Last Revision: Fall 2014-2015
MUL 196, 197, 296, 297 / Jazz Band I, II, III, IV
2 Semester Credit Hours C / 2.25 Contact Hours

I.Course Description

This course provides an opportunity for students to participate in a performing ensemble.Emphasis is placed on rehearsing and performing literature appropriate to the mission and goals of the group.Upon completion, students should be able to effectively participate in performances presented by the ensemble.

Jazz Band III should be taken by sophomore students.

II.Prerequisite:Permission of Instructor

III.Course Textbooks, Manuals, Or Other Required Materials

Selected jazz band repertoire as directed by the instructor.

IV.Course Learning Outcomes

A.The student will be introduced to jazz music for enjoyment, cultural and aesthetic expression

B.The student will be involved in a performing art

C.The student will become acquainted with standard jazz repertoire which is representative of the various styles

D.The student will be assisted in attaining an understanding of the music

E.The student will be encouraged to use good musicianship

F.The student will be encouraged to be professional in all performance

V.Outline of Course Topics

A.Good instrumental technique

1.Posture and breathing

2.Style and interpretation

B.Jazz band literature

1.Standard works

2.Popular music


4.Contemporary works



VI.Methods of Instruction

A.Conducting the ensemble

B.Demonstration and student participation

C.Aural and visual aids

D.Listening to the group as it is rehearsing and making appropriate corrections and suggestions

E.Audio taping rehearsals and concerts, when possible

F.Videotaping rehearsals when possible, to assist the student in developing a critical ear and evaluation of his performance

G.Presenting the students in concert

VII.Evaluation and Assessment

Course grade assessment:

A.The student will participate in required performances

B.The student will become more aware of the lifelong value of the study of music

C.The student is expected to be aware of the interrelationship of the instrumental parts

D.The student is expected to be professional at all times

E.The student will be cognizant of the audience response and invitations

F.Grades will be given based upon A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, and F = below 60%.


Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered.Students who are unable to attend class regularly, regardless of the reason or circumstance, should withdraw from that class before poor attendance interferes with the student’s ability to achieve the objectives required in the course.Withdrawal from class can affect eligibility for financial aid.

IX.Statement on Discrimination/Harassment

The College and the Alabama State Board of Education are committed to providing both employment and educational environments free of harassment or discrimination related to an individual’s race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability.Such harassment is a violation of State Board of Education policy.Any practice or behavior that constitutes harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated.

X.Statement on Adherence to ADA Guidelines

Instructors will adhere to the Americans With Disabilities Act and/or Section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act (1973) and will publish the following statement on courseoutlines given to students at the beginning of each semester:“Any individual who qualifies for reasonable accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act orSection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) should notify the instructor immediately.