MARCH 2016



MARCH 9 and 11, 2016


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Fluid Distribution Systems (FLU TG) was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 9-Mar-2016 by the Chairperson, Samuel Buri.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Joe / Bebey / The Boeing Company
Chuck / Brannon / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Samuel / Buri / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
Ron / Clements / The Boing Company
* / Shweta / Dundon / Rolls-Royce
Lou / Grijalva / Lockheed Martin / By Phone
Robert / Hainline / The Boeing Company
* / Benjamin / Hedges / Bell Helicopter
Xin / Jin / COMAC / By Phone
Rich / Kurjanski / Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ulrich / Mueller / Airbus
Aaron / Nash / The Boeing Company
* / Mark / Paul / Rolls-Royce / Vice Chairperson
Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation
* / Dan / Smith / GE Aviation
Andrew / Springer / The Boeing Company – St. Louis
Renatas / Stanislovaitis / GE Aviation
Harpreet / Virk / The Boeing Company

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

John / Binford / B&E Manufacturing
Kevin / Bires / SAE
Ray / Bitting / Wyman Gordon / PCC
Mike / Bond / Permaswage
Clifton / Breay / Eaton
* / John / Brittain / Eaton
Roger / Christianson / SAE
Chris / Cikanovich / JPB Systems
Patrick / Conner / Shur-Lok a PCC Company
Ted / Goosen / Parker Hannifin
* / Dale / Gordon / Aerofit LLC
Tom / Harbin / Alcoa
Mike / Howlett / B&E Manufacturing
Steve / Hudlet / Jetseal
Jeff / Kaub / Spencer Aerospace
Beng / Lee / Adel Wiggins
Stewart / Lightfield / Hydraflow
Steve / MacDonald / Permaswage
Nhat / Mai / Aerofit LLC
* / Andrew / Mau / Parker
Shadrach / Nammey / Parker Hannifin
Ky / Nguyen / Adel Wiggins
Nukesh / Patel / Shur-Lok
Bill / Perea / Atlas Specialty Products
Leo / Perez / Allan Aircraft
Tim / Rusk / B & E Mfg. Co. Inc.
Richard / Satler / Eaton
* / Mark / Scatoloni / Spencer Aerospace Manufacturing
* / Michael / Schleckman / Voss Industries
* / Chris / Schofield / Hydraflow
Denis / Sindezingue / Zodiac Aerospace
Tim / Soran / Sandvik Special Metals LLC
Justin / Straley / Eaton
Matt / Swabb / Voss Industries
LT / Taylor / KLX Aerospace
Graeme / Thorogood / Eaton
Edwin / Vardayou / Esterline Technologies
* / Phillip / Wade / Smiths Tubular Systems - Laconia
Maurice / Womack / DLA
Geoffrey / Zhang / Parker Hannifin

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

1.2  Safety Information – OPEN AND CLOSED

Fire Exits and how to vacate the building using the stairs was reviewed. Attendees were requested to notify PRI Staff of any emergencies.

1.3  Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest was reviewed with the FLU TG in the Closed and Open meetings.

1.4  Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Antitrust Video was reviewed with the FLU TG in the Open and Closed meetings.

1.5  Review Agenda – OPEN and CLOSED

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to identify expectations to be addressed during the meeting. No additional discussion topics were suggested.

1.6  Review and Accept Previous Meeting Minutes – OPEN

The minutes from August 2015 were reviewed.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by M. Paul to approve the minutes from the August 2015 Nadcap meeting as written. Motion passed unanimously.


Review Scheduled and Conducted Audits

The FLU TG audit schedule for the next nine months was reviewed and Subscribers were encouraged to observe audits. To observe an audit, the individual must log into eAuditNet and, under Subscriber Applications, click on Audit Manager. After typing in the Supplier’s name or audit number and clicking on Search Audits, the audit number of the “Scheduled” audit can be selected. Once in the audit, the Request Observation button should be selected. If there is no Request Observation button, the audit status should be checked; if the status is “Initiated”, an observation cannot be requested until an audit date has been established. D. Smith will observe audit 167207, P. Perez will observe audit 164718, and B. Hedges will observe audit 170197.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell will send instructions on how to sign up in eAuditNet to observe an audit and a copy of OP 1118 auditor observer procedure to D. Smith, D. Perez, and B. Hedges. (Due Date: 20-Mar-2016).

Discuss Problem Audits

FLU Audit 170197 was discussed because of QPL Supplier Advisory issues. K. Purnell suggested revision of the FLU TG OP 1114 Appendix paragraph 4.12 to include wording that addresses auditor verification of QPL Supplier Advisory corrective actions. Similar wording should be included in PD2101.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and R. Hainline to propose wording for OP 1114 for auditor verification of QPL supplier advisories. (Due Date: 30-Apr2016).

ACTION ITEM: W. Grubbs to work within the QPL Program to add wording to PD2101 for Nadcap auditor verification of QPL supplier advisory corrective actions. (Due Date: 30-Apr2016).

Fluid Audit 164421 is in Task Group review but will not be accredited until the new AS9100 accreditation certificate is received by PRI.

There have been multiple company moves and mergers taking place and suppliers have not been notifying both Nadcap and the PRI QPL Coordinator. A Company Relocation / Merger Sub-Team was formed to develop a list of actions required when a supplier with a QML or QML with QPL listing moves or merges. Sub-Team members include: R. Hainline, S. Buri, W. Grubbs, J. Bebey, and K. Purnell.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and W Grubbs to set up a WebEx meeting for the Company Relocation / Merger Sub-Team. (Due Date: 16-Apr2016).

Nadcap Audit 161004 was performed in July 2015, awarded 18-month merit and then moved in December 2015. K. Purnell asked if the Supplier should remain on 18-month merit since they moved after they were audited.

Motion made and seconded to reduce merit from 18 months to 12 months. Motion passed unanimously.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to reduce Audit 161004 Merit from 18 months to 12 months and notify Nadcap Scheduling of the change. (Due Date: 8-Apr-2016).


Data Analysis Review – Overall Auditor Performance

Auditor performance was reviewed and included the most common checklist paragraphs referenced in NCRs traceable to the Auditors that wrote the NCRs, and Average and Total NCRs per day written by the Auditors. No audits were observed since the last FLU TG meeting. The FLU TG reviewed the Auditor Metrics Standard Data Set and requested additional information be tracked on the number of NCRs from previous auditor compared to that of the most recent auditor. This information would be reviewed and provided to the auditors annually. No auditors required observation because of performance.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to present data on the number of NCRs from previous auditor compared to that of the most recent auditor and report back at September 2016 FLU TG meeting. (Due Date: 14-Sept2016).

OP 1117 Auditor Consistency

There was not enough time to complete the review of newly released OP 1117. Review will be completed by a teleconference follow up meeting.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to set up a WebEx meeting for review of OP 1117. (Due Date: 16-May2016).

Auditor Conference – Confidential Topics

No Auditor Conference – Confidential Topics were discussed.

ACTION ITEM: Subscribers are to forward any confidential topics they would like to have discussed with the auditors to . (Due Date: 29-Aug-2016).

4.0  staff engineer DELEGATION – CLOSED

The FLU TG reviewed the Delegation Tracking Form for K. Purnell. Staff Engineer; K. Purnell met the minimum criteria of having at least 10% of findings reviewed by the Task Group Subscribers with at least a 90% concurrence rate. Staff Engineer maintains delegated status. K. Purnell requested more audit oversight because to maintain a green status on the FLU TG dashboard, a minimum of 20% oversight is required.


Four change notices were reviewed, three involved updates concerning company moves and one was a change in company contact. No actions resulted from these reviews.


No additional closed meeting issues were discussed.


All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current FLU Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) posted at www.eAuditNet.com, under Public Documents.

Agenda Topics for September 2016 Closed FLU TG Meeting will include:

·  Auditors / Auditor Consistency

·  Audits

·  Review Delegation Status

·  Supplier Change Notification


Review Voting Member Meeting Attendance and Voting Participation

S. Buri was confirmed as the FLU TG Chairperson by Nadcap Management Council at the February 2016 Nadcap meeting in Madrid, Spain.

This is S. Buri’s first meeting as Chairperson. At the Aug. 2015 meeting the FLU TG acknowledged that Mr. Buri would be the new FLU TG Chairperson but an actual Task Group vote was not taken.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by P. Wade to approve S. Buri as the new FLU TG Chairperson. Motion passed unanimously.

Chairperson S. Buri confirmed M. Paul of Rolls-Royce as the FLU TG Vice Chairperson.

The voting records and meeting attendance for FLU TG Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. The requirements state that to maintain membership, a member must not be absent without approved alternate representation from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings and the member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2 consecutive letter ballots. The Task Group Chairperson is allowed to waive these requirements if other circumstances warrant retention.

All Voting Members met the requirements for meeting attendance except the below.

P. Wade, did not meet the requirements for voting on letter ballots; P. Wade missed the last two ballots. The Voting Members and Chairperson agreed to waive the voting requirement for this occurrence. P. Wade will maintain Voting Member status.

The below new voting members were confirmed by the FLU TG Chairperson.

Dale Gordon of Aerofit requested to become a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. D. Gordon has attended more than two FLU TG meetings.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by D. Smith to approve D. Gordon as a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. Motion passed unanimously.

John Brittan of Eaton requested to become a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. J. Brittan has attended more than two FLU TG meetings.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by P. Wade to approve J. Brittan as a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. Motion passed unanimously.

Andrew Mau of Parker requested to become a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. A. Mau has attended more than two FLU TG meetings.

Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by P. Wade to approve A. Mau as a FLU TG Supplier Voting Member. Motion passed unanimously.

ACTION ITEM: B. McSorley to update the Nadcap FLU TG membership. (Due Date: 29-Apr-2016).


Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included: Auditor Status, FLU TG Metrics, Most Common NCR’s, Checklist Paragraphs NCRs Were Issued Against, Non-Sustaining NCR’s, Latest Changes, Staff Delegation Metrics, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations (Attached), Job Tracker, AC7108/1, Proposed Aerospace Assembly Task Group, AC7130 Measurement and Inspection and AC7140 Metallic Materials Manufacturing. A suggestion to reduce Supplier cycle time was for Suppliers to contact the Staff Engineer if they have questions when responding to NCR’s.

10.0  Audit failure criteria – open

Audit failure criteria from 1 year, 2015, and 2 years, 2014 and 2015 combined, were reviewed. The reason for reviewing multiple years of data is the limited number of audits performed by the FLU TG. OP-1110 paragraph states “New Task Groups are requested to define their failure criteria (Mode B) once a statistically valid number of audits (e.g. 32 audits) have been conducted or at the second anniversary of their checklist publication”. It required 2 years Fluid audit data to exceed 32 audits.

FLU TG reviewed the above failure data and adopted failure criteria of 2 Major NCRs per day with a cap of 6 Majors and 3 Total NCRs per day. Initial audit criteria will be the same as the reaccreditation audit criteria.

Motion made by J. Brittain and seconded by M. Schleckman to accept a failure criteria of 2 Major NCRs per day with a cap of 6 Majors and 3 Total NCRs per day. Initial audit criteria will be the same as the reaccreditation audit criteria. Motion passed unanimously.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to notify M. Graham of the new FLU TG failure criteria for 2016. (Due Date: 14Mar2016).


R. Hainline presented the status update of the latest projects and changes that the PRI G-3 QPG is working on. (See attached)

Topics of particular interest included:

·  Project and Advisory Status

·  Standards with QPL Requirements and No Listings

·  Timely Reporting of Periodic Test Results

·  Future revision of PD2101 to add Periodic Test Submittal due date