Kielce Chronicle

Kielce Chronicle


How to communicate the truth of a man’s life? How to show the city I’ve come back to after so many years?

In Kielce Chronicle, on shardsof porcelain plates I illustrate a fragmented history of my life: people, family and the place where I live and create.

And it is a particular place where history is still alive, where dust of oblivion has not covered the traces of past and tragic events yet, on the contrary, they have been remembered and they still have been painful.

The documentation of both personal and collective memory, saturated with images of dramatic acts and happy moments of life, has become the material and the process of my work at the same time. Fragments of images both from the past and present days have created one eclectic matter, fused in topieces of domestic porcelain.

The multitude of porcelain fractions, covered with ceramic decals with fragments of pictures, piled loosely in the table hollow, creates a porcelain sea of history and the present day, which – by intermingling with each other – evoke unexpected associations and emotional representations.

The shards fill the open hollow in the wooden table. Two benches, where one can sit to contemplate the work, stand next to the table.

Kielce Chronicle is an interactive installation. The viewers are welcome to reach to the inside of the table and take out the porcelain bits, to watch andstudythe illustrations placed on them.

Finding meaningful fragments, watching memory-provoking images, discovering details that remind our own lives, enliven imagination and evoke emotions.

The audience becomes creators – they take out and put the porcelain pieces back into the table hollow, what sustains the work’s constant movement, they continuously remixhistory in a visual collage of enigmatic mass.

The substance of encrypted archeology creates matters suspended in time, without any order or chronology; it engages the viewerin seeingmy life and mycity through associations and imagination, recorded in monochrome on the pieces of the Kielce Chronicle.

Marek Cecuła



Kielce Chronicle is an interactive installation.

Visitors are invited to participate by picking up the fragments of porcelain, reviewing the images and returning them in new configuration to the void of the table.