2.Address- local-10, Jai-Vijay Housing Society, Shahupuri,
Satara. 415001
M.No. 9881273626
3.Religion & Caste-Hindu- Maratha
4.Date of Birth-07/09/1955
Attainments-M.Com. D.B.M.M.Phil. Ph.D.
6.Present Status-Dean faculty of Commerce and
ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur.
Senate and Academic Council Member.
ShivajiUniversity, Kolhapur
Incharge-Principal, Head Department of
D.G.College of Commerce, Satara.
7.Date of Appointment
in Sanstha.- 01/09/1981
8.Teaching experience-a) Under Graduate level - 31 yrs.
b) Post Graduate level- M.Com- 25 years
M.B.A.- 15 years
c) N.C.C.- Worked as N.C.C. Officer since 1983
to 2012 = 28 years
d) N.S.S.- Worked as N.S.S. programme officer
for six year
e) M.B.A. Programme- Worked as Head. Dept.of
Business Education & Research Centre,
D.G.College of Commerce , Satara for the year
2003-04 ( One year)
f) Providing continuously guidance to the M.B.A.,
M.Com students for the preparation of project
report since 15 yrs.
g) Research Guide- to M.Phil and Ph.D.
9.Administrative Experience-a) Worked as Sales Incharge. Training Cum
Production Centre (TCPC) Satara for
FourYear (1976 to 1979)
b) Worked as Tax Investigator in the office of
R.T.O.Kolhapur region for one year (1980)
c) Worked as I/c Principal at D.G.College of
Commerce, Satara ( 4 month)
d) working as .Incharge Principal at D. G .
College, Satara since 1-10-2012
10.Board of Studies-Presently working as a Member of Commerce.
Mercantile & Industrial Law Board, Shivaji
University Kolhpur and SolarpurUniversity,
11.Publication-Published 6 Research articles- Three National
level and two at State level Journals
a) Articles namely-
“Rehabilitation of War Widows-Problems and
Remedies” Published in perspectives in
Socialinperspectives in Social Work.
College of SocialWork, Nirmala Niketan,
Mumbai- Vol.XVIII. No. 3 Sept.- Dec. 2003
b) Article entitled “The Rehabilitation of War
Windowand Ex-servicemen’s Windows-
Problemsand Remedies. Published in
‘WOMEN’SLINK’Social Action Trust Lodi
Road,NewDelhi-Vol.10,No.2 April-June 2004.
c) Articles entitled ‘A Study of Resettlement of
Ex-servicemen in Satara District. Published in
“TRJECTORY” Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
A Biannual Journal- Vol.II, July- Dec. 2003
Published in “Finance India” Indian Institute
of Finance, Vol.XX No. 4 December 2006
e)Articles namely “The Miseries of Ex-
Servicemen’s Windows in the Indian Society”
Publishedin‘TRAJECOTRY’A Binnual
Journalof Research articles Volume 14
December 2006.
f) Articles namely A study of Industrial
Accidents, Emplyees welfare and safty
measures with reference to MIDC Baramati.
Published in ETHOS Journal 2012.
g) Submitted the Finding and suggestions of Ph.D. research work to Ministry of Defense, Govt. of India. And Maharashtra State Government to accept and implement it for the better resettlement of the ex-servicemen community. The Stats Govt. has accepted contain suggestions for the better resettlement of ex-servicemen.
h) Working as member of Editorial Board of two Research Journals named as “ETHOS’ and MIM-Maharashtra Institute of Management.
12.Social Work-a) Presently Working as Member of the Director
Board of Jai-Vijay Housing Society Shahupuri,
b) Active Participation in Organising Blood
Donation Camps, Tree Plantation Programmes
andAids awareness Programme etc.
c) Worked as Secretary, Dhananjay ‘Manch’
Credit Society D.G.College of Commerce
Sataraforthree years.
d) Donated Rs. 5,000/- to The Head Master,
N.V.M.Highschool, Budh for the Construction
of Classrooms
e) Donated Rs. 2,000/- to the Principal, Arts and
CommerceCollege, Pusegoan for College
development purpose.
f) Donated Rs.10,000/- for the establishment of
Karmveer vitthal Ramji Shinde Study centre at shivaji university, Kolhapur
e) Donated Rs. 15000/- to The Principal, D.G.
Collegeof Commerce Satara for College
development purpose.
13.Research Contribution -1) U. G.C.- Minor Research Project titled as
The management of Rehabilitation
Problems of war widows in satara District
is completed.
2) M.Phil-
a)Three student completed M.Phil degree.
b) Two student have submitted dissertation
reportto University.
c) Three students are registered for M.Phil
3) Ph.D.- a) one student has completed Ph.D.
b) Seven Students are registered.
14.Conference Seminar- Attended Ten National Conferences/
Attendance Seminars and 16 State Level/ University
Level Seminars as a participant and Resource
Personduring the last five years.
Organized and Co-ordinated Three National
Level U.G.C sponsored conferences and one
State Level NACC seminar at D.G.College of
Commerce, Satara
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