Iorwerth JonesApplication Form 2016/17

Iorwerth Jones: befriending adults with mental health conditions including patients with dementia.

Types of wards:

  • Cefn Onn: 10 bed mixed rehabilitation ward.
  • Coed Y Nant: 16 bed female extended assessment dementia ward.
  • Coed Y Felin: 19 bed male extended assessment dementia ward.

When: Wednesday 2-4pm, fortnightly.

Volunteer role: Volunteers will interact and befriend patients across the three wards. The mixed rehabilitation ward allows for more activity based sessions and the dementia related wards are similar to Llandough hospital wards with more applicable activities e.g. discussing memory boxes, offering companionship and conversations. Volunteers on the mixed rehabilitation ward will pre-plan activities for their session. This may include activities such as a Christmas party, card making and a quiz afternoon.

Transport: Volunteers will get a shared taxi. (Travel expenses covered by SVC).

Commitment is essential as volunteers go in pairs onto the ward.

Full Name:______
Sex: ______
Age: ______

Email: ______

Phone Number: ______

Tick the boxes which apply to you:

Undergraduate: Graduate:Postgraduate:

Year of study: ______

Employed:Community Member:

Why do you want to apply for the Iorwerth Jones Project?______

Please specify which ward you would prefer. ______

Give details of course studied and/or current employment: ______

Give details of any relevant volunteering/ work experience. (Don’t worry if you have none!). Please clearly state what your roles and responsibilities are/were. ______

What do you think it might be like for someone with dementia? What activities would this person appreciate?


If assigned to Cefn Onn, the mixed rehabilitation ward, what activities would you plan for the patients? (N.B. volunteers on this ward will make a weekly poster and host a specific activity session for the patients) ______

What would you do if someone at Iorwerth Jones displayed challenging behaviour towards you? ______

How would you motivate and engage patients during your visit?


What skills do you possess that you think make you suitable for volunteering at Iorwerth Jones? (Tip: When you make a statement about a skill you possess, e.g. ‘I work well in a team’, give a specific example of when you have done this/ what you achieved. Then relate it back to the project you are applying for; how would your ability to work well in a team be useful on the project?) ______

*** You MUST be committed. Patients will come to look forward to or depend on your visits. Think carefully whether you can make the necessary commitment to a project. Please also bear in mind the 3 strike rule and if you miss sessions you will be removed from the project. ***

Also you must remember that some weeks may be quiet and due to the nature of mental health conditions sometimes patients will not want to interact. Volunteers must be confident and proactive on the ward.

Details of next of kin

These details will be kept confidential and will only be used in case of an emergency to contact your next of kin.


Relationship: ______

Home Number: ______

Mobile Number: ______

Questions for training sessions

You are required to attend compulsory project specific training for all of the mental health projects. If you have any questions which you would like answered at the training, please write them below:______