/ Excellent
The student is able to… / Proficient
The student is able to… / Satisfactory
The student is able to… / Limited
The student is able to…
Critical and Creative Thinking / re-evaluate pre-existing opinions and assumptions and clearly express how and why he or she has changed in light of new learning or greater understanding
compare and contrast diverse points of view to determine validity of beliefs and ideas
identify local and current events that relate to topics of study and analyze them from different perspectives
demonstrate an increased understanding of the depth and complexity of a topic or issue / consider pre-existing opinions and assumptions and how he or she has or should change in light of new learning or greater understanding
identify other points of view, explain why/how points of view differ and consider which ideas and beliefs have greater validity
consider local and current events that relate to topics of study and understand the different perspectives
demonstrate an increased understanding of a topic or issue / identify pre-existing ideas and opinions and understand thathe or she has now changed
understand that there are other points of view and that some can be proven to have greater validity than others
understand how local and current events are linked to topics of study and participate in analysis activities/discussions
demonstrate a clearer understanding of a topic or issue / understand that people’s ideas and opinions often change when they develop a greater understanding of something
understand there are different points of view on an issue or topic, but has difficulty with further analysis or with understanding why some have greater validity than others
learn about and participate in discussions about how local and current events have been linked to topics of study
demonstrate an increased personal knowledge base, to a limited degree
Critical and Creative Thinking / Excellent
The student is able to… / Proficient
The student is able to… / Satisfactory
The student is able to… / Limited
The student is able to…
generate and apply highly creative ideas and strategies to further develop or demonstrate understanding of a topic or issue. / contribute to the generation of creative ideas and employ strategies to further develop or demonstrate understanding of a topic or issue. / value the creative ideas of others and understand how to use certain strategies to further develop or demonstrate understanding of a topic or issue. / accept the creative ideas of others, but has difficulty following through on tasks and/or employing strategies to effectively develop or demonstrate understanding.

Knowledge and Employability StudioGrade 9: Skills and Processes Assessment

Social Studies Assessment Rubric: Critical and Creative Thinking1/2

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