Kindergarten Instructional Plan Winter to Spring

School: ______Date: ____/____/____ Team Members: ______

Directions: After reviewing your grade level data, complete the grade level planning tool below. The purpose of this tool is to direct support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.

Instructional Goals Winter to Spring: Phonemic Awareness. By spring of Kindergarten, students should segment 3 and 4 phoneme words as well as blend sounds in words. (PSF Goal: 35 phonemes) Alphabetic Principle. By June of Kindergarten, students should be developing sound symbol relationships and recoding. (NWF Goal 20 sounds)

Behavior Support Focus Winter to Spring: The purpose of analyzing discipline data and providing behavior support linked to student need is to maximize time in instruction and minimize the amount of time with disruptive behavior.Additionally, students with escape motivated behavior should have an academic support component to a behavior plan.

Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Benchmark/Universal Support
For all students, includes a scientifically based core program that focuses on the “Big Ideas”, meant to meet needs of most. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Strategic/Targeted Intervention
For students not making adequate progress with core. Students with similar needs are grouped and provided intervention in specific areas, building on core program focusing on “Big Ideas”. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Intensive/Individualized Support
For students having significant problems are provided highly specific and individualized interventions linked to assessment results. / Reading Support
Behavior Support

First Grade Instructional Plan Winter to Spring

School: ______Date: ____/____/____ Team Members: ______

Directions: After reviewing your grade level data, complete the grade level planning tool below. The purpose of this tool is to direct support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.

Instructional Goals Winter to Spring: Phonemic Awareness. This skill should be established, see First Grade Instructional Plan Fall to Winter. Alphabetic Principle. By January of first grade, students should be fluent with sound symbol relationships and recoding as indicated by the nonsense word fluency measure (50 sounds with at least 15 words blended). If this skill is not established by January, the student is deficit in this skill and needs an intensive intervention. Consider an additional 20-30 minutes outside the core instructional block for the next 4-8 weeks. (Be sure to adjust your core instructional program Fall to Winter to avoid this remedial loop next year). The student should also be able to read words at about a rate of one word each 2-3 seconds, by spring it should be one word each 1-2 seconds for 40 words per minute. Winter to spring; consider 20 minutes allocated to reading connected text, and 10 minutes rereading to build fluency.

Behavior Support Focus Winter to Spring: The purpose of analyzing discipline data and providing behavior support linked to student need is to maximize time in instruction and minimize the amount of time with disruptive behavior.Additionally, students with escape motivated behavior should have an academic support component to a behavior plan.

Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Benchmark/Universal Support
For all students, includes a scientifically based core program that focuses on the “Big Ideas”, meant to meet needs of most. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Strategic/Targeted Intervention
For students not making adequate progress with core. Students with similar needs are grouped and provided intervention in specific areas, building on core program focusing on “Big Ideas”. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Intensive/Individualized Support
For students having significant problems are provided highly specific and individualized interventions linked to assessment results. / Reading Support
Behavior Support

Second Grade Instructional Plan Winter to Spring

School: ______Date: ____/____/____ Team Members: ______

Directions: After reviewing your grade level data, complete the grade level planning tool below. The purpose of this tool is to direct support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.

Instructional Goals Winter to Spring: Oral Reading Fluency. Second grade focus is on developing automaticity and fluency. Make sure students are accurate before focusing on fluency with connected text. Instruction and practice may need to be with below grade level text. The most common mistake in instructional planning is not providing enough practice with text reading at the child’s instructional level. All students should be provided with at least 20 minutes of fluency practice per day in the last half of second grade. Strategic and Intensive students will need more than that! The best practice in fluency instruction includes modeled reading, rereading, feedback and progress monitoring.

Behavior Support Focus Winter to Spring: The purpose of analyzing discipline data and providing behavior support linked to student need is to maximize time in instruction and minimize the amount of time with disruptive behavior.Additionally, students with escape motivated behavior should have an academic support component to a behavior plan.

Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Benchmark/Universal Support
For all students, includes a scientifically based core program that focuses on the “Big Ideas”, meant to meet needs of most. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Strategic/Targeted Intervention
For students not making adequate progress with core. Students with similar needs are grouped and provided intervention in specific areas, building on core program focusing on “Big Ideas”. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Intensive/Individualized Support
For students having significant problems are provided highly specific and individualized interventions linked to assessment results. / Reading Support
Behavior Support

Third Through Sixth Grade Instructional Plan Winter to Spring

School: ______Grade: ____ Date: ____/____/____ Team Members: ______

Directions: After reviewing your grade level data, complete the grade level planning tool below. The purpose of this tool is to direct support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.

Instructional Goals Winter to Spring: Oral Reading Fluency. By third grade, benchmark instruction in word attack skill is focused on multisyllabic words, with continued fluency instruction. However, Strategic and Intensive students may still have instructional needs focused on more basic word attack skills. Make sure students are accurate before focusing on fluency with connected text in grades 3-6. Instruction and practice may need to be with below grade level text. The most common mistake in instructional planning is not providing enough practice with text reading at the child’s instructional level. Strategic and Intensive students will need more fluency based instruction. The best practice in fluency instruction includes modeled reading, rereading, feedback and progress monitoring.

Behavior Support Focus Winter to Spring: The purpose of analyzing discipline data and providing behavior support linked to student need is to maximize time in instruction and minimize the amount of time with disruptive behavior. Additionally, students with escape motivated behavior should have an academic support component to a behavior plan.

Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Benchmark/Universal Support
For all students, includes a scientifically based core program that focuses on the “Big Ideas”, meant to meet needs of most. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Strategic/Targeted Intervention
For students not making adequate progress with core. Students with similar needs are grouped and provided intervention in specific areas, building on core program focusing on “Big Ideas”. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Intensive/Individualized Support
For students having significant problems are provided highly specific and individualized interventions linked to assessment results. / Reading Support
Behavior Support

Sixth Through Eighth Grade Instructional Plan Fall to Winter

School: ______Grade: ____ Date: ____/____/____ Team Members: ______

Directions: After reviewing your grade level data, complete the grade level planning tool below. The purpose of this tool is to direct support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.

Instructional Goals Winter to Spring: Oral Reading Fluency. Benchmark instruction in word attack skill is focused on multisyllabic words, with continued fluency instruction. However, Strategic and Intensive students may still have instructional needs focused on more basic word attack skills. Make sure students are accurate before focusing on fluency with connected text in grades 6-8. Instruction and practice may need to be with below grade level text. The most common mistake in instructional planning is not providing enough practice with text reading at the student’s instructional level. Strategic and Intensive students will need more fluency based instruction. The best practice in fluency instruction includes modeled reading, rereading, feedback and progress monitoring.

Behavior Support Focus Winter to Spring: The purpose of analyzing discipline data and providing behavior support linked to student need is to maximize time in instruction and minimize the amount of time with disruptive behavior. Additionally, students with escape motivated behavior should have an academic support component to a behavior plan.

Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Benchmark/Universal Support
For all students, includes a scientifically based core program that focuses on the “Big Ideas”, meant to meet needs of most. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Name of students / Program and Materials / Instructor / Time/Days / Progress Monitoring / Wks Until Benchmark
Strategic/Targeted Intervention
For students not making adequate progress with core. Students with similar needs are grouped and provided intervention in specific areas, building on core program focusing on “Big Ideas”. / Reading Support
Behavior Support
Intensive/Individualized Support
For students having significant problems are provided highly specific and individualized interventions linked to assessment results. / Reading Support
Behavior Support

Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi) 2/27/07