, if you are selected.)

I.D. Number: / E-mail Address:
Phone Number: / Guidance Counselor:


This form must be hand printedin black inkor typed. Please feel free to include additional pages you deem necessary. This will be your ONLY opportunity to present yourself to the Selection Committee for consideration for National Honor Society. Please be thorough, neat, organized, precise, and include additional comments for further explanation in the spaces provided.

You are encouraged, although not required, to review your packet with your guidance counselor prior to its submission. Please schedule an appointment with them, and allow ample time to review your form. If reviewed by your counselor, please have them initial:______.

This completed form must be handed personally to either: Ms. Newman (S104) or Mrs. Garcia (D103) by 4:30 p.m. on February 9, 2018


Part One – Leadership

Part One - Leadership

Initialized signatures for all leadership roles must be obtained from the particular advisor(s). If activities are not school-sponsored, or if the advisor is not a high school faculty member, official letters(with letterheads) of verification must be attached to the form. These letters must include descriptions of the jobs you did or offices you held, and should clearly describe how these show leadership qualities. We reserve the right to contact organizations or advisors for verification of your activities. Place a check mark next to the initials if the advisor is a high school faculty member.

List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: elected student body, class or club officer; committee chairperson; team captain; work area manager, or community leader.

Grade / Activity / Description / Advisor / Initials

Additional Comments:

Part Two – Service

List community service activities in which you have participated and note any major accomplishments in each. (For example: church groups, service clubs, Girl or Boy Scouts, volunteer groups, or community art endeavors, Leo club activities, migrant club activities, etc.)

If activities are not school-sponsored, or if the advisor is not a high school faculty member, official letters(with letterheads) of verification must be attached to the form. These letters must include description of the activity and should clearly explain these non-paid service activities.

We reserve the right to contact organizations or advisors for verification of your activities. Place a check mark next to the initials if the advisor is a high school faculty member.

Grade / Description of Activity / Hours worked / Advisor / Initials

Additional Comments:

Part Three - Recognitions

List any honors or recognitions you have received that support your bid to be selected for membership in the National Honor Society. (For example: Honor rolls, certificates of merit, perfect attendance, etc.)

Grade / Activity / Description / Advisor / Initials

Additional Comments:

Part Four - Essay

Requirements – minimum of 250 words, Arial font, 12 font size, double spaced and 1 inch margins.

Since the beginning of the National Organization in 1921, the National Honor Society has honored students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Each of the four pillars carries the same importance in the NHS organization.

Choosing from leadership, service and character, select one pillar and explain how you represent this virtue and how you will enhance our La Joya NHS Chapter.

Part Five – CONTRACT

I,______, if selected to be a member of the La Joya High School chapter of the National Honor Society, do hereby and willfully agree to the following conditions of membership:

a)That I will attend all meetings as scheduled every Wednesday. If there are extenuating circumstances, I will see one of the advisors prior to the date of the meeting. I understand that attendance is MANDATORY, and excessive absenteeism may result in disciplinary actions affecting my membership. Some meetings may be held before or after school (or any other day) depending on the service project.

b)That I will be a faithful and regular participant in all activities sponsored by the organization. Examples include attendance at installation, needy drive, service projects, peer tutoring, golf tournaments, etc. I understand that my membership may be in jeopardy if I do not remain an active and viable participant of the organization.

c)That I will fulfill the responsibilities given to me to be an integral part of any fundraiser activities. The organization will raise funds for any financial needs (needy drive, scholarships, etc.) by collecting dues and holding fundraisers. I understand that I will be asked and expected to perform at least the minimum, but is hoped that I will contribute even more.

d)As a member of the National Honor Society, I pledge to maintain a high scholastic standing, to endeavor intelligently and courageously to be a leader.(I pledge to maintain a 90 average in each grading period with no failing grades and to attend tutoring when required.)

e)It shall be my earnest purpose to give my time and energy towards the promotion of all honor society activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to comply with the Society’s standards.

I am aware that it is the advisor’s responsibility to contact a member who is in violation of the above. Such a member will be provided a reasonable time for improvement. If I don’t demonstrate improvement in the specified time, I may face whatever disciplinary measures are considered appropriate by the Faculty Advisory Council. Having read these conditions, and completing this information packet for National Honor Society to the best of my ability, I respectfully submit my form for consideration.

Signature ______Date______