Joseph Stalin: Dictatorship and Blood

Global History and Geography II Name: ______

E. Napp Date: ______

1-  One way in which Joseph Stalin’s five-year plans and Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward are similar is that both plans were
(1) efforts to reduce human rights violations
(2) policies to improve relations with the West
(3) methods used to control population growth
(4) attempts to increase agricultural and
industrial production
2-  During the mid-1930’s, which characteristic was common to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia?
(1)  government ownership of the means of production and distribution
(2)  one-party system that denied basic human rights
(3)  encouragement of individual freedom of expression in the arts
(4)  emphasis on consumer goods rather than on weapons
3-  Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist Russia were similar in that each
(1) protected individual rights
(2) elected their leaders through popular vote
(3) supported market-based economies
(4) established totalitarian governments
4-  Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Slobodan Milosevic were similar in that each leader supported actions that
(1) modernized their economies
(2) introduced democratic ideas
(3) supported minority rights
(4) violated human rights
5-  One action taken by both V.I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin was
(1)  attempting to bring democracy to Russia
(2)  jailing or murdering potential opponents
(3)  supporting the Russian Orthodox Church
(4)  providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War II
10- Which statement best describes the political situation in the Soviet Union immediately after Lenin’s death in 1924?
(1)  the nation adopted a constitutional monarchy
(2)  Trotsky and his followers assumed full control of the Communist Party
(3)  popular elections were held to choose a new general secretary
(4)  a power struggle developed among Communist Party leaders
11- The term that best describes the position of Jews in Czarist Russia is
(1)  political elite
(2)  persecuted minority
(3)  landed gentry
(4)  military leaders
12- The 1917 victory of the communists in Russia was a contradiction of Marxist theory because Russia was
(1)  already ruled by a socialist government
(2)  involved in World War I
(3)  mainly an agricultural society
(4)  not considered to be a military power
13- Josef Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet Union can best be characterized as a period of
(1)  democratic reform and nationalism
(2)  humanism and democracy
(3)  religious freedom and tolerance
(4)  censorship and terror
14- Under Josef Stalin, the Soviet Union emphasized centralized economic planning and Five-Year Plans primarily to
(1)  produce more consumer goods
(2)  expand exports
(3)  create a demand for high-quality imports
(4)  develop heavy industry / 6-  Stalin’s Five-Year Plans and his decision to form collectives are examples of
(1)  strategies to modernize the economy of the Soviet Union through forced communism
(2)  a more friendly foreign policy toward China
(3)  methods of dealing with the United States during the Cold War
(4)  programs to westernize, educate, and enlighten the population
7-  Which is an accurate statement about the Soviet economy under the leadership of Joseph Stalin?
(1)  a large selection of consumer goods became available
(2)  the Soviet Union increased its industrial output by developing heavy industry
(3)  private farmers were encouraged to sell their surplus produce in an open market
(4)  the government reduced its role in planning industrial production
8-  A major effect of Josef Stalin’s policy of Collectivization on Soviet agriculture was
(1)  a widespread food shortage throughout the nation
(2)  an increase in the export of agricultural products
(3)  a surplus of agricultural goods
(4)  the immediate creation of many small private farms
9-  The Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Revolutions mainly because the Bolsheviks promised to
(1)  establish collective farms
(2)  maintain the agricultural price-support system
(3)  bring modern technology to Russian farms
(4)  redistribute the land owned by the nobility
15- Which characteristic was common to both Russia under the Czars and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin?
(1)  a lack of concern about territorial expansion
(2)  support of artistic and literary freedom
(3)  encouragement of free enterprise
(4)  persecution of political dissenters
16- Under Joseph Stalin, life in the Soviet Union was characterized by
(1)  an abundance of consumer goods
(2)  political instability and numerous civil wars
(3)  support for small family-run farms
(4)  the use of censorship and the secret police
17-Which slogan expressed the ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917?
(1)  Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
(2)  Bread, Land, and Peace
(3)  Land and Liberty
(4)  Nationalism, Democracy, and the People’s Livelihood
18- Which statement best describes a relationship between World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution?
(1)  World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a revolution.
(2)  World War I postponed the revolution in Russia by restoring confidence in the Czar.
(3)  Opposing Russian forces cooperated to fight the foreign invaders.
(4)  World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress the revolution.
Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy?
(1)  government agencies are involved in production planning

Stalin Quiz

1-  Where was Stalin born?
(A) Azerbaijan
(B) Siberia
(C) Georgia
(D) St. Petersburg
2-  During his student years, to what ideology did Stalin begin to subscribe?
(A) Fascism
(B) Fabian socialism
(C) Russian nationalism
(D) Marxism
3-  Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?
(A) Lenin
(B) Trotsky
(C) Stalin
(D) Sverdlov
4-  Prior to the Revolution, the ruler of Russia was called what?
(A) The Caesar
(B) The Tsar
(C) The King
(D) The Kaiser
5-  Who sent Lenin back to Russia in a sealed train?
(A) The Germans
(B) The Swiss
(C) The English
(D) The French
/ 6-  In the ensuing civil war, the opposition to the Bolsheviks was known as the:
(A) Reds
(B) Loyalists
(C) Monarchists
(D) Whites
7-  What was the fate of Nicholas II and his family?
(A) They became Marxists
(B) They fled to Germany
(C) They were all shot by the Bolsheviks
(D) They fled to Britain
8-  Stalin's plan for modernizing the Soviet economy was referred to as what?
(A) The Five-Year Plan
(B) The New Deal
(C) The Great Leap Forward
(D) The New Economic Policy
9-  Collectivization was driven ahead by Stalin's desire to destroy whom?
(A) The Georgians
(B) His political enemies
(C) The Jews
(D) The kulaks
The period from 1936-38, when Stalin liquidated his political enemies, was known as what?
(A) The Reign of Terror
(C) The Dark Years
(D) The Great Purge