Juan’s Green Chili Stew #2

With Beer

Go to NewMexico and get some NewMexico stuff……………or maybe you could find some at the store. But NewMexico is the Land of Enchantment and you will enjoy it if you go.


  1. New Mexico Green Chilies (Hatch)………you can get them frozen.
  2. Cumin (Comino)………plenty
  3. Beer……….whatever you like
  4. Garlic……..plenty
  5. Olive Oil
  6. Potatoes………Red or Yellow (New Potatoes)…..3 or 4.
  7. Carrots………a bunch
  8. Chili Powder
  9. Pork………It can be different cuts: Stew, Chops, Loin, Butt (Shoulder) just be sure that it is lean.
  10. A can of Tomatoes with Green Chilies
  11. Pepper Sauce (Vinegar)

Pour a little Olive Oil (to cover the bottom about 1/4 inches) in a nice blue pot.

As with anything that’s worth messing with, prepare, coarsely chop and add a big gob of Garlic.

Put the heat on low so you can mess with other stuff without burning the Garlic.

I am feeble minded, and sometimes I stop to feed some animal and burn things.

I’m also a cheapskate so I like manager’s specials and things that are on sale. As I said, you could use various cuts of Pork. These Sirloin Chops were on sale and looked good so that’s what I have today.

While the Garlic is cooking, cut the Pork into bite sized pieces.

When the Garlic just starts to brown a little, dump in the Pork. You must not let the Garlic cook more than just a little brown because if you do, it will cause premature baldingfor men and ugly foot warts on women. Stir the Meat around and let it brown all over while you mess with other stuff. Pork won’t really turn brown but just make sure all the pink is gone.

Cumin(Comino) is the most important part of the whole recipe. I like the whole seeds but I suppose powder would be ok.

When the Meat is browned, dump in plenty of Cumin. Sniff the vapor and if you don’t smell the Cumin (strong), dump in some more.

Dump in a can, bottle or whatever you are drinking, of Beer.

Add some Chili Powder.

Because I am also lazy, I like to find cans of things that already have some of the seasoning I want in them.

e.g. Tomatoes with Italian or Mexican herbs and such. This can has Green Chilies in it…………dump it in. and set the whole mess to simmer for an hour or so.

Use Red, Yellow or New Potatoes. They will hold their shape in cooking. The baking (Russet) kind will get mushy and fall apart.

Cut the Carrots into pieces that still look like Carrots……….not too small. These are the wrong kind of Potatoes (Russet) but we were snowed in, they were all I had and I knew I could get some more when the snow melted enough to let me go to the store……….and I did.

When the Meat has simmered long enough to get very tender, dump in the Potatoes and Carrots.

Add enough water, or more Beer, to cover them and set to simmer some more.

Now this is a silly and unnecessary thing that I do whenever I make Stew or Roast. When the Vegetables are cooked, I separate them from the Meat, add some Broth

and put them in the oven for a while. This firms them up and gives them a little glaze. Them I put them back into the whole mess.

We buy the Green Chilies (in season) frozen in baggies and stock up for winter.

While the Stew is simmering, remove the skin from the Chilies. Cut the stem part off.

Wash them to remove the seeds and any leftover skin.

Cut them into large enough pieces so that they are still recognizable as Chilies. This makes the Stew prettier and more recognizable.

I put the Chilies in last because I want them to retain their shape…………it makes a prettier Stew.

If you’re like me and you happen to be having some Brandy, dump some in.

Mash the Potatoes and Carrots so they will absorb the broth. And now you could sprinkle on a little Pepper Vinegar.

Avoid giving any to this dog no matter how good her show is. It will give her indigestion and she will bark the mother of all barking.