Ireby with Leck Parish Council

Ireby with Leck Parish Council

Ireby with Leck Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Kevin M Price

Braeside, Low Greenhills, Crook, Kendal, Cumbria. LA8 8LA.

Telephone 07712-430932

31st October 2017.

Dear Councillors,

You are summoned to attend a meetingof Ireby with Leck Parish Council, to be held at the Fraser Hall, Cowan Bridge, on Friday 10th November2017, commencing at 6pm.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin M Price

Kevin M Price. Parish Clerk.


  1. Apologies for absence – to receive and consider apologies for absence from Councillors unable to be present at this meeting.
  1. Public participation - to hear comments or questions from Electors of the parish (usually limited to 15 minutes in total)
  1. Requests for Dispensations - The Clerk to report any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and\or vote on any matter where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest.
  1. Declarations of Interest - to receive declarations by elected and co-opted members of interests in respect of items on this agenda.
  1. Minutes – to sign as a true record, if thought fit, the minutes of the meeting held on 4th August 2017.
  1. Police Report – to receive a report from the Community Police Officer (if present)
  1. County and City matters – to receive brief comments from County and City Councillors (if present)
  1. YDNPA Ranger Services - Robert Ashford, YDNPA Ranger, will speak on Ranger Services, the Sustainable Development Fund and Boundary Signs.
  1. Financial business:
  1. To authorise the following payments:

HMRC£214.00PAYE (to note)

K M Price£142.32Quarterly expenses to 30th September

including use of home office and travel

  1. To receive a report from the External Auditor on the Council’s accounts for 2016-17.
  1. To note the cash and budget statements (attached)
  1. To consider future Payroll Administration (details to be circulated)
  1. Emergency Plan - to receive an update, and a report on the Emergency Exercise Moorgarth event organised by Mark Bartlett, Civil Contingencies Officer at Lancaster CC, attended by the Chairman.
  1. YDNPA - to receive reports of Councillor's attendance at recent Parish Forums held at Ingleton and Sedbergh.
  1. Reports - to receivereports as follows:
  1. Action Group
  2. LALC Representatives
  1. Planning:
  1. To consider any new planning applications, including:

L/03/2B Fell Side Barn, Leck. Section 73 application for variation of Condition 1 of L/03/2A in respect of revised roof glazing detail.

  1. To note any decisions, notified to the Council by the Planning Authority, including:

L/03/2A Fell Side Barn, Leck Fell Road, Leck. Erection of dwelling incorporating the remaining walls of a former barn (approved for conversion to a dwelling under prior approval ref: 16/00424/PAA by Lancaster City Council). (Part Retrospective). Granted.

  1. Communications within the parish- to consider any matters relating to the following:
  1. Council website (Parish Clerk)
  2. Notice Board (Chairman)
  3. Response to comments in the 'Leck News' (Councillor Hyde)
  1. Correspondence - the Chairman and Clerk will bring to the attention of the Council any relevant correspondence, including phone calls & emails.
  1. Datesfor2018 meetings – to consider proposed dates for meetings during 2018 (to be circulated).