Dok dato:08.03.2010

Dok I D : 1.4.1-3

Revisjon:v.2 09.01.2017 KaHo /ChSa

Fil navn : Audition Video Guidelines

Audition is required for admission to the Norwegian College of Dance. If you cannot attend one of our auditions in person you may audition by video following these guidelines.

Submit your completed Application Formas usual, and be sure to mark the box stating that your audition will be by video, and which sending alternative you are using. Additionally you should submit a short document explaining why you are unable to attend one of our auditions.

After completing the video send it to us in an usb-memory cardor in a drop-box solution or similar. NB! Be sure to give us all necessary info for your solution, you may do this by email.

Tips for the video

Talk slowly, in a clear voice, enunciating carefully. Keep an eye on the time allotted to each part. Make sure there is a proper distance between you and the camera so you do not fall out of the frame and we can see all of your movements. Make sure you have good lighting. After the introduction, the other elements may come in any order, but you should announce at the beginning which element you are doing.

The video must be of clear quality and approximately 30 minutes in length. Please enclose in the opening frames a written Table of Contents including your name, the name of the choreographer for your solo and the name of the song you have chosen

-The name of the file should be "Video Audition, your name, Year."

Please include the following elements:

A. Self presentation:
Introduce yourself, stating your name, nationality, age, dance background, and interests. Tell us if you will do pointe-work, sing, which dance technique your solo is in, and whether it is improvise, self-composed, or repertory work, additionally from which piece, and who the choreographer is.

B. Classical Ballet:
Classical Ballet must include exercises at the barre, consisting of plies, tendus, ronde de jambes, fondues, balances on one leg and grand battement, and in centre adagio, pirouettes, waltz, petit allegro and grand allegro. Point shoes are optional for females. Females please wear black leotard, pink tights and pink shoes; men please wear white t-shirt, black tights and black shoes.

C. Modern / Contemporary dance
Contemporary dance must include exercises in the centre only showing different movements of the torso, shifts of weight, balances, leg extensions, floorwork with different rolls and shifts of weight on different bodyparts, across-the-floor progressions of turns, jumps, leaps. Do combinations with variety of dynamics, changing levels and qualities. Both sexes please wear single colour unitard or tight fitting dance pants and top/t-shirt in same colour and use bare feet. Length: approx. 15 min.

D: Jazz dance
This must include exercises in the centre only showing flat back, isolations of different bodyparts, balances, leg extensions and stretches; across-the-floor progression including pas-de-bourre, parallel pirouettes and kicks in all directions.Do combinations demonstrating a range of dynamics, rhythmic shifts and styles. Both sexes please wear single colour unitard or tight fitting dance pants and top/t-shirt in same colour. Use Jazz shoes. Length: approx. 15 min.

E. Solo

Repertory excerpt: your own composition or improvisation demonstrating a range of dynamics, levels, tempos, qualities and styles. Maximum 2 minutes total.


Please be sure to upload / send us your complete application with respective attachments as soon as possible and before the deadline. The video may be sent in at the same time, or as soon as possible afterwards. For more information please see the application form and our website: